Big Doors icon

Big Doors -----

Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!

  • Fixed powerblock cache not being invalidated when creating a new door (so you couldn't use it). The cache is also invalidated when removing doors. Thanks, @PirateCraft, for the bug report!
  • Exposed some methods to check which chunks a door might interact with when opening and if they are currently loaded or not.
  • Added new config option "loadChunksForToggle" (default: true) that determines how the plugin handles unloaded chunks. When set to true, it will load any necessary chunks and move the blocks without animation. When set to false, it will abort the toggle attempt (and not load any chunks).
  • Added new config option "skipUnloadedAutoCloseToggle" (default: true) that will prevent a door being toggled in unloaded chunks if it has an autoCloseTimer set, to avoid unnecessary chunk loading. Only takes effect if "loadChunksForToggle" is enabled.
  • Added new config option "maxPowerBlockDistance" (default: -1 (unlimited)) that, as the name implies, limits the maximum distance between a powerblock and the door it belongs to (its engine, specifically). Thanks, @PirateCraft, for the suggestion!
  • Added new config option "maxAutoCloseTimer" (default 6000 (=5 mins)) that determines the time limit for autoCloseTimers.
----------, Aug 1, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 121,264
First Release: Jul 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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