TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin icon

TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin -----

Advanced Ticket Creation and Management tool

TicketManager 11 Release + Patch
TicketManager 11: Ultra Modularization Update

Information about updates:
  • Changelog for 11.0.0: Contains the changes made going from TM10 to TM11. V11 introduces a new TM:Core plugin and a greatly expanded developer API (lots of internal structural changes to TM:SE too, but more-so to leverage the new proper Extension system). Additionally, there is a formally apology for the disaster that was TM10, and there is a reflection on both the past, present, and future of the plugin ecosystem.
  • Changelog for 11.0.1: Just a patch to the notification system. Users were periodically being notified about their open tickets instead of ones with unread updates.
New Required Plugin
TM:Core is a new mandatory plugin for TM:SE and TM Extensions to operate. I explain the rationale behind this change thoroughly in the changelogs. The changelog also contains a download link.

The Future
I explain this thoroughly in the changelogs, but basically TM11 will be the last major revision of the plugin, at least for a long time. The plugin has come a long way and matured to a point I am content with, and it has plenty of entry points for developers to add new features.

This does not mean the plugin is abandoned. Bugs will be dealt with, and compatibility updates will ensure it works with future Minecraft versions. The days of playing fast and footloose with the code are simply over, and no new major changes are planned (extensions are still a work in progress).
----------, Dec 27, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,151
First Release: Apr 11, 2021
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings