TNT-Tag icon

TNT-Tag -----

A funny TNT-Tag minigame for your server!

TNT-Tag 5.1 has been released!
Hello all,
The changelog for this release:
- Changed the compass, it is now only usable for taggers and it only targets survivors.
- Fixed the /tt reload command, it caused dupes.
- Fixed the /tt delete command so it doesn't load deleted arena's again after a reload/restart.
- Fixed signs not being registered and having broken colors, also improved the styling.
- Fixed potion effects being given to everyone, no matter the group.
- Renamed ALIVEPLAYERS in the potion effects to SURVIVORS.
- Renamed TNTPLAYERS in the potion effects to TAGGERS.
- Fixed colors not being applied to the start message.
- Fixed the start message not being sent.
- Improved the update message.
- Added HEX support for 1.16+ using the format #HEX.
- Added a /tt start command that force starts the arena, no matter how much players there are, the permission for this command is tnttag.start.
Please note that potion effects will not work anymore using the old format, you need to change them or re-setup your arena.
----------, Mar 20, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,831
First Release: Oct 18, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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