New Key Feature! Private Towns are now another sub-menu!
+ Added "Private Towns" menu, which will show Towns you can't teleport to
+ "Nation" line in a Town's item lore now actually shows its nation's name instead of the town's name
+ "Town" in the Nation-less menu now is the right color (Gold -> Cyan)
+ (Console access only) Logs when someone teleports to another town
- Private towns won't show up anywhere else other than the "Private Towns" menu
- RAM eating mistake in code
Planned for future updates:
Ability for Town mayors to choose which item will represent their town
In the same way as Town mayors, Nation leaders' ability to choose which item will represent their nation
Also, sorry for the many updates in only 3 days, but I really want to make this as perfect as I possibly can. Please share feedback and send bugs if you find any!