Towny Spawn Menu icon

Towny Spawn Menu -----

A menu to teleport to all Towny towns on your server

Towny Spawn Menu 1.3.1 Changelog

Some 3 months since the last update and TSM's second birthday passed barely a month ago, here's an update!

+ Added /tsm hide! It allows you to hide (or show again) your town or nation from the menu!
+ Updated to Towny

- Fixed Paper compatibility issue for slightly older Minecraft versions
- Downgraded Java version from 21 to 17 to allow older Minecraft versions to run TSM

Once again, I hope you enjoy using Towny Spawn Menu!
----------, Oct 11, 2024

Towny Spawn Menu 1.3.0 Changelog

Hey, it's already been a few months since the last update hasn't it? Guess it's time to renew the plugin a little bit.
Here comes 1.20.5+ support! Just like my other plugins, the menus didn't work because of a change in ItemMeta. But it's back now!
You'll also get to enjoy some more customisation, on the house!

+ 1.20.5+ compatibility! Here is what got fixed:
- The menu buttons now work again and people can't steal items from it anymore
+ New customisation options!
You can now change the default items for everything with /tsm config!
- Removed /townyadmin set default-item, please use /tsm config default-item instead!
- Fixed a bug where the private towns menu's item wouldn't show up sometimes (the same would happen for towns' items in the same category)

----------, May 19, 2024

Hey, everyone! Quick update but not much added, still hope you enjoy!

1.16 and up is now supported!
+ Fixed a few bugs concerning the menu
----------, Feb 11, 2024

Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.8 Changelog

Towny Spawn Menu comes to Folia!
Enjoy using your many CPU cores along with TSM to navigate through your server's towns!

Confirmed support for 2 more versions!
Servers running 1.17 and 1.18 can now use Towny Spawn Menu!

+ Fixed nation names still being in bold text when hovering a town's item

Coming in the next update:

Towny Menus and Towny Spawn Menu are going to work together!
If you open TSM from Towny Menus, you'll see a brand new "Back to Towny Menus" button!
This, while not being a big feature, will help to improve usability and will also make everything accessible from one command.
----------, Jun 29, 2023

Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.7 Changelog

Hey everyone! After a bit more than 2 months, I've finally come back for one heck of an update! Here's what it features:

Confirmed 1.20 and 1.20.1 support!
+ Cleaned up the menu a little bit (removed unnecessary bold text)
+ Cleaned up error messages
+ Fixed config bug that would lead to the menu never opening
+ Fixed people still being able to teleport to towns through the menu even if they didn't have the permission
+ Updated the images in the plugin overview

- Removed help from the /townyspawnmenu command options as it wasn't useful.

Changes for nerds (AKA devs)
+ Added events PlayerOpenedMenu and PlayerTeleportedToTown
+ Cleaned up the code (de-nested some code, removed useless imports etc..)
----------, Jun 21, 2023

Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.6 Changelog

This is the last version that will contain important features, at least for now. Any future update, as mentioned twice already, will only be compatibility updates at the exception of the next version, which will add something mentioned further below back. Stay tuned for Towny Resource Packs as I plan on bringing it back to life.

+ Towns can customize their items again! (/town set menu-item <item-name> (Run the command twice if it doesn't work!))
+ Nations can customize their items again! (/nation set menu-item <item-name> (Run the command twice if it doesn't work!))
+ You can now change the default item for towns and nations that haven't customized their items yet again! (/townyadmin set default-item <item-name>)
+ Permissions are back! They will be described below for the exception of one, right below, which is a new feature.
+ Players with permission townyspawnmenu.set.admin can change any town or nation's item! (/town set menu-item <item-name> <town-name> (Run the command twice if it doesn't work!))
+ Players with permission townyspawnmenu.* will now see a message if the plugin is outdated.


townyspawnmenu.* - Grants all permissions
townyspawnmenu.admin.* - Grants all admin permissions
townyspawnmenu.showinfo - Allows a user to use /townyspawnmenu info

townyspawnmenu.set.* - Grants all permissions in townyspawnmenu.set - Allows a user to set their town's item (Mayor only)
townyspawnmenu.set.nation - Allows a user to set their nation's item (King only)
townyspawnmenu.set.default - Allows a user to set the default item for towns and nations that haven't customized theirs yet
townyspawnmenu.set.admin - Allows a user to change any town or nation's item* - Grants all permissions in - Allows a user to open the menu - Allows a user to teleport to a town through the menu

I hope you can enjoy the plugin as it has been rewritten to work better and for longer.
Also, I have forgotten to mention in previous changelogs that I will add events back for plugins that want to work together with Towny Spawn Menu in version 1.2.7!
----------, Apr 12, 2023

Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.5 Changelog

This is the first update after the rewrite, and it brings exactly what I promised back. Read below to see exactly what has changed!

+ Private Towns menu is back
+ Nation-less Towns menu is back
+ Towns at War menu has been added!
+ Few nicely done optimizations

The only update here is really just the Towns at War menu, while the others are things that were in previous versions, before the rewrite.
I still maintain that Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.6 will see the customization options and permissions back (those go together as customization has admin commands) and that updates past this one will only be made to make the plugin work with future versions of Towny and Minecraft.
----------, Apr 12, 2023

Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.5 Changelog

This is the first update after the rewrite, and it brings exactly what I promised back. Read below to see exactly what has changed!

+ Private Towns menu is back
+ Nation-less Towns menu is back
+ Towns at War menu has been added!
+ Few nicely done optimizations

The only update here is really just the Towns at War menu, while the others are things that were in previous versions, before the rewrite.
I still maintain that Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.6 will see the customization options and permissions back (those go together as customization has admin commands) and that updates past this one will only be made to make the plugin work with future versions of Towny and Minecraft.
----------, Apr 11, 2023

Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.4 Changelog

This is by far the version change that took me the longest, because of the reason it had to be made.
Originally, 1.2.4 was going to be the last version that adds new stuff, but a complete rewrite had to be done.
Towny Spawn Menu has been completely rewritten for a better, faster code that'll always work.

+ Name has changed! TownySpawnUI (more Dev-Friendly name) became Towny Spawn Menu! (more User-Friendly name)
+ You can now see how many pages there are in nations and towns (1/1 etc..)
+ Full compatibility with 1.19.4 (only with versions after Towny, versions before are fine but are not guaranteed to be 100% compatible)

- Most menus (private and nationless) and features are temporarily gone (until they're rewritten!)
- Permissions are temporarily gone, they are currently a minor part of my worries as no admin-only commands are in yet

Please understand this is not an update, but a rewrite. You may still use 1.2.3 until every feature is back in the plugin.
Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.5 will have Nationless and Private towns back as those are the main focus.
Version 1.2.6 will probably see its customization features come back and permissions with it.

Updates past 1.2.6 will probably only be updates to make the plugin compatible with future versions of Towny and Minecraft itself as it is currently close to reaching 1.20.
----------, Mar 16, 2023

TownySpawnUI 1.2.3 Changelog

+ Players with permission townyspawnui.* will be able to see a message warning them if they are using an older version.
+ The submenu for towns now has dynamic paging system like the nation menu.
+ The submenu for towns is now organized the same way as the nation menu.
+ Private towns' spawn cost have been replaced by "Private" and are now visible in the normal town menu.
+ /townyspawnui command showing you all the information you need to know about the plugin!

Planned for future updates:
Nationless and Private towns will also use the new method, likely in 1.2.4

One more big update? One more big update. Hope you enjoy!
----------, Dec 14, 2022

TownySpawnUI 1.2.2 Changelog

+ Added PlayerTeleportedToTown Event with methods Event.getPlayer() and Event.getTown(), it is fired once a player teleports using the menu
+ Added update checking, no more need to check the spigot page every day!

Hope you enjoy this small yet kinda useful update!
----------, Nov 27, 2022

TownySpawnUI 1.2.1 Changelog

+ Added the option to change the default menu item for towns and nations that didn't pick it yet (/townyadmin set default-menu-item)
+ Added the following permissions:
- townyspawnui.* : Gives all permissions
-* : Gives all menu permissions
- townyspawnui.set.* : Gives all set permissions
- townyspawnui.set.default.item : Gives permission to set the default item in the menu

Hope you enjoy this little customisation update along with (finally) wildcard permissions!
----------, Nov 14, 2022

+ Complete rewrite of how the nations are grabbed and put in the menu for it to be more efficient and less RAM eating
+ Updated for Towny (Older versions will still work as intended)
+ Block names in /town set menu-item and /nation set menu-item can now be lowercase!

The pages are now made automatically and there's no more limits!
(Yes, there used to be a limit for how much pages of nations you could have, it was 3)

This is by far the update that took me the longest, so please report any bugs you find in the Discussions tab.

Hope you enjoy!
----------, Nov 12, 2022

+ Added /town set menu-item and /nation set menu-item
+ Added permissions regarding menu items ( and townyspawnui.set.nation.item)

- Removed /tsm-set-item

Fixed some bugs that could make the server crash on some occasions
----------, Oct 25, 2022

+ spawn-menu has been added as a subcommand to /town
+ Nations and Towns can now choose which item or block will represent their town in /tsm!
Simply do /tsm-set-item for instructions on how to use the command and you're set to choose!
(However, you must be your nation's king or your town's mayor to be able to do that..)

- 99% of my braincells

Thanks to Towny's incredible dev who helped me through learning to use the Metadata system present in the plugin!
----------, Sep 17, 2022

+ Added "Private Towns" menu, which will show Towns you can't teleport to
+ "Nation" line in a Town's item lore now actually shows its nation's name instead of the town's name
+ "Town" in the Nation-less menu now is the right color (Gold -> Cyan)
+ (Console access only) Logs when someone teleports to another town

- Private towns won't show up anywhere else other than the "Private Towns" menu
- RAM eating mistake in code

Planned for future updates:
Ability for Town mayors to choose which item will represent their town
In the same way as Town mayors, Nation leaders' ability to choose which item will represent their nation

Also, sorry for the many updates in only 3 days, but I really want to make this as perfect as I possibly can. Please share feedback and send bugs if you find any!
----------, Sep 13, 2022

New things:
"Back to Nations" button in the Town menus
Town Level shows up in the item name when hovering
Added /tsm alias

The ultimate menu: Nation-less Towns!
You'll find this one one the lower-center part of the menu: a blue glass pane!

RAM usage too high
----------, Sep 12, 2022

No particular patchlog
----------, Sep 11, 2022

Players that didn't have permissions and could still perform these actions even if they weren't granted the permission to.
----------, Sep 11, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,236
First Release: Sep 11, 2022
Last Update: Oct 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings