TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin icon

TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin -----

Advanced Ticket Creation and Management tool

Version: 11.1.4
Players can't open tickets even if they've been given the permissions :( Still says they don't have permission, and I know I added the right ones

Version: 11.1.1
Ich liebe dieses Plugin, jedoch hoffe ich auf ein Update für die 1.21, das wäre schön <3
Author's response
Hey there! Sorry for not posting an update here! The Discord is where I make all notifications, so it's a great place to check for updates. Anyways, the latest version now supports up to 1.21.1! I'm glad you enjoy the plugin <3

Version: 10.0.2
I have not left a review since version 8 of the plugin, and since then, there have been so many improvements! This is by far the golden standard for ticketing plugins. It is super easy to set up on a Bungee network. The plugin author is responsive and helps out. This plugin should be on every server!
Author's response
Thank you for following TicketManager for so long! It truly means a lot <3. Update 10 has definitely been the roughest update yet due to all of the changes and variations in people's runtime environments, but everything is slowly getting fixed!

Version: 8.4.1
What an incredible plugin. Super customizable, detailed Wiki, and easy to set up. Thank you, HoshiKurama, for making this!
Author's response
Thank you so much! I'm very happy to hear you enjoy the plugin <3

Version: 8.4.1
I really like the plugin, I would like to be able to use it on my roleplay server. is it possible to add support for mohist 1.16.5?
Author's response
Hey there! I'm happy to hear you enjoy the plugin~

Regarding Mohist, it doesn't have any instructions for targeting it. This would make it exceedingly difficult to make compatible as I have no clue what I'm even targeting. Mohist's page gives the impression that it should run normal Paper/Spigot plugins just fine. However, 1.16.5 is a version long gone in support, and newer versions of TicketManager rely on features only found on the newer versions.

It's for these reasons that I can't foresee any official support for Mohist in its current form. That being said, newer versions might work once they release 1.19.x support, but you might also need to submit a ticket on their github to make a patch

Version: 8.2.2
Great resource, I'm currently testing it as a replacement for the good ol' Modreq plugin that hasnt been updated since 1.14 (5 major MC versions back).

Some things I find this plugin to lack currently are:
- There's no ticket completion status being sent to the ticket creator upon them logging in. Would be nice to either send 'your ticket has been resolved, hover over this message to see the staff comment'
- Staff members arent being notified of open tickets when they log in. E.g. 'there's x open tickets waiting to be resolved'

It could be that those things are already part of the plugin and that I've simply overlooked it. Again, I'm still testing it and liking it so far!
Author's response
Hey there!

Firstly, thank you very much for your review! Hopefully TicketManager is able to replace your previous setup!

Regarding the ticket messages on login, the plugin supports both of your requested features! These features require certain permission nodes. For staff to see the number of open tickets on login, use ‘ticketmanager.notify.openTickets.onJoin’. For players to see which of their tickets have changes on login, use ‘ ticketmanager.notify.unreadUpdates.onJoin’.

All TicketManager permissions are listed at https://github.com/HoshiKurama/TicketManager/wiki/TicketManager-8-Permissions. If you have any other general questions though, feel free to join the Discord server and ask them!

Version: 8.2.1
Been changing from a different Ticket resource which unfortunately was somewhat clunky, lackluster and buggy.
I contacted the dev due to a question regarding version compatiblity and it turned out it was incompatible (Release 8.0 with 1.18.1) due to minimessage/kyo updates, the dev answered in several minutes and offered me to check and eventually write a custom version. So said it was done in no time, works flawless, both, the system ingame and the discord bot notifications. The dev was very helpful throughout the situation and always answers asap and friendly.
Would 5/5 recommend, so far after a day I got no issues at all from the side of the plugin.

I had some issues with the async mysql version used tho, but found a workaround and posted the solution which worked for me in the help channel for anyone else having trouble, but as said, the dev is for sure able to help you!:)
Author's response
Thank you very much for your kind review, and I’m so happy to hear the plugin suits your needs! I also definitely appreciate you discovering the fix for MySQL 8.0

Version: 8.0.0
I have run MC servers since 2011 and from time to time, plugins get abandoned and you need to find replacement that fits your needs and give players similar environment so they can keep using them without hassle. Recently outdated plugins has become more common problem. Finally while I was looking for replacement for "ticket" system, I found TicketManager. I had problems to get it work on MySQL but Author gave me friendly help on my setup and now it is running without issues. Author (Hoshi) have said that this plugin is his Baby and I can see that. Thank you very much for help and for a great plugin you have created.
Author's response
Thank you so much for those kind words! The plugin has come such a long way, and it honestly feels great that people are enjoying my hard work (with the help of the community too, of course)

I’m sorry that you had issues with MySQL. I’m definitely updating the requirements now on the main page, and if this issue ever gets fixed, you’ll be the first person I tell this news to!

Also holy heck, thank you so much for that donation! <3<3<3

Version: 8.0.0
Honestly, best ticket plugin i can think of right now. Does everything i have wanted a ticket plugin to do. Has the ability of PureTickets (and more) but the aesthetic and ease to actually be usable in Minecraft. Its kinda my dream ticket plugin and i hope it continues to thrive and grow. I feel like the only issue have with it so far is versions not having broad support across at least 1.16 and up all in the latest version as the way databases are handled has changed and would break attempting to install the plugin on a MC network with multiple versions per a back-end server.
Author's response
Gosh, thank you for the review, and I'm so happy the plugin fits your needs! I totally understand your gripes though. With all the craziness that's been going on between newer Java requirements and new Adventure versions, it's been kinda crazy trying to support everything. Going forward I'm going to try my best to support what I can

Version: 7.0.1
Amazing plugin! I've tried editing the en_ca file but it doesn't change anything in game?
Author's response
I’m so happy you like the plugin! As far as the en_ca file, I could probably help you much better in the new discord server for this plugin! The link is in the description.

Version: 7.0.1
hello,you plugin TicketManager is nice.Can l reprint it to www.mcbbs.net?l promise not to for commercial use.
Author's response
Hey there, I'm so happy you like the plugin! I'm okay with you making a post that points users to my GitHub or this page. I'm not sure how useful it would be for that site though since TicketManager doesn't have a Chinese localization file.

Version: 7.0.1
One of the best ticket plugins out there currently. A lot of plugins similar to this make you "report' a player or enter in a username. TicketManager however is inherently better due to the fact it allows your players to explain the issue in their own words, rather than reporting a specific player or selecting from predefined messages in a GUI. While a small bug was found with a previous version, the developer quickly replied and was able to resolve the issue in a very short period of time.
Fantastic plugin overall and I hope to see more in the future!
Author's response
Thank you so much for your kind words! TicketManager was designed for users to make a ticket on any type of issue they ran into, so I'm very happy to hear the current system is appreciated. And if you ever find more bugs, I'm only a message away! =^-^=

Version: 6.1.0
I was looking for a plugin like this for a long time, I am thanking you for making this. Thank you mister!
Author's response
Gosh, thank you so much for using TicketManager. I'm so happy to hear you enjoy it =^-^=

Version: 6.1.0
A very good ticket manager. It would be a 10 if it supported message localization in a standard, user-friendly manner. Unpacking the JAR, editing the language file, then repackaging the JAR is untenable.
Author's response
Thank you so much! I'll definitely keep that in mind! It's certainly possible in the future

Version: 2.1.0
Great plugin! Probably one of the best ticket plugins out there with lots of unique features. I'd recommend it to all server owners!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,150
First Release: Apr 11, 2021
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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