Big Doors icon

Big Doors -----

Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!

Big Update!
- Added "/BigDoors restart" to reload the config and the translation file and generally reinitialize everything.
- "/BigDoors" no longer opens GUI. Use "/BDM" or "/BigDoors Menu" instead.
- Added (very) basic help menu for /BigDoors.
- Fixed translation for setting close timer. Thanks, @WHiZSTA.
- Doors can now go through water and lava.
- Added DEBUG option in the config that you should not use!! Just leave it on false.
- Made update checking a little less frequent (once every 4h now (and on startup) instead of every 30 mins).
- Fixed incompatibility with Wireless Redstone. Thanks, @DaniRadio for the bug report!
- Fixed terracotta accidentally being blacklisted in <1.13.*. Thanks, @Minestick for the bug report!
- Added "/fillDoor" command to quickly generate doors.
- Added sliding door and elevator door types. Note that you cannot ride elevators (yet)!
- Added translations.
- Fixed timing issues with door creation again. Should be the last time :)
- Added caching for redstone requests.
- Added compatibility hooks for PlotSquared (v3 and v4) and WorldGuard (v6 and v7).
- Added config options for the compatibility hooks.
- Added blocksToMove attribute for sliding doors, elevators, and portcullises.
- Added command "/setBlocksToMove <doorName || doorUID> <distance>" and GUI button to change how far the "door" will try to open.
- DB upgraded to v5.
- Added config option (default = true) to create a backup of the database before performing an upgrade. I hope it'll never be necessary, but if it is, it'll be there!
- Added door ownership tiers. Level 0 = owner, level 1 = admin (full access), level 2 = user (can use door, but not edit it).
- Added "/BigDoors addOwner <doorUID || doorName> <Player || PlayerUUID> [permission level (int)]" and corresponding removeOwner commands to share ownership of a door.
- Added addOwner and removeOwner buttons to GUI.
- Made en_US.txt (default locale file) read-only to make it a bit more clear that you should not edit it (as changes are overwritten).
- Rewrote all GUI code to make my life easier and this plugin a little faster.
- Added option to sort doors in GUI alphabetically (name) or numerically (ID).
- Now storing player names in db (easier and faster).
- Simplified calculations. About 40% faster for medium sized doors. The bigger the door, the bigger the improvement.
- Added economy support. You can set a price (flat or formula) for every door. Supported operators are -,+,*,/,min(a,b),max(a,b),abs(),sqrt(),^,%.
- Added "bigdoors.maxsize.<maxSize>" permission node to determine the max door size a player/group can make.
- Fixed block counting.

Special thanks to @Achaius and everyone else who helped me test everything and came up with new ideas!
----------, Apr 23, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 121,264
First Release: Jul 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings