Towny Spawn Menu comes to 1.20.5 along with more customisation!
Towny Spawn Menu 1.3.0 Changelog
Hey, it's already been a few months since the last update hasn't it? Guess it's time to renew the plugin a little bit.
Here comes 1.20.5+ support! Just like my other plugins, the menus didn't work because of a change in ItemMeta. But it's back now!
You'll also get to enjoy some more customisation, on the house!
+ 1.20.5+ compatibility! Here is what got fixed:
- The menu buttons now work again and people can't steal items from it anymore
+ New customisation options!
You can now change the default items for everything with /tsm config!
- Removed /townyadmin set default-item, please use /tsm config default-item instead!
- Fixed a bug where the private towns menu's item wouldn't show up sometimes (the same would happen for towns' items in the same category)