TNT-Tag icon

TNT-Tag -----

A funny TNT-Tag minigame for your server!

TNT-Tag 5.0 has been rerleased!

Hello all,
The changelog for this release:
- Fixed arena's being completely stuck.
- Fixed a bug where arena's could not have more than 6 players.
- Cleaned up the code.
- Added a option to the arena config called "cooldown", this is 50 by default, be sure that your timesToBroadcast don't exceed this value.
- Recreated the setup command to be much more manageable and efficient.
- Removed the saving of chat messages for the setup process.
- Fixed a bug in the timesOfBroadcast setttings.
- Removed the introduction message of the setup.
- Improved the loading and saving of arena's a lot.
- Arena's are now saved at the fly which means that you can edit them right away and your arena's are not lost after a server crash.
- The /tt reload command now supports reloading arena's.
- Renamed round-finish-commands.tntplayers to round-finish-commands.taggers.
- Renamed round-finish-commands.aliveplayers to round-finish-commands.survivors.
- Much more manageable code with many improvements to be even more performance friendly.
- Improved loading times.
- Preparations for the spectator mode.
- Removed the bypass for breaking and placing in-game, it seems useless for me. Please post in the discussion area if you want it to be added back.
- Fixed that the leave item was not working when you customized the name.
- Added some more checks for safety.
- Removed unnessecary code and made methods for some duplicate code.
- Fixed issues with the creation and use of signs and the styling of them. (Actually I recoded the whole signs system)
- Fixed signs only being styled when they were used, also fixed that they could only be used once.
- Changed the compass so it only tracks taggers.
- Hopefully fixed a incompatibility with the plugin ChatColor.
- Fixed finish round commands being executed for both groups of players(taggers and survivors).
- Fixed that the round ended message was not send to everyone.
- Fixed the arena finish commands, they were not working properly.
- Added the arena state to signs.
- Fixed a lot related to the ending of a game.
- Optimalizations.
- Changed the display name of the compass.
- Changed the update message to a much better one.
- Changed the compass so it displays rounded numbers, like 1 and not 1.92983328828.

Thanks to @Dixizer for a lot of bugreports.
Please note that this version is considered EXPERIMENTAL because I made a lot of critical changes, please report bugs as quick as possible.
I did a lot of testing though and it went well! I couldn't reproduce the bugs anymore and had a lot of fun :)
Thanks for your patience guys, I apologize for the bugs.

----------, Mar 18, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,831
First Release: Oct 18, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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