Big Doors icon

Big Doors -----

Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!

Lots of improvements.
- New animation algorithms! Prettier, much less error-prone, smaller, and ~30% faster!
- Added support for custom sounds via a resource pack. Thank you @Achaius for all your help with this!
- Added config options for resource pack loading.
- Added portcullis/drawbridge/door speed multiplier variables in the config.
- Speed variable (now called time) in the API now describes amount of time (measured in seconds) it will take to open a door of any type.
- Now using variable tickrate based on door speed and size! Faster = higher tickrate, slower = lower tickrate.
- Fixed materials such as andesite turning into stone in < 1.13. (again... Thank you, 1.13).
- Added "/bdversion" command to display the version of this plugin.
- Double steps no longer allowed for now, as they bug out everything.
- Added support for using "/ListDoors <DoorName || PlayerName || PlayerUUID>" from console.
- Added support for using "/DoorInfo <DoorUID>" from console.
- Fixed NPE thrown when using "/ChangePowerBlockLoc" using a name that has more than 1 or 0 result(s).
- Anvils now rotate when used in a door.
- Blacklisted cobblestone walls, as they don't behave properly.
----------, Sep 17, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 121,264
First Release: Jul 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings