Towny Spawn Menu icon

Towny Spawn Menu -----

A menu to teleport to all Towny towns on your server

Towny Spawn Menu Rewrite: Final Update!
Towny Spawn Menu 1.2.6 Changelog

This is the last version that will contain important features, at least for now. Any future update, as mentioned twice already, will only be compatibility updates at the exception of the next version, which will add something mentioned further below back. Stay tuned for Towny Resource Packs as I plan on bringing it back to life.

+ Towns can customize their items again! (/town set menu-item <item-name> (Run the command twice if it doesn't work!))
+ Nations can customize their items again! (/nation set menu-item <item-name> (Run the command twice if it doesn't work!))
+ You can now change the default item for towns and nations that haven't customized their items yet again! (/townyadmin set default-item <item-name>)
+ Permissions are back! They will be described below for the exception of one, right below, which is a new feature.
+ Players with permission townyspawnmenu.set.admin can change any town or nation's item! (/town set menu-item <item-name> <town-name> (Run the command twice if it doesn't work!))
+ Players with permission townyspawnmenu.* will now see a message if the plugin is outdated.


townyspawnmenu.* - Grants all permissions
townyspawnmenu.admin.* - Grants all admin permissions
townyspawnmenu.showinfo - Allows a user to use /townyspawnmenu info

townyspawnmenu.set.* - Grants all permissions in townyspawnmenu.set - Allows a user to set their town's item (Mayor only)
townyspawnmenu.set.nation - Allows a user to set their nation's item (King only)
townyspawnmenu.set.default - Allows a user to set the default item for towns and nations that haven't customized theirs yet
townyspawnmenu.set.admin - Allows a user to change any town or nation's item* - Grants all permissions in - Allows a user to open the menu - Allows a user to teleport to a town through the menu

I hope you can enjoy the plugin as it has been rewritten to work better and for longer.
Also, I have forgotten to mention in previous changelogs that I will add events back for plugins that want to work together with Towny Spawn Menu in version 1.2.7!
----------, Apr 12, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,237
First Release: Sep 11, 2022
Last Update: Oct 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings