Towny Spawn Menu icon

Towny Spawn Menu -----

A menu to teleport to all Towny towns on your server

Towny Spawn Menu Rewrite: Return of events and more!
Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.7 Changelog

Hey everyone! After a bit more than 2 months, I've finally come back for one heck of an update! Here's what it features:

Confirmed 1.20 and 1.20.1 support!
+ Cleaned up the menu a little bit (removed unnecessary bold text)
+ Cleaned up error messages
+ Fixed config bug that would lead to the menu never opening
+ Fixed people still being able to teleport to towns through the menu even if they didn't have the permission
+ Updated the images in the plugin overview

- Removed help from the /townyspawnmenu command options as it wasn't useful.

Changes for nerds (AKA devs)
+ Added events PlayerOpenedMenu and PlayerTeleportedToTown
+ Cleaned up the code (de-nested some code, removed useless imports etc..)
----------, Jun 21, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,230
First Release: Sep 11, 2022
Last Update: Oct 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings