TNT-Tag icon

TNT-Tag -----

A funny TNT-Tag minigame for your server!

Update PlaceholderAPI and fix round ending twice.
----------, Dec 2, 2024

Dear TNT-Tag enthusiasts,

It's been 10 months since the last update. But that didn't mean TNT-Tag development laid still. Over the past months, I've made tons of changes and solidified TNT-Tag further. And that's where I ended up now - I feel like this version is stable enough to release to the public. Enjoy all the new features and fixes!

Detailed changelog can be found at Github.

- Fixed a typo in the customization.yml
- Added brigadier support
- Cleanup of the file loading code.
- Cache the sign text of the top signs.
- Cache the other sign lines too and remove the unnecessary plugin parameter in the constructor.
- Fixed an issue where you would instantly leave when clicking a join sign. That's because the held item slot was set to the latest slot that contained the leave item, which would then trigger.
- Fixed an issue where the commands of items that didn't have a command triggered.
- Added a null check to the placeholder parsing.
- Handle the case where all taggers can leave and the game won't stop.
- Replace players.size() with getPlayerCount() so spectators won't be counted resulting in proper measures if the runner left when there's also a spectator in the arena.
- Better check.
- Handle an edge case where the last survivor leaves causing the tagger to blow up and lose - that's unfair.
- The countdown will now set the player's xp each second instead of only on the broadcast times.
- Fixed wrong XP retrieval. That also fixes the XP loss after a game.
- Reset player XP after leaving the arena.
- Fix the player XP restoral.
- Added a forcejoin subcommand.
- Added a bypass permission to forcejoin command.
- Updated TAB API.
- Don't send tagged message when the message is empty.
- Add spectator action bar message.
- Added restoral of TAB prefix when leaving an arena.
- Handle the case where the user did not have a prefix.
- Improve disabling the global-lobby.
- Added Parties support.
- Added support to provide "current" as the arena name and it will try to use the current arena the player is in.

----------, Sep 11, 2024

TNT-Tag 9.1 Changelog
  • New Suggestions & Bugs Site: We have introduced a brand new suggestions and bugs site for TNT-Tag. Please use to report and discuss any suggestions or bugs from now on.
  • Improved Join Command: The join command has been enhanced for a better user experience.
  • Random Join / Auto-Join: Added a new subcommand for joining games randomly or automatically.
  • Customization.yml File: The format of titles in the customization.yml file has been changed and expanded.
  • TAB Names: Placeholders in TAB names are now parsed, ensuring that TAB configurations with placeholders in them work as expected.
Join GUI
  • Improved Join GUI: The join GUI no longer requires the player to have the 'tnttag.join' permission. It will now handle the join process internally, eliminating the need for players to execute '/tt join'.
Win Streaks
  • Win Streaks: Added win streak functionality to the game. Use the placeholder %tnttag_winstreak% to display win streak information. The %tnttag_top_winstreak_<position>% placeholder has been added aswell.
  • API Method: Introduced an API method to retrieve win streak data and top placeholders for win streaks.
Help Menu
  • Updated Help Menu: The help menu has been updated for clarity and ease of use.
  • Fixed Dump Subcommand: The dump subcommand has been fixed and should now work as expected.
  • Arena Name Resolver: Added a convenient arena name resolver to the '/tt delete' subcommand for better arena management.
Thank you for your continued support of TNT-Tag, and we look forward to your feedback on the new suggestions and bugs site!
----------, Nov 3, 2023

Greetings, TNT-Tag enthusiasts!

We're excited to introduce TNT-Tag 9.0, a release filled with exciting new features and important fixes to enhance your gaming experience. As the author of TNT-Tag, Jasper, I've been listening to your feedback and have made significant improvements. Here's what's in store:

New Features:

  1. TAB Integration: We've integrated with TAB, offering a few nice features such as custom prefixes for player names and playerlist display names!

  2. Chat & TAB Prefixes: Customizable prefixes for chat and TAB have been added, adding a touch of personalization to your games(TAB is optional for this, it's not even required!)

  3. Improved Dump System: We've streamlined the process of dumping files by only uploading the .yml files in your TNT-Tag directory, this makes sure that we don't accidentally upload backups that are in the folder.

  4. Top 10 Stats: Keep track of your performance with top 10 wins, timestagged, and tags placeholders.

  5. Taggers Percentage Control: Want just one tagger? We've added an option to disable the taggers-percentage.

  6. Bungee-Mode: For server admins with a single arena, we've introduced an extensive bungee-mode and removed the open-arena-gui-on-join option.

  7. Customizable Top Placeholders: Customize the format of top placeholders to whatever you want.

  8. Cooldown Option: Prevent stats boosting and constant tagging with our new cooldown option.

  9. Adjustable Time Delays: Enjoy flexibility with adjustable time delays for new rounds and game endings.

  10. Forced Start Option: Use the /tt start command with a forced option for added control.

  11. PAPI Hook Enhancement: Our PAPI hook is now improved, featuring new placeholders and better code.

  12. UpdateChecker Warning: Stay informed with a new warning in the UpdateChecker to read changelogs like this one.

  13. Forced Tagger Assignment: We've ensured that tagger assignment is forced when necessary, preventing game stalls.

  14. Dump Confirmation: Confirmation messages are now available for the dump commands.
Bug Fixes:

  • Players can no longer tag spectators, and spectators can't hit players.
  • Eliminated issues with the game ending twice and incorrect cooldown display.
  • Resolved problems related to arena ending and lobby loading.
  • Fixed bugs when tagger-percentage was too low to choose a tagger.
  • Removed unnecessary elements and debug code.
We hope that you enjoy TNT-Tag 9.0! Your feedback has been invaluable in making these improvements and the testing that y'all have done was amazing. Thank you for your continued support. Dive into the explosive fun and tag your way to victory!

If you encounter any issues or have further suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy gaming!

----------, Sep 22, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:

  • The compass now displays the location of the nearest survivor using both its display and name.
  • Fixed potion effects not being switched when a tagger became a survivor or reversed.
  • Actually fixed the ArenaEndingEvent being called multiple times, whoops.
  • Added the possibility to have multiple taggers, based on a percentage set in the config.yml.
  • Added a safety check, otherwise it would error if there were no stats yet.
  • Improved the cancelling of the setup process.
  • Code cleanup and improvements.
  • Give the player the lobby items again after leaving an arena.
  • The PlayerType was never correctly set, fixed.
  • Fixed taggers being able to tag spectators.
  • Improved the lobby manager.
  • Fixed players being teleported to the arena's lobby instead of the global one when the game ends.
  • Fixed player heads always being Steve instead of the player's actual head.
  • New feature, when there are X or less players in the arena left they will be teleported to the start at each round.
  • Added a /tt dump log command that will dump the latest server log to my paste service and provides a link so users can easily upload their logs and share them with us.
  • Cleanup of the damage listener.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when there was someone in the world and didn't join the arena.
  • Fixed spectators being able to become a tagger.
  • Fixed players still having their potion effects after going from the arena -> lobby.
  • Players got the global lobby items when they were in the waiting lobby, clarified, separated, and fixed it.
  • Added shift support in the arena editor to change things faster.
  • Added a super duper amazing dump system to support y'all much faster and better! It includes /tt dump all and /tt dump log.
  • It will now look like players are really damaged when they are tagged, this improves the gameplay.
  • Added the GSON dependency for the dumps.
  • Added a new option to allow combat in the game, it can be a lot of fun!
  • Added full customizability to all the items and separated some phases, allowing for even more customizing fun!
  • Added a version checking mechanism that disables the plugin if it's running on 1.12.2 or lower, that isn't supported and causes a lot of errors.
  • Added commands support to the items, did a cleanup of the code and fixed an NPE.
  • Added some null checks to be safe.
  • Fixed some issues related to the compass.
  • Fixed potion effects not being switched when a tagger became a survivor or reversed.
  • And a lot of other fixes and adjustments.

  • It's STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to reset all your TNT-Tag files except the arenas.yml and signs.yml, they got a lot of changes.
Greetings, Jasper
----------, Jul 20, 2023

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share with you the latest updates included in this release:
  • Fixed an issue where the round would continue even if it crashed.
  • Improved the usage of placeholders by implementing a single prefix/suffix for all of them. Instead of using percentage characters (%), we now use curly braces ({}) as placeholders. To ensure a smooth transition, please reset your customization.yml file or replace all placeholders manually to avoid any potential issues.
  • Added the ability to configure the info command and included additional data.
  • Resolved errors that occurred when editing the arena while it was running.
  • Spectators are now prevented from teleporting to the main arena during round start.
  • Fixed a console error spam caused by health values exceeding 28.
  • The display name of the top type is now translatable in signs.
  • Sign text is now configurable.
  • Resolved an issue where players would immediately leave the arena when clicking a sign with a quick inventory.
  • An option to automatically open the arena GUI has been added (reset your config.yml to enable it).
  • We added support for yaw/pitch and half block locations in the global lobby.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to CayeOfficial for their valuable contributions to this update.

Best regards,
----------, May 30, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed players leaving arena's if they join another world or through the lobby.
- Fixed the ArenaEndingEvent being called multiple times.
- Fixed spectators still being invisible after leaving an arena or after it ends, also using another system for this now.
- Players can now hit each other but without damage, this is much better for the gameplay as players see the hit effect.

That were the bugfixes and features for today's update, shouldn't be any bugs remaining anymore now.

----------, May 26, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed the start location being the lobby location.

----------, May 20, 2023

Hello all,

This update fixed a bug where the join process wasn't cancelled if the global lobby was not set.

----------, May 19, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Added sounds, reset your customization file or add the missing entries to be able to customize them. The missing entries can be found in the github commits.
- Fixed lobby's in other worlds being useless, it caused issues.
- Lots of code improvements.
- Reworked the whole signs system, it now offers multiple types! Everything can be found in the docs.
- The food level of a player is now saved too.


If you want to know exactly what changed then I advise to check the github commits.

As you probably noticed, there hasn't been an update for some time. Updates will be at a much slower rate, bug fixes will still be quick.

----------, May 19, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Hotfix for the PAF integration, the plugin would error if it wasn't installed.
- Added a global lobby, it can be set using /tt setlobby.
- Added the config file to /tt reload.
- Changed some messages for clarity.
- Gave an event a proper name.
- Improved the update message.
- Fixed a bypass that allowed players to leave the lobby which could break things.
- Added the possibility to join an arena directly after the lobby.
- Fixed effects not being removed.
- Removed the teleporting to the start position if someone was tagged.
- Removed SLOW_FALLING as a default potion effect.
- The round now actually ends when the game is stopped, this could cause memory leaks.
- Automatically kick players from the lobby when the plugin disables, otherwise a player's data won't be restored and they would loose it.
- Hopefully fixed players in gamemode survival being able to break the signs.

----------, Apr 29, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Added a new event to the API, the PlayerLostRoundEvent.
- The ItemManager class is not bound to a arena anymore.
- Added a proper lobby system. Players join the lobby first, then the game.
- Fixed a bug occuring with the leave item.
- Fixed the PAF integration, a error was thrown when the plugin wasn't installed and a player tried to join an arena.
- Added a global lobby. Messages were added to the customization.yml for this too.It is required to use /tt setlobby before players can join arena's or the lobby..
- The /tt reload command now reloads the configuration file too.
- Signs are now being dropped if the player is in survival while breaking it with permission.

There are no changes needed to your files for this update.

----------, Apr 24, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed a bug causing the items to throw errors and preventing them from loading.
- Removed the public instance, everything uses dependency injection as from now.
- Added an API, the instance can be retrieved by Tnttag.getAPI();

The wiki wil soon get an update for the API, feel free to constribute it if you want to.

The methods and events can be seen from the github commits.

----------, Apr 22, 2023

Greetings everyone,

This update adds support for PartyAndFriends, when the leader of a party joins a game, all the other people in the party will join too(if there is enough space).

In the customization.yml, a party section has been added with some messages related to PAF.

Best regards, Jasper
----------, Apr 19, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:

  • Made items fully customizable in the customization.yml file.
  • Renamed in-game-items to items in the customization.yml file.
  • Some more organization of protection listeners.

Keep in mind that you have to reset your customization.yml file if you don't want to have broken items! You can also adjust it manually, this is the new default section:

join: "DIAMOND_AXE:&bJoin:&bJoin an arena!"
leave: "BARRIER:&cLeave:&cLeave the arena."
radar: "COMPASS:&8Radar:&8Find your enemies!"

Spigot doesn't have really great codeblocks so you won't see the spaces, but before the item's name should be 2 spaces!

----------, Apr 18, 2023

Greetings everyone,

The changelog for this release:

And last but not least, I'm happy to announce that we've made the plugin's source-code and the documentation open-source, so anyone can now contribute. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing what new features the community will bring to the table either by opening suggestions or by constributing.

Consider helping out by updating the wiki! I'm not too strong at that.

Best regards, Jasper
----------, Apr 17, 2023

Hello everyone! Jasper here with some exciting updates to share.

  • GameState's are now customizable in customization.yml, with color support!
  • New general.negative-error added in customization.yml to prevent negative or 0 numbers in the editor.
  • Added a minimum player requirement of 2 in the editor.
  • Setup and editor now have messages and checks for maxPlayers being lower than minPlayers.
  • Renamed editor-gui.setting-changed to editor-gui.hint for clarity.
  • Updated message for editor-gui.hint.
  • Player's currently used slot is now set to the leftmost slot when someone joins a sign to prevent instant leaving.
  • The lore for some items being wrong.
That's all for now, folks! Happy gaming.

  • Jasper
----------, Apr 8, 2023

Dear all,

We are excited to announce a major update to our plugin. This update primarily focuses on improving the internal code structure and making it more manageable, which will result in smoother gameplay and fewer bugs.

While many changes have been made to the code, we would like to highlight some of the most important ones. Firstly, we have fixed the issue with player locations not being restored correctly, which was causing some inconsistencies in gameplay. Additionally, we have addressed the problem with signs not loading correctly and implemented a warning and error handling system to prevent invalid sign locations from being loaded. Some grammar issues are fixed too. The /tt list command is now fixed too, it didn't work if there were no arena's, a message for that is added too.

Several other errors have been fixed, and we have made the code much safer and easier to debug. We have also added a new GUI for editing existing arenas, which can be accessed using the command "/tt editor <arena>", the tnttag.editor permission is used for this command. Please note that the customization.yml file must be reset in order to see these changes, all the GUI's are now fixed too.

Furthermore, we have also allowed modification of data from offline players, which should make managing player data more convenient.
We highly recommend you to use the new editor because it contains nearly all the options and it prevents the risk of breaking your configuration while editing. Signs are now properly removed too.

Players are not able to receive damage when playing anymore, added a returning-to-lobby message too. Also, restarts are now safe, even if there are people playing in arena's, they will be automatically kicked.

Overall, this update is practically a recode of the plugin and will provide a much better user experience. This version is very extensively tested and should function perfectly. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to report them to us. Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,
----------, Apr 7, 2023

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce the release of our latest update. Please find below the changelog:

  • Upon entering an arena, all player data will now be reset, and subsequently restored once the arena session has ended.
  • The gamemode of a player is now saved, reset to survival and restored upon entering an arena.
  • Redundant code has been removed.
  • The organization of the GUIs has been improved for better accessibility.
  • Minor changes have been made to the arena selector.
  • A statistics GUI has been added. This can be accessed by typing "/tt stats" in the chat. Messages have been added to the customization.yml to support this new feature, so please reset your customization.yml file to use them.
  • The issue with wrong colors in the top command has been resolved.
  • A top GUI has been added, which can be accessed by typing "/tt top <type>" in the chat. Messages have also been added to the customization.yml to support this new feature, so please reset your customization.yml file to use them.
  • An ItemBuilder util has been added for player heads.
  • Several small improvements have been made.
  • Safety checks have been added to the sign manager, which now logs corrupt signs and prompts the user to reset their data file and replace the signs if necessary. The location of the sign will also be logged for your convenience.
  • The code has been reorganized and improved.
  • Certain methods have been marked as synchronized to prevent ConcurrentModification exceptions.
  • The new spectator mode has been introduced, which will allow players to enter spectator mode when they are blown up, and will return them to the lobby after the game ends.
Please note that this version is experimental, and if you experience any issues, please downgrade and report any bugs you encounter. I would also like to remind you that I am not responsible for any damage caused by this update due to the new spectator gamemode. I recommend not updating at this time if you want to be safe. Always take a backup and test on test servers, not on production ones. While there probably won't be any data loss, it is better to be on the side of caution.

Thank you, Jurian
----------, Apr 4, 2023

Greetings TNT-Tag players,

We are excited to announce the release of version 5.7 of TNT-Tag, featuring a major wiki update, bug fixes, and some new placeholders for use in-game.
We heavily recommend first checking the front page of our plugin before reading further. <-- DO THIS FIRST!

Changes in this release include:

  • Fixed the issue with the /tt start <arena> command, which was causing some arenas to not start properly.
  • Corrected the default GameState, which was previously set to STARTED instead of IDLE.
  • Added new placeholders that can be used in-game: %tnttag_arena_<name>_<currentPlayers/minPlayers/maxPlayers/state>%
  • Updated the wiki to provide more detailed and accurate information about TNT-Tag and its various game modes.
We hope these changes will improve your experience with TNT-Tag, and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

In addition to the changes listed above, some of you may have noticed a message on the front page earlier today announcing that we would be abandoning TNT-Tag due to safety concerns. Please be aware that this was an April Fool's joke and is not to be taken seriously. We apologize for any confusion or alarm that this may have caused.

Thank you for playing TNT-Tag, and happy gaming!

Best regards,
----------, Apr 1, 2023

Hello all,

This update fixes a sign error and fixes the fourth line being wrong, it should be empty.

----------, Mar 29, 2023

Hello everyone,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed the timestagged stats message, a typo sneaked in.
- Fixed the color codes in a setup message.
- Fixed line 4 not being removed from the sign after the setup.
- Fixed signs not being removed correctly from the data.
- Moved the startMessage to the config.yml instead of the arena config.
- Fixed the color codes from the startmessage.

----------, Mar 29, 2023

Greetings everyone,

I would like to present the changelog for this release:
  • The /tt list command has been fixed.
  • The gamestates have been changed from STARTING, INGAME, and ENDING to IDLE, STARTING, and ENDING, respectively. These changes make them more accurate.
  • The signs format has been changed based on a suggestion from @Dixizer.
  • The minimessage has been removed since it only supports 1.18.2+. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Redundant messages have been eliminated.
  • The arena and countdownmanager systems have undergone code cleanup, optimization, and improvement.
  • Aikar relocations have been removed.
  • The redundant Utils class has been deleted.
Unfortunately, you will need to delete your customization.yml file again for this release or replace all colors with legacy color codes. Please note that this update removes minimessage and uses legacy color codes again.

Best regards, Jurian
----------, Mar 28, 2023

Hello everyone,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed minimessage giving errors and leading to the disabling of the plugin.
- Did a MASSIVE code cleanup, organization and improvement.
- Recoded the whole signs system but better than ever! The signs are now saved in the signs.yml file and they are updated every 10 seconds, the coloring is finally fixed too! Please let me know if you have any feedback on the design and I'll change it for sure!

----------, Mar 27, 2023


Here are the latest updates:

- Upgraded the command framework to Lamp from Aikar, resulting in improved performance and validation, as well as a lighter weight.
- Fixed an issue with signs not being interactive and improved their color scheme.
- Resolved any bugs present in the top and stats commands, and updated the customization.yml file to reflect the changes.
- Fixed a problem where the game was starting immediately because the cooldown was not saved, and updated dependencies while removing redundant code.
- Added support for minimessages in all messages, allowing the use of gradients, RGB, HEX, and other formatting options. Check out the formatting guide at
- Updated customization.yml to use the new minimessage method and cool gradients. Please update your customization.yml file accordingly.
- Updated the code to use components for messages, offering more customization options. Please report any bugs, as this is a significant code change.
- Fixed an issue with the arena setup command not stopping immediately when it's canceled.
- Removed redundant code.
- The attributes of the arena items are now hidden in the joingui.
- Fixed the winner being bugged if there were no other players left in the arena.
- Fixed several bugs, but failed to note them down.
- Fixed arenas getting stuck when the second-to-last player left.
- Gracefully handled error situations that can happen in a game.
- Fixed the ending of a game, where the potion effects were not removed and the player data was not restored.
- Added a new message that is sent when the last enemy is defeated.
- Added a message when someone joins an active arena.
- Fixed an error when tagging someone.
- Added a /tt info <arena> command, for debugging purposes only and not entirely customizable. The permission is
- Fixed the maxplayers being 2, which was caused by the minPlayers and maxPlayers being shuffled on a reload/restart. The data is now saved correctly!

This update resolves the issue of the game starting immediately and adds support for minimessages. However, note that arenas need to be recreated by adding countdown: VALUE and translating the start message to minimessage in the arenas file. Be careful when modifying the YAML file without sufficient knowledge, as it may break things.

Please reset your customization.yml file, or everything will break.

A lot of testing was done, and no issues were found. Have fun!

Thank you for your attention.
----------, Mar 25, 2023

Hello all,
The changelog for this release:
- Changed the compass, it is now only usable for taggers and it only targets survivors.
- Fixed the /tt reload command, it caused dupes.
- Fixed the /tt delete command so it doesn't load deleted arena's again after a reload/restart.
- Fixed signs not being registered and having broken colors, also improved the styling.
- Fixed potion effects being given to everyone, no matter the group.
- Renamed ALIVEPLAYERS in the potion effects to SURVIVORS.
- Renamed TNTPLAYERS in the potion effects to TAGGERS.
- Fixed colors not being applied to the start message.
- Fixed the start message not being sent.
- Improved the update message.
- Added HEX support for 1.16+ using the format #HEX.
- Added a /tt start command that force starts the arena, no matter how much players there are, the permission for this command is tnttag.start.
Please note that potion effects will not work anymore using the old format, you need to change them or re-setup your arena.
----------, Mar 20, 2023


Hello all,
The changelog for this release:
- Fixed arena's being completely stuck.
- Fixed a bug where arena's could not have more than 6 players.
- Cleaned up the code.
- Added a option to the arena config called "cooldown", this is 50 by default, be sure that your timesToBroadcast don't exceed this value.
- Recreated the setup command to be much more manageable and efficient.
- Removed the saving of chat messages for the setup process.
- Fixed a bug in the timesOfBroadcast setttings.
- Removed the introduction message of the setup.
- Improved the loading and saving of arena's a lot.
- Arena's are now saved at the fly which means that you can edit them right away and your arena's are not lost after a server crash.
- The /tt reload command now supports reloading arena's.
- Renamed round-finish-commands.tntplayers to round-finish-commands.taggers.
- Renamed round-finish-commands.aliveplayers to round-finish-commands.survivors.
- Much more manageable code with many improvements to be even more performance friendly.
- Improved loading times.
- Preparations for the spectator mode.
- Removed the bypass for breaking and placing in-game, it seems useless for me. Please post in the discussion area if you want it to be added back.
- Fixed that the leave item was not working when you customized the name.
- Added some more checks for safety.
- Removed unnessecary code and made methods for some duplicate code.
- Fixed issues with the creation and use of signs and the styling of them. (Actually I recoded the whole signs system)
- Fixed signs only being styled when they were used, also fixed that they could only be used once.
- Changed the compass so it only tracks taggers.
- Hopefully fixed a incompatibility with the plugin ChatColor.
- Fixed finish round commands being executed for both groups of players(taggers and survivors).
- Fixed that the round ended message was not send to everyone.
- Fixed the arena finish commands, they were not working properly.
- Added the arena state to signs.
- Fixed a lot related to the ending of a game.
- Optimalizations.
- Changed the display name of the compass.
- Changed the update message to a much better one.
- Changed the compass so it displays rounded numbers, like 1 and not 1.92983328828.

Thanks to @Dixizer for a lot of bugreports.
Please note that this version is considered EXPERIMENTAL because I made a lot of critical changes, please report bugs as quick as possible.
I did a lot of testing though and it went well! I couldn't reproduce the bugs anymore and had a lot of fun :)
Thanks for your patience guys, I apologize for the bugs.

----------, Mar 18, 2023

Hello all,

This update adds a experimental signs feature to TNT-Tag.
The documentation for signs can be found at:

----------, Mar 7, 2023

Hello all,

This update adds PAPI placeholders!
Currently, there are only placeholders for statistics, more will be added if someone opens a suggestion for it.
There's a new wiki page for placeholders too.
The placeholders:
- %tnttag_wins%
- %tnttag_timestagged%
- %tnttag_tags%

This update brings a whole new thread design too!
Credits to @LittleDogHead for designing the thread.
I hope you enjoy it!

----------, Feb 17, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- The radar item is now only given when the game starts.
- Fixed the tagged message, it always said that you tagged yourself which is wrong.
- Fixed the /tnttag reload command.
- Removed the sub options for the arena-finish-commands because there is only one player alive when that happens.
- Changed the %player% placeholder in the arena-finish-commands to %winner%.
- Added functionality to the radar item (I forgot this, sorry for that).

----------, Feb 13, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- The timesToBroadcast setting now actually works.
- Added titles, you can now use them for important game events! (This is fully configurable in the customization.yml)
- Dropped support for 1.8 and lower.
- Optimized and cleaned the listeners.
- Potioneffects are now given right when you are tagged or tag someone.
- Global code cleanup.
- Optimized the countdown manager.
- Potioneffects will now be removed after a match.
- Fixed an error when using the barrier or the leave command.
- Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException.
- Renamed cooldown-message to countdown-message because it was named horribly wrong xD

Enjoy this big update,
----------, Feb 4, 2023

Hello all,

"Fixed" a version problem because I forgot to change the version number in 3.6.
TNT-Tag now prevents players from dropping items when they are in a arena.
This is very useful for the leave and radar items and any custom ones you added.

----------, Jan 28, 2023

Hello all,

Update 3.5 caused ACF to give errors due to a wrong relocation that made the plugin unusable.
This update fixes it.

----------, Jan 26, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed the leave item disappearing, that was caused by version 3.4.
- Added a radar item, suggestion from @Dixizer
- Made the in-game items customizable in the customization file.
- Refactored the package name so it matches my domain.
WARNING: This will break all the addons that were hooking into TNT-Tag, update your imports if you hooked into it!
- Changed the main class in the plugin.yml so it matches the refactored package.
- Changed the maven groupId too, change it if you're using it or maven will give errors.

----------, Jan 21, 2023

Hello all,

The changelog for this update:
- Moved the leave item to the last slot on the right in your inventory.
- Arena's will now end automatically when a player leaves and there is only one left, they will not become bugged.
- Added a option to the config.yml to specify the broadcast times, this is a global option.

Enjoy it,
----------, Jan 14, 2023

Hello all,

Added a per-arena customizable start message!
This message will be send to everyone in the arena when the game starts and can be changed in the arenas.yml file.
This was requested on the suggestions site.

----------, Jan 2, 2023

Hello all,

This update includes:
- Code cleanup, unnessecary code is removed.
- A new feature, thanks to @Dixizer ,
The default duration is 60 seconds and can be adjusted in the arenas.yml file.
- Created a wiki, find it at !

Enjoy it,
----------, Dec 26, 2022

Hey all,

The changelog for this release:
- Added backwards item compatibility.
- Made the GUI fully customizable, you can configure the items in the customization.yml file!

Enjoy the update,
----------, Dec 10, 2022

Hello there,

The changelog for this release:
- Fixed the help command, it gave an error.
- Changed the syntax of the /tnttag top command to the new stat types (wins/timestagged/tags)
- Fixed some message bugs.
- Added a /tnttag joingui command that shows you a nice GUI to join arena's, fully customizable as always. Suggested here:
Permission: tnttag.gui.join
- Fixed a bug, but I forgot it xD

Legacy materials support will be added in the next version so the join GUI materials will be customizable too and the GUI will be improved.

Enjoy it and have a happy day,
----------, Dec 2, 2022

Hey all,

This update fixes a lot of issues with the leave item, this is the changelog:
- The leave item was given after leaving an arena, this is fixed now and it is given when the player joined an arena.
- The leave item did nothing on a right click, this is fixed too.
- Fixed a critical exception in the server loop on 1.16.3 servers.
- Items in your inventory can't be moved anymore when you are in-game.
- Fixed the issue where the leave item didn't work when you clicked a block.

Sorry for the delay and enjoy the update,
----------, Nov 26, 2022

Hey all,

The changelog for this update:
- Added the possibility to disable messages by setting them to "", this was suggested on:
- Added a default leave item in-game and in the lobby to leave easily without typing commands! This was suggested on:

Enjoy this update!
PS: Fully customizable lobby may be coming in the next update :)

----------, Nov 21, 2022

Hey everyone,

I just discovered that explosions DAMAGE your world at the moment (on round endings).

This update fixes that, explosions don't damage blocks anymore.
That's the only change, this update is only a bugfix.

Enjoy it,
----------, Nov 14, 2022

Hey everyone,

The changes of this update are:
- Fixed a bug in the arena creation process.
- Removed a debug message from the top command that logged into the console.
- Added a new feature, customizable potioneffects!

This was suggested by @Dixizer and you can configure it in the arenas file.
The format is the following: <POTIONEFFECT:LEVEL:GROUP>.
The group can either be ALIVEPLAYERS or TNTPLAYERS.
By default the following potion effects are: slow falling, instant_health and speed.
Image of the default potion effects:
Configure it like you want, everything is customizable and it even has per-arena support!

Have fun and happy gaming,
----------, Nov 12, 2022

Hey all, the huge and expected update is finally here! :p

The changes:
Added not-enough-stats and invalid-stat-type messages.
Updated the help command.
Removed a debug message from the setup command.
Corrected my domain in the plugin.yml.
Added a /tnttag top command!*
Added far more messages, but I won't describe that all here.
Added even more global placeholders.

*The top command has three types, wins, timestagged and tags.
You have to use the format: /tnttag top <type>, so for example /tnttag top wins.
This will show you the top three winners, in a pretty and modern format!
And of course, EVERYTHING I added now is customizable!
Do whatever you want.

There may be bugs in the top command, please report them if so and I'll be happy to fix them :)
It took me several hours to make it and it was pretty difficult, but I learned a lot of it!

Greetings and happy gaming,
----------, Nov 7, 2022

Hey again,

I fixed the join command bug, you can't join another arena when you are in-game now :)
This bug was reported by @Dixizer , thanks for reporting!

The global placeholders are not available in the help menu too (only {player}).
A message is added too, called "already-in-game" under the player section, for the join command.

PS: A top command is coming in the next update!

Greetings, Jurian
----------, Nov 3, 2022

Hey all,

This update adds a cool /tnttag stats command!
This feature is highly customizable as always, and you can use it by either using /tnttag stats or /tt stats.

I added global placeholders for the messages too.
You can now use {player} to get the player's name in (almost) all the messages :D
You can also use {wins}, {timestagged} and {tags} to get player statistics!

And, there are arena placeholders too!
You can use {arena} for the name, this works for player messages that are sent inside an arena!
Then we have {currentPlayers}, {maxPlayers} and {seconds} !
That ones can only be used in arena messages.

This were some of the highly requested features, enjoy it!

----------, Nov 3, 2022

Hey all,

I discovered a bug in the config file system, it always used the customization.yml file so round win and game win commands didn't work, the whole file didn't work.

This update fixes the issue :)

Enjoy the plugin and greetings,
----------, Oct 31, 2022

Hey all,

In the previous update, I was so smart to forget adding a system that actually adds a win when you win a game, etc.
So, I fixed that now and renamed the stats too.

Changelog for this release:
- You now actually earn wins and all the other stuff so playerdata isn't useless.
- Renamed the "kills" stat to "tags"
- Renamed "deaths" to "timestagged"
- Improved the PlayerData system.

(A top command will appear in the next update!)
Have fun and greetings,
----------, Oct 27, 2022

Hey all,

I finally finished the playerdata update!

This update adds a playerdata system, and it will be improved in the next versions.
A top command will be added too in one of the next updates :D

Greetings and enjoy gaming,
----------, Oct 26, 2022

Hey everyone,

The changes for this release are:
- Updated the setup section.
- Fixed a very small bug
- Fixed a mistake in the setup command, the last message said "The lobby location has been set", however it should be "The start location has been set".
- Changed the resource id so it checks the free one instead of the premium one.
- Fixed the update checker.

Have a great day!
----------, Oct 21, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,829
First Release: Oct 18, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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