TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin icon

TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin -----

Advanced Ticket Creation and Management tool

5.0.0 Release: The Performance Update
For those of you hoping for new updates, I apologize as a large chunk of this update was internal changes... lots and lots of internal changes. Now that performance has been made considerably better, I can look more towards adding new features in new updates!

I STRONGLY RECOMMEND PEOPLE TAKE A LOOK AT THE CHANGELOG ON GITHUB (which can be found HERE). Some of the changes are really worth reading about. For those who would rather not, here is the TLDR of V5:
  • TicketManager Paper version and Spigot version have been split and are now separate jar files. Paper can run either version, but Spigot must run the Spigot file. Users are highly encouraged to use the version made for their particular server type. Paper users can download theirs at the link above. Spigot users can download at the link above or the file hosted here.
  • New config! (You must allow the config to regenerate to see these changes)
  • Commands range from being slightly faster to immensely faster.
  • Internals are now all async
  • New database type: "Memory"
As always, please report bugs on GitHub, and if you really enjoy my plugin, please consider rating it. It would mean a lot and let others see TicketManager!

----------, Jul 15, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,151
First Release: Apr 11, 2021
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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