Big Doors icon

Big Doors -----

Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!

  • Fix support for Minecraft < 1.20. Whoops!
----------, Dec 6, 2024

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21.4.
----------, Dec 4, 2024

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21.3. Thanks, Danoj, ewof, Anon8281, and Bloody_Mind, for the heads-up!
----------, Dec 2, 2024

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21.1. Thanks, Bloody_Mind, for the heads-up!
  • Register missing commands. Thanks, oldmanbash, for the bug report!
----------, Aug 11, 2024

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.21.
  • Fix negative maxAutoCloseTimer values not counting as unlimited. Thanks, King, for the bug report!
----------, Jun 15, 2024

  • Fixed accidentally removing support for 1.20.4. Whoops! Thanks, TylorTurner, for the bug report!
----------, May 14, 2024

  • Added support for Paper 1.20.6.
  • Updated resource pack list.
  • Fix support for < MC 1.14.
----------, May 13, 2024

  • Added support for MC 1.20.5.
  • Added a config option setCustomName to control whether animated blocks have a custom name. Default: false.
  • Switched to PersistentDataContainer for animated entity identification instead of custom names.
  • Added the method boolean BigDoors#isBigDoorsEntity(Entity) so other plugins can easily check if a specific entity is managed by this plugin.
----------, Apr 29, 2024

  • Added support for MC 1.20.4.
  • Updated database to v9.
  • Added bypassProtections property to doors. Doors with this property set to true will ignore all protection plugins (e.g. WorldGuard, PlotSquared, etc).
  • Added the command /setBypassProtections <doorName || doorUID> <true || false> to set the bypassProtections property of a door. Permission node: bigdoors.admin.setbypassprotections.
  • Added a new GUI button to set the bypassProtections property of a door. This button is only visible if you have the bigdoors.admin.setbypassprotections permission node.
----------, Feb 13, 2024

- Add support for MC 1.20.2.
- Fixed database error after sudden breaking change in the SQLite JDBC driver. Thanks, Bonn2, for the bug report!
- Fixed doors not being toggled when their powerblock is activated by placing a redstone block next to it either directly or using a piston. Thanks, zioforcella, for the bug report!
----------, Oct 8, 2023

  • Fix NMS code broken on recent builds of Spigot (and forks). Thanks, SlimeDog, for the bug report!
  • Drop support for Konquest. It turns out that the hook had been broken for a while, and I haven't received any reports about it. If you're still using Konquest, please let me know!
  • Do not allow doors to be toggled before all plugins have been enabled. This fixes timeout issues caused by the scheduler not running yet. Thanks, SlimeDog, for the bug report!
----------, Aug 22, 2023

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.20.
  • Fix modern (1.13+) stairs not being rotated correctly. Thanks, Tuchan, for the bug report!
----------, Jun 8, 2023

- Improved database export to AnimatedArchitecture format.
----------, May 22, 2023

The first preview of the upcoming big update for this plugin is now available! More information HERE!

  • Add 1.19.4 support.
  • Add support for PlotSquared 7. Thanks, Bloody_Mind, for the suggestion!
  • Add the "/BigDoors PrepareDatabaseForV2" command. This will export your database to the format used by v2. Note that both the export and v2 are still experimental!
  • Fix a rare issue with retrieving permissions for offline players that could result in a server crash. Thanks, VikEnd, for the bug report!
  • BREAKING API CHANGE: The return value of attempting to toggle a door is now a CompletableFuture. The old (now deprecated) methods still exist, but may return an ERROR state despite the door toggling just fine (eventually).
----------, Mar 23, 2023

  • Fix startup issue on older versions of MC. Thanks, Trombettino, for the report!
  • Add config option to change how to count the number of doors a player owns (defaults to only include doors created by the player). Thanks, Chris6ix, for the suggestion!
----------, Jan 2, 2023

  • Write the changelog to the console when an update is available.
  • Add some functionality to aid the exciting new physics addon.
  • Add 1.19 resource packs.
----------, Dec 30, 2022

  • Add support for MC 1.19.3.
  • Add support for GriefDefender v2. Thanks, haroldrc, for the heads-up!
  • Add support for Medieval Factions 5. Thanks, OGVampire, for the suggestion!
  • Add config option to refund doors on delete. Thanks, LoneTiger, for the suggestion!
  • Add new event: DoorDeleteEvent. This is called after a door is deleted.
  • Blacklist ores by default when mcMMO is installed.
----------, Dec 17, 2022

  • Add support for 1.19.1.
  • Force legacy materials stuff to run on init to avoid slowdowns later on. Thanks, YoshiiKun_, for the report!
----------, Aug 1, 2022

  • Fix issue with protection hooks for offline players on MC 1.17.x and 1.18.x caused by a failure to correctly count to 3.
----------, Jun 17, 2022

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.19.
  • Fixed bottom row of blocks sometimes lagging behind the rest of the door when dragging over other blocks (BigDoor, SlidingDoor).
  • Allow certain types of attached blocks (e.g. torches, rails, plants, redstone, etc) to be part of doors on 1.18+.
  • Add support for Java 19.
  • Added hook for Konquest. Thanks, Sy, for the suggestion!
  • Added DoorEventAutoToggle to allow other plugins (BDO) to cancel the autoCloseTimer.
----------, Jun 14, 2022

  • Add support for Minecraft 1.18.2. Massive thanks to Bonn2 for helping me test this!
  • Remove duplicated messages in item names/lores in the GUI. Thanks, DjeyMute, for the suggestion!
----------, Mar 13, 2022

  • Fix issue with buttons etc when placed on/next to powerblocks if the powerblocks are too close/inside the door. Thanks, Lilith88, for the bug report!
  • Add bedrock and portal stuff to the default materials blacklist. Thanks, Henriko Magnifico, for the bug report!
  • Fix FakePlayerCreator trying to retrieve a recently-remove method. Thanks, SlimeDog, for the bug report!
----------, Feb 9, 2022

Happy holidays everyone! Time for the last update of the year!
  • Log more information when a door cannot be toggled because there's no available space.
  • Fixed incorrect minimum world height reporting. Thanks, EditChris, for the bug report!
  • Fixed animated blocks disappearing after 100 ticks when used under y=0. Thanks, EditChris, for the bug report!
  • Dropped support for ancient versions of Towny (<=
----------, Dec 22, 2021

  • Fixed missing entry for the resource pack for 1.18. Thanks, N1ghthauq and ToBugs, for the bug reports!
----------, Dec 17, 2021

  • Added full support for Minecraft 1.18.
  • Added code generation to generate the required code for unsupported versions. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the config via the "allowCodeGeneration" and the "forceCodeGeneration" options. This can only be used to generate code for versions after 1.17.
  • Removed a bunch of unused code to make updates a bit easier going forward.
  • Fix the /namedoor command giving you more sticks when running the command multiple times. Thanks, MiniMoro, for the bug report!
  • Add /newslidingdoor command as a shortcut command for creating new sliding doors. Thanks, Vexius, for the suggestion!
  • Update Lands integration for version 5 series. Thanks, Nimari, for the bug report and helping out resolving some issues!
  • Fixed issue with restart command where certain configurations may cause issues with other plugins. Thanks, Nimari, for the bug report!
  • Added support for PlotSquared v6. Thanks, Leahcim_krob, for the suggestion!
  • Fixed incorrect bounds checking for protection hooks. Thanks, Nimari, for the bug report!
  • Added destroyList config option to determine which types of blocks can be destroyed by a door toggle. Defaults to WATER, LAVA, FERN, (TALL) (SEA)GASS, and SNOW. Before, this was hardcoded to just WATER and LAVA. Thanks, Henriko Magnifico and Tanguygab, for the suggestions!
----------, Dec 3, 2021

  • Removed dev-build warning. Thanks, SlimeDog, for the report!
  • Fixed end rods not rotating in the Big Door type. Thanks, Achaius, for the bug report!
  • Fixed lightning rods not being rotated in drawbridges and big doors.
  • Fixed only being able to set invalid open directions for portcullises in the GUI. Thanks, themarwik and Pumamori, for the bug reports!
----------, Sep 2, 2021

  • The auto-updater is now initialized before checking if the current server version is valid. Thanks, Eldoria, for the bug report!
  • Removed the shadowtoggle command.
  • Added some util methods to opener classes to make them a bit more useful for external plugins.
  • Removed some unused stuff.
  • Updated database to v8.
  • Added protection hook for GriefDefender. Thanks, anon_fawkes, for the suggestion!
  • Added alias for "/BDM": "/doors". This opens the doors GUI. This is much easier to remember for new users. Thanks, GodsDead, for the suggestion!
  • Added config option to disable update checking messages to avoid "spamming" the log.
  • Use variable min/max world height in anticipation of 1.18.
----------, Sep 1, 2021

  • Add full support for Minecraft 1.17.
  • Close all open BigDoors menus on plugin shutdown/restart.
  • Fix restarting the plugin causing the GUI to break if different localization is loaded. Thanks, @Themarwik, for the bug report!
  • Updated XMaterial.
  • Fixed jungle logs not rotating properly in east/south-aligned drawbridges. Thanks, @Nateboy, for the bug report and for helping fix it!
  • Fix PlotSquared v4.4.495 support. All older versions of PlotSquared v4 aren't supported anymore. Thanks, @arma, for the bug report!
----------, Jun 13, 2021

  • Improved checking if the open GUI is ours. Thanks, GodsDead, for the bug report!
  • Fixed admin bypass permissions not being taken into account when using commands. Thanks, yriokiri and Endaar, for the bug reports!
  • When moving a powerblock, selecting the current powerblock's location will no longer tell you that the location is already occupied. Instead, it'll just tell you everything went well.
  • Executing "/listdoors" in the console without any player/doorName argument will now list all doors instead of complain about being unable to find any doors.
  • Added new notification system for door creators. Thanks, IronAR, for the suggestion! This allows door creators to opt-in on a per-door basis to receive notifications whenever a door is toggled.
  • Added config option "allowNotifications" (default: true) to enable/disable the notification system.
  • Added permission node "bigdoors.user.receivenotifications" that gives access to both signing up for and receiving notifications. (again, only the original creator of a door has access to this!)
  • Added command "/setnotification <doorName || doorUID> <true || false>" to enable/disable notifications for a door. There's also a corresponding GUI option.
  • Added new localizable messages for the notification system.
  • Reduced update checker frequency to 12h.
  • Updated database to v7.
  • Updated JCalculator to 1.8.
----------, May 27, 2021

  • Fixed chains not rotating when they should. Thanks, @Sorienrot, for the bug report!
  • Fixed /listplayerdoors <player> always sending its result to the server, even if it was issued by a player. Thanks, @Minecreeper.Isi, for the bug report!
  • Made audio range configurable. Thanks, @OverDhill, for the suggestion!
  • Whenever a chunk with active doors is unloaded, the animations will now be canceled regardless of whether or not the unload is canceled. This also goes for forceloaded chunks. Ignoring forceloaded chunks solves an issue with the server sometimes unloading forceloaded chunks regardless (looking at you, Tuinity). Thanks, @Gorderok, for the bug report!
  • Tighten timing on animation cancellation.
----------, Dec 13, 2020

  • Added support for version 1.16.4 of Minecraft.
  • New command: /listplayerdoors <player>. This command will list all doors owned by the given player. Permission: bigdoors.admin.listplayerdoors.
  • Fixed build permission checking issues for PlotSquared roads. Affects all supported versions of PlotSquared (3-5). Thanks, @xTronix, for the bug report!
  • Made the format of log messages regarding a bit more consistent. Thanks, @SlimeDog, for the suggestion!
  • Added commands: /bigdoors disabletoggle and /bigdoors enabletoggle to disable all door toggles on the server. Disabletoggle also cancels any toggles active when it is called. Permission for both: bigdoors.admin.disabletoggle. Thanks, @SlimeDog, for the suggestion!
----------, Nov 4, 2020

  • Added method to get all available doors. Thanks, @Chojo, for the implementation.
  • Renamed the permission node for changing door direction to "bigdoors.user.direction" so it works with "bigdoors.user.*". Thanks, @Hydridity, for the bug report!
----------, Sep 19, 2020

  • Added support for version 1.16.2 of Minecraft.
  • Added support for PlotSquared v5 (in addition to v3 and v4). Thanks, @xTronix, for the bug report!
  • The update-checker will no longer read the hash of the file if it's not needed; it only reads it right before downloading the latest update now. Thanks, @SlimeDog, for the report!
  • Fixed fast doors (e.g. very small ones) getting toggled twice by the same button. Thanks, @Wolf2323, for the bug report!
----------, Aug 14, 2020

  • Fixed powerblock cache not being invalidated when creating a new door (so you couldn't use it). The cache is also invalidated when removing doors. Thanks, @PirateCraft, for the bug report!
  • Exposed some methods to check which chunks a door might interact with when opening and if they are currently loaded or not.
  • Added new config option "loadChunksForToggle" (default: true) that determines how the plugin handles unloaded chunks. When set to true, it will load any necessary chunks and move the blocks without animation. When set to false, it will abort the toggle attempt (and not load any chunks).
  • Added new config option "skipUnloadedAutoCloseToggle" (default: true) that will prevent a door being toggled in unloaded chunks if it has an autoCloseTimer set, to avoid unnecessary chunk loading. Only takes effect if "loadChunksForToggle" is enabled.
  • Added new config option "maxPowerBlockDistance" (default: -1 (unlimited)) that, as the name implies, limits the maximum distance between a powerblock and the door it belongs to (its engine, specifically). Thanks, @PirateCraft, for the suggestion!
  • Added new config option "maxAutoCloseTimer" (default 6000 (=5 mins)) that determines the time limit for autoCloseTimers.
----------, Aug 1, 2020

  • Added full support for 1.16's new blocks so you no longer have to manually add them to the whitelist. Thanks, @TheDarkOneKiller, for the bug report!
  • Permissions now default to OPs again.
  • Removed Spiget in favor of GitHub releases, as Spiget proved to be too unreliable.
  • Renamed the "bigdoors.user" permission node to "bigdoors.user.base", so that "bigdoors.user.*" will include the most important permissions as well.
  • A portcullis will now respect its open direction, even if there is no space to go in that direction. Thanks, @Xph11, for the bug report!
----------, Jul 27, 2020

  • Abort initialization in certain invalid environments. This can be bypassed, but doing so is NOT SUPPORTED!!
  • Added information about why a command failed if the plugin failed to initialize properly.
  • Fixed portcullises and sliding doors getting 'stuck' when they could not find a direction to go in.
  • Added configurable, global blocksToMove limit for doors such as sliding doors. This should help avoid unnecessary stress for servers caused by malicious players. Thanks, @jim for the suggestion!
  • Fixed Sliding Doors not properly reporting their old and new locations to the protection manager, allowing you to completely bypass it in certain situations. Thanks, @jim, for your report and your help!
  • Fixed GUI-related NPE. Thanks, @JMCY26, for the bug report!
  • Fixed being able to access "/bigdoors menu" even if you didn't have permission to access the menu. Thanks, @AntiMaid, for the report!
  • Permissions are no longer enabled by default. Opt-out permissions are simply too confusing and annoying.
  • The config will no longer ignore and remove non-solid blocks from its white/blacklists (powerblocks can only be solid blocks still). This is needed because some non-solid blocks can be animated these days. Thanks, @NiGHTS, for the bug report!
----------, Jul 12, 2020

  • Fixed concurrency issue where a door could be toggled more than once under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed drawbridges not respecting the defined OpenDirection value. Thanks, @Death By, for the bug report!
  • Fixed being unable to delete any doors as a player when using the door's UID.
----------, Jul 7, 2020

  • Fixed NPE when trying to open/close/toggle doors as a non-player. Thanks, @SlimeDog, for the bug report!
----------, Jun 30, 2020

  • Added initial support for version 1.16 of minecraft.
  • Fixed crash on startup if the custom translation file contained invalid lines. Thanks, @TaoXiaoBai, for the bug report!
  • Fixed GUI bypassing user permissions regarding door attributes. Thanks, @PirateCraft, for the bug report!
  • Added "bigdoors.user.lock" permission node for (un)locking doors.

Also, check out Big Doors Opener (created by @Eldoria). It's an addon that allows you to automatically open doors based on conditions such as player proximity, player permissions, or time of day!
----------, Jun 29, 2020

  • Fixed bug with the latest version of Towny. Thanks, @Master, for the bug report!
  • Added some methods to the Commander to make extending this plugin a bit easier (specifically for instances).
  • Fixed stained glass (panes and blocks) changing colors in rotating door types (e.g. Doors). Thanks, @MrLoenkie, for the bug report!
----------, May 23, 2020

  • Changed logging level of messages about no items being blacklisted or whitelisted from WARN to INFO. Thanks, @SlimeDog for the report!
  • Drawbridges will now figure out which way to open when created in their open position (i.e. flat). Thanks, @BobbyMC for the report!
  • Fixed portcullises showing incorrect open direction options in the GUI. Thanks, @SlimeDog for the report!
  • Fixed drawbridges showing invalid open direction options in the GUI.
  • Added RedProtect support. Thanks, @Rebellion for the suggestion!
  • Fixed default direction selection for doors that are open when toggled first.
  • Added option to disable logging to the log file. Thanks, @SlimeDog for the suggestion!
  • Added DoorEventTogglePrepare, DoorEventToggleStart, and DoorEventToggleEnd, which are fired when a door is toggled. DoorEventTogglePrepare is Cancellable, the other two are not.
  • Fixed some issues with the resource pack system. Including an issue where disabling it actually enabled it and the other way round... Whoops! Thanks, @giovanny196, for the bug report!
----------, Apr 25, 2020

  • Updated to the latest version of XMaterial, which is supposed to bring some performance improvements in the areas concerning materials.
  • Added beehive and bee nest to the material blacklist.
  • Fixed bypass permission node for toggling doors not allowing people to toggle doors via commands if they did not own them. Thanks, @ReshiStar for the bug report.
  • Added support for "Lands" (the land claim plugin). Thanks, @serhanekmekci for the request and @Angeschossen for generously providing access to their plugin!
  • Using negative speed values now results in an instant toggle (so no animations). Example: "/ToggleDoor 42 -1.0" to instantly toggle a door with ID 42. Thanks, @Keifranien for the suggestion!
  • Updated the resource pack for version 1.15 of Minecraft. Additionally, the config now uses a boolean value instead of a URL. Thanks, @wjtonline for the report!
  • Added BELL to the material blacklist by default to avoid duplication. Thanks, @Achaius for the report!
  • Added whitelist option to the config to override the hardcoded blacklist (as well as the blacklist config option). Also sped up material blacklist checking a bit.
----------, Feb 19, 2020

  • Added support for 1.15.
  • Added "/shadowtoggledoor <doorName/doorUID>" (permission: bigdoors.admin.shadowtoggledoor) command to toggle a door purely in the database (no blocks will be moved). This can be used to fix a desync issue. It should only be used as a last resort!
----------, Dec 11, 2019

  • Fixed materials in 1.12. Thanks, @GameFire99 for the bug report!
  • Updated to JCalculator 1.6 (for the price formulas in the config), fixing issues with exponentiation and adding some more operators.
----------, Oct 14, 2019

  • Added support for Towny. Thanks, @Onions for the suggestion!
  • Fixed incorrect handling of the doorSize limit in the config and the permissions. Thanks, @Onions for the bug report!
  • Fixed sliding doors not respecting protection plugins in some cases.
  • Before moving, doors will now check if the owner is allowed to break the blocks in the old location as well (not just the new location).
  • When a door exceeds either the personal door size limit of the owner or player that activated the door, or the global limit, it cannot be toggled anymore. (it used to only skip the animiation).
  • Removed the "bigdoors.admin.ignoreownership" permission node. This is replaced by the new node: "bigdoors.admin.bypass.<attribute>". The attributes are: "lock", "toggle", "info", "delete", "relocatepowerblock", "changetime", "blockstomove", "direction", "addowner", and "removeowner".
  • Fixed error thrown by TimedCache. Thanks, @Sneaky_42 for the bug report!
  • Added material blacklist to the config.
  • Fixed GUI buttons in 1.11. Thanks, @HakanUnsalP for the bug report!
  • GUI translations now respect newlines. Thanks, @sovos for the bug report!
  • Added Lanterns to the blacklist to avoid item duplication. Thanks, @Mace for the bug report!
----------, Sep 27, 2019

  • Fixed sounds being played asynchronously, which broke all doors on the latest build of Spigot. Thanks, @DeathReminds for the bug report!
----------, Sep 12, 2019

Mostly just bug fixes and some first steps towards getting the database ready for BigDoors v2 (these do affect plugin functionality, read more below!).
  • Fixed InsufficientFunds message appearing even if the price is just 0. Thanks, @0fficerMike for the bug report!
  • Added project URL to update available message received on login. Thanks, @Panda_Nesthesia for the suggestion.
  • Fixed "/DoorInfo <doorName>" only working if you provided a doorUID.
  • Fixed doors potentially getting corrupted when toggling power blocks in rapid succession, specifically at medium TPS. Thanks, @Ashh for the bug report and being so patient!
  • ChunkUnloadEvent now also compares worlds before aborting door movement. Thanks, @IkHeetRemco_ for the bug report!
  • Fixed error on player join when trying to send a resource pack to a player that was not allowed to join. Thanks, @Relaxing for the bug report!
  • Added configurable timeout value for commands and raised default timeout to 40 seconds for commands and 120 for door creation. Thanks, @tobugs for the suggestion.
  • Fixed lack of error message when trying to open a door you do not own via command if the invalid door was the first argument.
  • Read-only status of the config file is now respected. It will just show an obnoxious warning message now. Thanks, @bbayu for the bug report!
  • Instead of faceplanting when an error occurs while writing the config file, it'll now give a clear error message so I can resolve the issue. Thanks, @bbayu for the bug report!
  • Fixed issue with LuckPerms. Thanks, @Relaxing, and others for the bug reports!
  • Fixed CAVE_AIR (???) not being treated like regular air, meaning it could prevent doors from opening. Thanks, @ChurchT for the bug report!
  • Fixed ladder and pressure plate duplication. Thanks, @mindw0rm for the bug report!
  • Updated XMaterial. Fixes issues with stained clay in <= 1.12. Thanks, @PaulBan for the bug report!
  • Fixed issue with JCalculator. Thanks, @bbayu, and @Netrick for your bug reports.
  • OPs and players with the "bigdoors.admin.ignoreownership" permission node can now access all doors via commands, even if they don't own them.
  • Cleaned up the formatting of the default translation file a bit.
  • Fixed minor memory leak when players disconnect with their BigDoors menu still open.
  • Using new update checker. Dev builds now force enable update checking + updating, so people don't linger on them after they've been released.
  • Added "/BigDoors upgradedatabaseforv2" command that will prepare the database for v2 of BigDoors. Note that there is no way back, so DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND!!
  • In further preparation of v2 of BigDoors, the naive opening system has been deprecated.
    What this means, is that whenever a door that does not have an explicitly defined openDirection (default), they will set the open direction they find when they are first toggled.
    The old system where you could determine the direction a door would go by blocking the other directions will therefore ONLY work the first time you open a door.
    After that it will ALWAYS go in that direction unless you change it via the GUI / Commands.
  • Removed NONE open direction option from the GUI + commands.
  • Updated database to v6.
  • Removed "bigdoors.user.createdoor" permission node. It was redundant (you need "bigdoors.user.createdoor.<type>" anyway). Thanks to everyone who pointed this out!
  • Fixed players being able to use various without the required permission nodes.
  • Added permissions to plugin.yml.
----------, Sep 7, 2019

- Fixed being able to modify properties of doors (and delete them) you have no access to via direct commands when using doorUIDs.
- Fixed PlotSquared compatibility in both old and new versions of PlotSquared. Thanks, @mindw0rm for the bug report!
- Added protection hook for GriefPrevention. Thanks, @tobugs for the suggestion!
----------, Jun 25, 2019

- Introduced "/killbigdoorsentities" command to kill all entities created by this plugin. To be used in case some get left behind for whatever reason. If that happens, I'd still like to hear about it, though. In theory, you should never have to use this command.
----------, Jun 6, 2019

- Fixed bounds checking for rotation point of doors and drawbridges. Thanks, @Blaster76606 for the bug report.
- Fixed incorrect import. Auto-updater will work again. Thanks, @Auroman for the bug report!
- 1-block-wide drawbridges are now allowed, but only if created when flat!
----------, May 20, 2019

- Fixed missing openDirection option for the portcullis type. Thanks, @RetroCh1cken for the bug report!
- Fixed autoCloseTimers potentially overlapping. Thanks, @RetroCh1cken for the bug report!
- Selection tool is removed from player's inventory if they log out before finishing or timing out any process involving a selection tool.
- Selection tool cannot be moved into chests etc anymore.
- Soft removed Elevator door type to avoid confusion. When reintroduced (with elevating capabilities), they'll show up as elevators again. Until then, they look and function like portcullises.
- Removed 1 block depth restriction from portcullises.
- Added support for 1.14's new blocks.
- Added missing multipliers for the new door types to the config. Thanks, @kristinr96 for the report!
- Instead of a single powerblocktype, the config now accepts a list of materials.
- Fixed NPE thrown by bypassCompat when checking for offline players. Thanks, @bolleboor and @mafen for the bug reports!
- Fixed incorrect import throwing errors. Thanks, @Relaxing for the bug report!
- Disabled debug mode (so auto-updater works again. Whoops :oops:)
----------, May 19, 2019

- Connected blocks (i.e. fences, iron bars, panes, etc) now stay connected in portcullises, sliding doors, and elevators in 1.13.* and 1.14.*.
- Fixed regular doors (and presumably other blocks) spawning ghost versions when used in a door. Thanks, @RedYoshi for the bug report!
----------, May 15, 2019

- Added permission node "bigdoors.admin.bypasscompat" to bypass compatibility hooks like WorldGuard and PlotSquared (door creation and toggling).
- OPs also bypass compatibility hooks.
- When a compatibility hook doesn't allow you to create a door somewhere, you'll now be notified which specific hook is blocking access.
----------, May 8, 2019

- Fixes potential issues caused by accidental inclusion of experimental code. Excuse the messy update!
----------, May 1, 2019

- Fixed incorrect import. Thanks, @mmuziek for the bug report!
----------, May 1, 2019

- Added plugin.yml again. Thanks, @mmuziek for the bug report!
----------, May 1, 2019

- Added support for version 1.14 of Minecraft.
- Fixed (harmless) error on startup when using non-default language file.
- Fixed plugin breaking when depending on a broken compatibility plugin (e.g. WorldGuard). Thanks, @kristinr96 for the bug report!
- Fixed plugin breaking when Vault was enabled but not hooked into an economy plugin. Thanks, @kristinr96 for the bug report!
----------, May 1, 2019

- Added "/BigDoors restart" to reload the config and the translation file and generally reinitialize everything.
- "/BigDoors" no longer opens GUI. Use "/BDM" or "/BigDoors Menu" instead.
- Added (very) basic help menu for /BigDoors.
- Fixed translation for setting close timer. Thanks, @WHiZSTA.
- Doors can now go through water and lava.
- Added DEBUG option in the config that you should not use!! Just leave it on false.
- Made update checking a little less frequent (once every 4h now (and on startup) instead of every 30 mins).
- Fixed incompatibility with Wireless Redstone. Thanks, @DaniRadio for the bug report!
- Fixed terracotta accidentally being blacklisted in <1.13.*. Thanks, @Minestick for the bug report!
- Added "/fillDoor" command to quickly generate doors.
- Added sliding door and elevator door types. Note that you cannot ride elevators (yet)!
- Added translations.
- Fixed timing issues with door creation again. Should be the last time :)
- Added caching for redstone requests.
- Added compatibility hooks for PlotSquared (v3 and v4) and WorldGuard (v6 and v7).
- Added config options for the compatibility hooks.
- Added blocksToMove attribute for sliding doors, elevators, and portcullises.
- Added command "/setBlocksToMove <doorName || doorUID> <distance>" and GUI button to change how far the "door" will try to open.
- DB upgraded to v5.
- Added config option (default = true) to create a backup of the database before performing an upgrade. I hope it'll never be necessary, but if it is, it'll be there!
- Added door ownership tiers. Level 0 = owner, level 1 = admin (full access), level 2 = user (can use door, but not edit it).
- Added "/BigDoors addOwner <doorUID || doorName> <Player || PlayerUUID> [permission level (int)]" and corresponding removeOwner commands to share ownership of a door.
- Added addOwner and removeOwner buttons to GUI.
- Made en_US.txt (default locale file) read-only to make it a bit more clear that you should not edit it (as changes are overwritten).
- Rewrote all GUI code to make my life easier and this plugin a little faster.
- Added option to sort doors in GUI alphabetically (name) or numerically (ID).
- Now storing player names in db (easier and faster).
- Simplified calculations. About 40% faster for medium sized doors. The bigger the door, the bigger the improvement.
- Added economy support. You can set a price (flat or formula) for every door. Supported operators are -,+,*,/,min(a,b),max(a,b),abs(),sqrt(),^,%.
- Added "bigdoors.maxsize.<maxSize>" permission node to determine the max door size a player/group can make.
- Fixed block counting.

Special thanks to @Achaius and everyone else who helped me test everything and came up with new ideas!
----------, Apr 23, 2019

- Fix door items in GUI in 1.12. Thanks, @bbayu for the bug report!
- Fixed end rod rotation in drawbridges. Thanks, @Achaius for the report!
- Got rid of a debug message. Thanks, @KevUndead for the report!
- Added auto-update option.
----------, Oct 9, 2018

- Fixed NPE when air blocks are used in a door of any type. Thanks, @MrEMan for the bug report!
- Fixed stripped logs in 1.13.* not being rotated when placed. They still won't rotate mid-animation, though. Thanks, @MrEMan for the bug report!
- Fixed colored blocks in < 1.13 in drawbridges. Thanks, @Dragon_12dk for the bug report!
----------, Oct 2, 2018

- Fixed Door creation process (all types). Thanks, @WHiZSTA for helping me figure out what was going on!
- Each door type now has its own door item type in GUI. No longer randomly assigned. Thanks, @WHiZSTA for the suggestion!
- Added success messages for changing auto close timer. Thanks, @WHiZSTA, again :D
- Auto-close timer now overrides door availability status (cooldown). Again, thanks @WHiZSTA. :D
- Definitely fixed NPE thrown from GUI. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.
- Doors can be added to the database again. Might be useful, eh?
----------, Sep 25, 2018

Found some issues in 0.1.7 I cannot fix until tomorrow, so putting this placeholder here until I have more time.
----------, Sep 24, 2018

- Stopping the server while opening doors no longer results in disappearing doorblocks.
- Unloading chunks containing animated doors no longer results in disappearing doorblocks.
- Added coolDown option in the config file.
- Added bigdoors.own.x permission node to limit number of doors a user can own to x.
- Added "/InspectPowerBlockLoc" to get door info from a power block.
- Added more text to translation file and reorganized it.
- Added "/CloseDoor" and "/ToggleDoor". Open, Toggle and Close commands all toggle a door when no opendirection was set. When a door does have an opendirection, they do exactly what you'd expect.
- Added more info to /DoorInfo
- Added "/SetAutoCloseTime <Door ID/Name> <Time>".
- Added specific drawbridge creator button in GUI.
- Added button to change opening direction for doors to GUI.
- Added button to change auto close timer for doors to GUI.
- Fixed case where not all doors would show up in the GUI.
- Fixed doors that were deleted still showing up in the GUI.
- Fixed drawbridges finishing on the other side than they should in certain situations.
- Fixed anvils not rotating correctly in certain positions and added support for slightly/badly damaged anvils.
- Fixed !BDCancel! message when using /BDCancel.
- Fixed connected blocks in 1.13. Still broken in 1.12
- Changed "/NewDoor" command to take these flags: -bd, -db, -pc.
- Changed door creation process. Door and drawbridge creation are now completely separated.
- Changed Door/Drawbridge creation process to be more strict. Rotation point must be in min/max y range.
- Now loading correct default resource pack based on MC version (in config, can still be disabled, don't worry).
- Removed "/OpenDoors". You can now just use /OpenDoor.
- Removed cobblestone walls from blacklist again.
- General code improvements.
- Tweaked audio so all sounds should have roughly the same volume (which is also lower than it was before).
----------, Sep 24, 2018

- New animation algorithms! Prettier, much less error-prone, smaller, and ~30% faster!
- Added support for custom sounds via a resource pack. Thank you @Achaius for all your help with this!
- Added config options for resource pack loading.
- Added portcullis/drawbridge/door speed multiplier variables in the config.
- Speed variable (now called time) in the API now describes amount of time (measured in seconds) it will take to open a door of any type.
- Now using variable tickrate based on door speed and size! Faster = higher tickrate, slower = lower tickrate.
- Fixed materials such as andesite turning into stone in < 1.13. (again... Thank you, 1.13).
- Added "/bdversion" command to display the version of this plugin.
- Double steps no longer allowed for now, as they bug out everything.
- Added support for using "/ListDoors <DoorName || PlayerName || PlayerUUID>" from console.
- Added support for using "/DoorInfo <DoorUID>" from console.
- Fixed NPE thrown when using "/ChangePowerBlockLoc" using a name that has more than 1 or 0 result(s).
- Anvils now rotate when used in a door.
- Blacklisted cobblestone walls, as they don't behave properly.
----------, Sep 17, 2018

- Fixed GUI in 1.13.x, thank you @Achaius for the bug report!
- Improved timings for smaller doors.
- Fixed getting door info from GUI.
- Fixed /BDCancel when creating portcullis or relocating power block.
----------, Sep 8, 2018

- Improved support for blocks introduced in version 1.13 of Minecraft. Thanks @Ashleyekm for the bug report and @Hex_27 for his XMaterial class, making my life a bit easier :D.
- Added optional "-p" flag to the "/NewDoor" command, to make a portcullis instead of a drawbridge/door. The full command is now "/NewDoor [-p] <DoorName>".
- Fixed redstone signals on top of power blocks not triggering the power block.
----------, Sep 4, 2018

Same as the old version, no need to download this, just wanted to get rid of the faulty update!!
----------, Sep 4, 2018

- Improved support for blocks introduced in version 1.13 of Minecraft. Thanks @Ashleyekm for the bug report and @Hex_27 for his XMaterial class, making my life a bit easier :D.
- Added optional "-p" flag to the "/NewDoor" command, to make a portcullis instead of a drawbridge/door. The full command is now "/NewDoor [-p] <DoorName>".
- Fixed redstone signals on top of power blocks not triggering the power block.
----------, Sep 4, 2018

- Fixed NPE thrown when attempting to open a door on fresh installs. Note that if you got this error, you will need to regenerate your database! Thanks @antiPerson for your report!
----------, Sep 3, 2018

- Added portcullis door type! Can be created using /NewPortcullis <PortcullisName> or via the GUI.
- Fixed locking doors in GUI.
- Added power block location to "/DoorInfo <DoorName>" command.
----------, Sep 3, 2018

- Added power block relocation either via /changepowerblockloc <DoorName> or simply via the GUI if you can't be bothered to spend the rest of the day typing that command.
- Fixed GUI cutting off numbers at certain numbers.
- Code improvements (fewer unnecessary calculations).
----------, Sep 2, 2018

- Added basic API for opening/closing doors (with varying speed or instantly).
- Doors/Bridges exceeding a maximum number of blocks (as set in the config) will now open instantly (so no animated blocks).
- Fixed drawbridge powerblock location determination on creation. If powerblocks don't work for a drawbridge, try recreating it.
- Fixed some redstone related issues.
- Corrected version number.
----------, Sep 1, 2018

- Got rid of inventory debug messages...
----------, Aug 27, 2018

- Fixed GUI not working, thanks @SamB440!
- Fixed possible NPE, thanks @SamB440 again! :D
----------, Aug 27, 2018

- Added support for version 1.13.1 of Minecraft, thank you @SamB440 for the heads up!
----------, Aug 27, 2018

- Added support for version 1.13 of Minecraft.
----------, Aug 26, 2018

- Fixed issue with using /OpenDoors in the console.
- Removed debug message... Whoops.
- Hopefully fixed incorrect "There is an update" message.
----------, Aug 25, 2018

  • Added drawbridges.
  • Added bStats.
  • Added update checker.
  • Added /bdcancel to stop door creation process.
  • Added support for colors and \n in translation file.
  • Now regenerating en_US.txt so no more missing messages on updates...
  • Fixed blocks such as andesite turning into regular stone.
  • Fixed stairs not rotating properly in doors.
  • Now checking full new area where doors will be put before opening.
  • Now removing door creation tools on shutdown.
  • More messages moved/added to translation file.
----------, Aug 25, 2018

- Added support for version 1.12 of Minecraft.
- Fixed redstone activation.
----------, Jul 12, 2018

- New feature added! You can now actually load the plugin!
----------, Jul 12, 2018

- Fixed crash on startup.
----------, Jul 12, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 121,171
First Release: Jul 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings