TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin icon

TicketManager - Advanced Ticket Plugin -----

Advanced Ticket Creation and Management tool

5.1.0 Small Feature Release
This update only brings 2 changes:
  • Added command /ticket listunassigned. This command should be useful for larger servers that need to filter through all open tickets that have yet to be assigned.
  • Fixed bug where the update checker would say there is a new version when the current version and latest version were the same. Update checker should finally work as expected!
As always, Paper and Spigot versions can be found on GitHub, but Spigot version can also be downloaded on this site.

5.1.0 was released early due to the update checking bug, but 5.2.0 is already in the works!

Adding support for importing/exporting tickets into and out of the database is being looked at. There are a few issues with this feature, pretty much all of which revolve around figuring out how to deal with users invalidating the data structure, but I am looking into it at the very least.

Discord support is also being entertained. There's also plenty of challenges and design details to take into consideration, but it might be a future feature.
Note that the bot would NOT be plug and play. Be fully prepared to have to create the token yourself through the discord developer site (instructions would be provided)

Neither of these features are guaranteed to be in the next release, if any at all. They are only current entertainments.
----------, Jul 18, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,151
First Release: Apr 11, 2021
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings