Big Doors icon

Big Doors -----

Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!

Mostly just bug fixes and some first steps towards getting the database ready for BigDoors v2 (these do affect plugin functionality, read more below!).
  • Fixed InsufficientFunds message appearing even if the price is just 0. Thanks, @0fficerMike for the bug report!
  • Added project URL to update available message received on login. Thanks, @Panda_Nesthesia for the suggestion.
  • Fixed "/DoorInfo <doorName>" only working if you provided a doorUID.
  • Fixed doors potentially getting corrupted when toggling power blocks in rapid succession, specifically at medium TPS. Thanks, @Ashh for the bug report and being so patient!
  • ChunkUnloadEvent now also compares worlds before aborting door movement. Thanks, @IkHeetRemco_ for the bug report!
  • Fixed error on player join when trying to send a resource pack to a player that was not allowed to join. Thanks, @Relaxing for the bug report!
  • Added configurable timeout value for commands and raised default timeout to 40 seconds for commands and 120 for door creation. Thanks, @tobugs for the suggestion.
  • Fixed lack of error message when trying to open a door you do not own via command if the invalid door was the first argument.
  • Read-only status of the config file is now respected. It will just show an obnoxious warning message now. Thanks, @bbayu for the bug report!
  • Instead of faceplanting when an error occurs while writing the config file, it'll now give a clear error message so I can resolve the issue. Thanks, @bbayu for the bug report!
  • Fixed issue with LuckPerms. Thanks, @Relaxing, and others for the bug reports!
  • Fixed CAVE_AIR (???) not being treated like regular air, meaning it could prevent doors from opening. Thanks, @ChurchT for the bug report!
  • Fixed ladder and pressure plate duplication. Thanks, @mindw0rm for the bug report!
  • Updated XMaterial. Fixes issues with stained clay in <= 1.12. Thanks, @PaulBan for the bug report!
  • Fixed issue with JCalculator. Thanks, @bbayu, and @Netrick for your bug reports.
  • OPs and players with the "bigdoors.admin.ignoreownership" permission node can now access all doors via commands, even if they don't own them.
  • Cleaned up the formatting of the default translation file a bit.
  • Fixed minor memory leak when players disconnect with their BigDoors menu still open.
  • Using new update checker. Dev builds now force enable update checking + updating, so people don't linger on them after they've been released.
  • Added "/BigDoors upgradedatabaseforv2" command that will prepare the database for v2 of BigDoors. Note that there is no way back, so DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND!!
  • In further preparation of v2 of BigDoors, the naive opening system has been deprecated.
    What this means, is that whenever a door that does not have an explicitly defined openDirection (default), they will set the open direction they find when they are first toggled.
    The old system where you could determine the direction a door would go by blocking the other directions will therefore ONLY work the first time you open a door.
    After that it will ALWAYS go in that direction unless you change it via the GUI / Commands.
  • Removed NONE open direction option from the GUI + commands.
  • Updated database to v6.
  • Removed "bigdoors.user.createdoor" permission node. It was redundant (you need "bigdoors.user.createdoor.<type>" anyway). Thanks to everyone who pointed this out!
  • Fixed players being able to use various without the required permission nodes.
  • Added permissions to plugin.yml.
----------, Sep 7, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 121,264
First Release: Jul 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings