TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin icon

TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin -----

Advanced Ticket Creation and Management tool

This update brings support to 1.21 and 1.21.1. It also makes Java 21 the minimum version required.
----------, Aug 13, 2024

Updates for Paper only
----------, May 29, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where the internal version was not updated, causing the update checker in 11.0.3 to always say an update was available.
  • Added /ticket as an alias to /ticket help
----------, Feb 20, 2024

Fixes an issue with the TM:SE spigot config file and notification spam when proxy mode is enabled
----------, Feb 11, 2024

This update fixes all currently known issues with the proxy mode:
  • Fixed: PBE update checker now reports the correct information
  • Fixed: Teleportation sends now sends players to the correct location (logic fixed).
  • Fixed: Server name now shows when in proxy mode
  • Fixed: Mass notifications across a network are implemented
----------, Jan 4, 2024

TicketManager 11: Ultra Modularization Update

Information about updates:
  • Changelog for 11.0.0: Contains the changes made going from TM10 to TM11. V11 introduces a new TM:Core plugin and a greatly expanded developer API (lots of internal structural changes to TM:SE too, but more-so to leverage the new proper Extension system). Additionally, there is a formally apology for the disaster that was TM10, and there is a reflection on both the past, present, and future of the plugin ecosystem.
  • Changelog for 11.0.1: Just a patch to the notification system. Users were periodically being notified about their open tickets instead of ones with unread updates.
New Required Plugin
TM:Core is a new mandatory plugin for TM:SE and TM Extensions to operate. I explain the rationale behind this change thoroughly in the changelogs. The changelog also contains a download link.

The Future
I explain this thoroughly in the changelogs, but basically TM11 will be the last major revision of the plugin, at least for a long time. The plugin has come a long way and matured to a point I am content with, and it has plenty of entry points for developers to add new features.

This does not mean the plugin is abandoned. Bugs will be dealt with, and compatibility updates will ensure it works with future Minecraft versions. The days of playing fast and footloose with the code are simply over, and no new major changes are planned (extensions are still a work in progress).
----------, Dec 27, 2023

Updated CommandAPI to 9.2.0 which adds MC 1.20.2 support.
----------, Oct 4, 2023

See the download link for all updates between 10.0.2 and 10.0.5
----------, Sep 15, 2023

Fixed a bug with the migrator tool failing for users without the discord bot in addition to a bad merge resolution rolling back the names of the tables, causing problems with CACHED_H2
----------, Sep 6, 2023

Please read the update notes if you are updating from TM 9. It contains important information.
----------, Sep 5, 2023

  • Fixed bug where discord bot could not display ticket comments
----------, Mar 5, 2023

Originally I planned to make this a full major release, but certain issues arose which required me to post things prematurely. You can read more on the releases page of GitHub

PLEASE read the important information page if you use a proxy.
----------, Feb 12, 2023

  • Updated dependencies
  • MySQL 8 normal authentication method now works
See the GitHub for more information
----------, Feb 5, 2023

  • Fixed a bug with the history command on users with no history.
  • Updated dependencies
----------, Jan 3, 2023

No changes aside from dependency updating.
----------, Nov 6, 2022

This update adds the ability to provide explanations for commands in the help section in addition to German locale tweaks/fixes.

See the full change-log here.
----------, Aug 22, 2022

  • Fixed issue where permissions, cooldown, and command syntax were checked regardless of previous results. Results now short-circuit such that only one message is displayed at a time (permission -> syntax -> cooldown)
----------, Aug 16, 2022

  • Fixed a bug where the proxy update checking system used the same value as the plugin update checking system.
  • Updated dependencies
----------, Aug 8, 2022

Check out https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/releases/tag/8.3.0 to see the full changelog! The TLDR is that the PBE's now have update checking, and they can send this information to SE's.
----------, Jul 29, 2022

  • Fixed issue where the Spigot Edition's config file said "Paper Edition".
  • Fixed bug where the automatic config file updater would not finish writing to the file.
  • Fixed formatting issue with /ticket help
----------, May 26, 2022

This update brings 3 new changes!
  • Automatic config file updating
  • Massive config file rework
  • /ticket now re-routes to /ticket help
Check out the full changelog on GitHub! https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/releases/tag/8.2.0
----------, May 26, 2022

Check out https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/releases/tag/8.1.0 for a full overview of this feature update!
----------, Apr 21, 2022

  • Fixed an issue where the Discord bot would throw an error
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions
  • Fixed bug introduced in last version which causes 8.0.2 believe it's 8.0.1 to the update checker
----------, Apr 11, 2022

  • Fixed bug where forcing locale would not work
  • Fixed bug where events used previously loaded databases
  • Fixed bug where invalid message arose from closing ticket without comment in discord (hopefully)
----------, Apr 7, 2022

  • Fixed modified stacktrace
  • Fixed bug where Cached_H2 would not change ticket assignments on the H2 database
----------, Mar 26, 2022

Please read all the changes at https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/releases/tag/8.0.0! There is some important information!
----------, Mar 18, 2022

  • Fixed bugs limiting use of MySQL mode
  • Fixed bug that would occur during mass closing of tickets

See details changes on the github page!
----------, Feb 6, 2022

  • Replaced Legacy parser with Kyori MiniMessage
  • Added support for modifying formatting
  • Fixed bug where Cached SQLite mode could not mass close tickets
More information is on the GitHub release page!
----------, Dec 22, 2021

  • Rewrote certain processes to operate much more efficiently in parallel. This change is highly unlikely to affect any users and only addresses a previous misunderstanding.
  • Rewrote and fixed the update checker for the 1 millionth time.
  • Update Checker now checks GitHub instead of the Spigot forums.
  • Added new metric to bStats page to record which plugin platform is being used.
Going forward, downloads will be redirected to the GitHub page to encourage the download of the proper platform. It also encourages proper upgrading in the rare event that a new version requires some upgrade directions
----------, Dec 15, 2021

  • Updated dependencies and replaced Kotlinx.serialization with Google GSON (fixed an internal issue that randomly appeared for no reason)
  • Updated minimum operating requirement to 1.18
  • Updated minimum Java version to 17
  • Fixed issue with Memory mode (no one uses the pure memory mode anyways, so this doesn't affect anyone)
----------, Dec 6, 2021

  • Fixed bug where MySQL was being handled data in an unexpected form.
  • Updated a few dependencies to latest versions
  • Updated config to represent all possible locale values (forgot to add one, whoops!)
  • Fixed bug where a failed attempt to start the discord bot (if enabled) resulted in the plugin not properly initializing
----------, Nov 15, 2021


This update brings performance improvements, internal changes, and even a new database type! Please read the github site for more information on all changes!
----------, Nov 15, 2021

  • Fixed bug where failsafe'ing to SQLite didn't actually initialize the database, resulting in a possibly empty database.
  • Fixed bug where performing certain actions on a ticket whose owner was offline resulted in an error.
----------, Oct 16, 2021

It's been a while since the last update! This update brings three updates in particular:
  • Fixed a bug in the localization system that will only impact users once another language is added.
  • Updated all dependencies to latest version
  • Optimized database connections. MySQL should see a noticeable improvement in performance and responsiveness in select situations. However, as always SQLite or Memory are preferred to MySQL for the best responsiveness!
----------, Oct 6, 2021

  • Fixes bug where bStats is unable to launch
----------, Aug 12, 2021

This release does not provide any new features or bug fixes. It is instead the unification of many aspects of TicketManager into one more-platform-agnostic piece of software. In short, much of the code is now shared between the different TicketManager versions. This makes for easier updating and feature additions. It'll also allow for the eventual Sponge support addition to be simple.
----------, Aug 10, 2021

  • Fixed bug where MySQL (and possibly others) would throw an error when the database was empty.
----------, Aug 4, 2021

  • Fixed bug with MySQL. Some debug code slipped through to 5.2.3, which dramatically slowed down MySQL. I apologize for this, and it has been resolved.
  • Fixed bug where Paper version threw an error on attempting to teleport to a ticket.
Dev Notes:
I'm sorry for all of these bug fixes lately. I'm moving in a few days, so I'm trying to fix as much as possible before then. Also TM5 dramatically increased the amount of multi-threading involved with TicketManager, and that introduced quite a few bugs. I'm fixing them as I go, but without any bug reports, I can only fix what I find. If you find any bugs, please consider reporting them on GitHub. It means bug fixes can be fewer and farther apart as each update would contain more fixes.
----------, Jul 24, 2021

  • Fixed bug where MySQL was unable to convert to Memory.
  • Fixed bug where MySQL would not sort list correctly.
  • Updated log-in notifications to run independently after event firing
----------, Jul 24, 2021

  • Updating the plugin version has been standardized internally. This ensures that 5.2.0 to 5.2.2 does not happen again (I wrote steps to follow now, haha)
  • The config now states the version it is from! This helps users know when the file was generated.
I'm very sorry about this! I'm happy to say that it's all been resolved now
----------, Jul 23, 2021

5.2.0 Changelog
  • Certain actions waited on other tasks to complete before continuing. This was not necessary and was fixed. Plugin responsiveness should improve more noticeably on longer database connections.
  • Added Discord Integration support! Check out the wiki on GitHub for more information!
  • New config file! Please allow config file to regenerate to take advantage of new features if coming from a previous version.
5.2.1 Bug Fix
  • Due to oversight when testing, the Spigot version of the plugin did not actually contain the new config file. This has been addressed and 5.2.0 was removed.
----------, Jul 23, 2021

  • Fixed bug where certain tasks were waited on before continuing. This limitation has been removed where applicable, speeding up the plugin responsiveness in certain areas. Again, this change is much more noticeable in servers with a longer database response time (Like non-local MySQL)
  • Added Discord notification support! Add a bot that can send ticket changes and creation messages to your discord server! Please view the wiki on GitHub to view instructions on setting this feature up.
----------, Jul 23, 2021

This update only brings 2 changes:
  • Added command /ticket listunassigned. This command should be useful for larger servers that need to filter through all open tickets that have yet to be assigned.
  • Fixed bug where the update checker would say there is a new version when the current version and latest version were the same. Update checker should finally work as expected!
As always, Paper and Spigot versions can be found on GitHub, but Spigot version can also be downloaded on this site.

5.1.0 was released early due to the update checking bug, but 5.2.0 is already in the works!

Adding support for importing/exporting tickets into and out of the database is being looked at. There are a few issues with this feature, pretty much all of which revolve around figuring out how to deal with users invalidating the data structure, but I am looking into it at the very least.

Discord support is also being entertained. There's also plenty of challenges and design details to take into consideration, but it might be a future feature.
Note that the bot would NOT be plug and play. Be fully prepared to have to create the token yourself through the discord developer site (instructions would be provided)

Neither of these features are guaranteed to be in the next release, if any at all. They are only current entertainments.
----------, Jul 18, 2021

For those of you hoping for new updates, I apologize as a large chunk of this update was internal changes... lots and lots of internal changes. Now that performance has been made considerably better, I can look more towards adding new features in new updates!

I STRONGLY RECOMMEND PEOPLE TAKE A LOOK AT THE CHANGELOG ON GITHUB (which can be found HERE). Some of the changes are really worth reading about. For those who would rather not, here is the TLDR of V5:
  • TicketManager Paper version and Spigot version have been split and are now separate jar files. Paper can run either version, but Spigot must run the Spigot file. Users are highly encouraged to use the version made for their particular server type. Paper users can download theirs at the link above. Spigot users can download at the link above or the file hosted here.
  • New config! (You must allow the config to regenerate to see these changes)
  • Commands range from being slightly faster to immensely faster.
  • Internals are now all async
  • New database type: "Memory"
As always, please report bugs on GitHub, and if you really enjoy my plugin, please consider rating it. It would mean a lot and let others see TicketManager!

----------, Jul 15, 2021

So the biggest changes are the switch to Java 16 and MC 1.17+!
Don't fret if you still use 1.16 though! While some features have been added, nothing is large.

The two new features are:
  • 2 new ticket search constraints! closedby and lastclosedby
  • The return of the plugin update checker! This feature briefly appeared in version 2.1.0 but was removed because of various reasons. With Paper/Spigot 1.17, this feature has been regained by the introduction of the server to install dependencies on server startup! This feature is here to stay!
A few other tweaks have been made, and a full list of changes can be found at https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/releases/tag/4.1.0
----------, Jun 20, 2021

A few bug fixes were made! Most notably TM 4 now properly works on Spigot. Furthermore, servers running with force-locale mode enabled now properly work as well.

A full changelog can be seen on the GitHub page!
----------, Jun 9, 2021

It's here! TicketManager 4 is finally here! It's been a lot of hard work, but I am extremely proud of this release. It's been written from scratch and had a lot of things changed. Hopefully it all pays off!

Anyways, this update comes with some non-code changes too. Beginning now, GitHub is the home for this project! All documentation is posted there, and bug release information will also be posted there. Updates will absolutely be posted here too, but users will have to go to the changelogs hosted there if they wish to see the full changes. Write once and point everywhere else to there just makes more sense to me, plus the people who ACTUALLY read this stuff are the people who don't mind hitting a link and waiting like two seconds for it to load.

Conversation is still always welcome here! I'm just saying that I'll only be posting full changelogs there, and everywhere else will get a link to it (unless it's a very small change)

A link to the full release can be found at https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/releases/tag/4.0.0. PLEASE READ IT!!!! It has very, very, very important information for users running TicketManager 2 or 3

Thank you so much for using TicketManager as well, and it would be even more appreciated if you allowed your server to run bstats if you have it turned off. It gives me a good idea of the target audience and actually gives me a lot of morale.
----------, Jun 9, 2021

With this new release, the two biggest features added are SQLite database support in addition to database migration!

Commands Added:
  • /ticket convertdatabase : Allows user to convert between database types
Permission Nodes:
  • Added ticketmanager.convertdatabase which is by default added to only the wildcard permission
  • ticketmanager.notify.warning now also shows when database is being converted
Features Added:
  • SQLite database support added! Users now have the option of MySQL or SQLite. By default, SQLite is the default database type
  • Brand new config file. DO NOT USE PREVIOUS CONFIG FILE TYPE!!! Delete old config file and let plugin generate new file. Make sure to store your database information if using MySQL!
  • Because the JAR file is too large to be hosted on spigot, update checking no longer works
----------, Apr 24, 2021

  • Fixed bug where /ticket claim and /ticket unassign would throw an error if ID was omitted
  • Fixed bug where one one database connection was not being returned to the pool
----------, Apr 22, 2021

Changes Made:

  • Timestamp now shows beneath location when viewing ticket.
  • Changed closeall notification to match other notification colours.
  • Added two new permissions!
    • ticketmanager.notify.update -- See when a new plugin update is available.
    • ticketmanager.notify.staff -- Takes on the same permissions as the notify.* node but lacks the warning and plugin update nodes.
  • ticketmanager.manage no longer includes ticketmanager.notify.* and has been replaced with ticketmanager.notify.staff
  • bStats has been implemented!
  • TicketManager now alerts users with the correct permission node if an update is available!

User feedback and ratings are always welcome and appreciated as it helps me know if I'm steering this plugin in the right direction! I am thinking about potentially adding SQLite database support which would allow users who lack a MySQL database to still use the plugin, but let me know what you think! It would be slow progress, but if there was enough demand I would get to work on that
----------, Apr 12, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,150
First Release: Apr 11, 2021
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings