Big Doors icon

Big Doors -----

Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!

Couple new features and a bunch of fixes and improvements.
- Stopping the server while opening doors no longer results in disappearing doorblocks.
- Unloading chunks containing animated doors no longer results in disappearing doorblocks.
- Added coolDown option in the config file.
- Added bigdoors.own.x permission node to limit number of doors a user can own to x.
- Added "/InspectPowerBlockLoc" to get door info from a power block.
- Added more text to translation file and reorganized it.
- Added "/CloseDoor" and "/ToggleDoor". Open, Toggle and Close commands all toggle a door when no opendirection was set. When a door does have an opendirection, they do exactly what you'd expect.
- Added more info to /DoorInfo
- Added "/SetAutoCloseTime <Door ID/Name> <Time>".
- Added specific drawbridge creator button in GUI.
- Added button to change opening direction for doors to GUI.
- Added button to change auto close timer for doors to GUI.
- Fixed case where not all doors would show up in the GUI.
- Fixed doors that were deleted still showing up in the GUI.
- Fixed drawbridges finishing on the other side than they should in certain situations.
- Fixed anvils not rotating correctly in certain positions and added support for slightly/badly damaged anvils.
- Fixed !BDCancel! message when using /BDCancel.
- Fixed connected blocks in 1.13. Still broken in 1.12
- Changed "/NewDoor" command to take these flags: -bd, -db, -pc.
- Changed door creation process. Door and drawbridge creation are now completely separated.
- Changed Door/Drawbridge creation process to be more strict. Rotation point must be in min/max y range.
- Now loading correct default resource pack based on MC version (in config, can still be disabled, don't worry).
- Removed "/OpenDoors". You can now just use /OpenDoor.
- Removed cobblestone walls from blacklist again.
- General code improvements.
- Tweaked audio so all sounds should have roughly the same volume (which is also lower than it was before).
----------, Sep 24, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 121,264
First Release: Jul 12, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings