Telecom icon

Telecom -----

Cell Phones and Carriers in Minecraft

This update fixes compatibility with Paper and Java 21.

Telecom now requires Java 21 and greater!
----------, Jul 6, 2024

Fixing a small bug where if you had spaces in your name of your carrier or label of band squaremap would throw an error. This is now fixed.

Added getCellSignal to Telecom API.
----------, Feb 14, 2024

This small release fixes a call prefix bug that was reported. Call prefixes will now work correctly.

(Previous release)
SquareMap has now been integrated into Telecom as a soft dependency.

  • Global Layer showing all towers and their coverage.
    • Unique Carrier Colors (Outline)
    • Unique Fill color (Band)
  • Carrier Level Layer showing only towers/coverage for that carrier.
    • Unique Carrier Colors (Outline)
    • Unique Fill color (Band)
Layers are hidden by default in SquareMap.
There is no LANG settings for this feature yet.

Please backup configs before using this update.
----------, Sep 9, 2023

SquareMap has now been integrated into Telecom as a soft dependency.

  • Global Layer showing all towers and their coverage.
    • Unique Carrier Colors (Outline)
    • Unique Fill color (Band)
  • Carrier Level Layer showing only towers/coverage for that carrier.
    • Unique Carrier Colors (Outline)
    • Unique Fill color (Band)
Layers are hidden by default in SquareMap.
There is no LANG settings for this feature yet.

Please backup configs before using this update.
----------, Sep 9, 2023

Fixed an issue when you first installed the plugin it wouldn't let you create towers.
----------, Aug 13, 2023


This update allows you to have custom carrier bands. There is some VERY important information about this so please read.

1. When creating custom carriers, please keep in mind that ORDER matters. When usingBetaFeatures is turned on, it uses a new tower selection mechanism that tries to get the better band of tower before switching to a lesser one. In the original algorithm it just does it based on signal strength. IF you have 6G before 5G it will pick 5G every single time because priority order is based on the order in which its saved in the config. So if you want a better band PLEASE put it in the right order.
2. The NAME of the band is super important. This will be what you create towers with. If you name the band 6G your command will be /tcom ct 6G. If you name the band monkey you have to do /tcom ct monkey.
3. If you have towers that were created using the older structure and you change the name of the band. The tower will flat out not work. So if you change the name in the config, you also have to change every tower type in towers.json as well or it will break.


As always thanks for your suggestions. I'm slowly getting to them!

----------, Aug 2, 2023

Fixed an issue where if you didn't have WorldEdit it would throw and error and disable the plugin on enable.

This is now fixed and you don't have to have WorldEdit or WorldGuard to enable this plugin.
----------, Jun 20, 2023

Now able to block people from creating/destroying towers in protected regions via worldguard. With the BUILD flag.
----------, Jun 19, 2023

Adding more customizations of lang.

Use /tcom mansave to get the new lang file properties.

Breaking Changes to lang:

The call prefix is now not hardcoded colors. So change your config to this if you want the same look "&b[&7Call&b]"
----------, Jun 18, 2023

  • Added UTF-8 Encoding to plugin to support more languages such as Russian
    • It would load the config correctly but when saving it Java wouldn't know what to do.
----------, Jun 18, 2023

I'm still feeling really sick but I had time to do a little update to 1.20.

Thanks for using my plugin.
----------, Jun 10, 2023

1.19.x Support
And Adding isInCall to API
----------, Oct 26, 2022

Updating to MC version 1.19.x

Adding isInCall API call to TelecomAPI.

Sorry for the wait, just been busy with life. Hopefully more meaningful updates to come.
----------, Oct 26, 2022

Fixing various GUI errors in Bedrock UI when typing /phone or sending a message over text.

Fixing those same issues for displaying to console.

Simplifying phone when you type /phone

Making phone prefix configurable.
----------, Apr 2, 2022

Now adding placeholders!

Here is the placeholder.

This will show the current phone signal. If you don't have a carrier it will say not subscribed. (Fully configurable)

Adding a setting to enable/disable placeholder api. (Placeholder API is kinda lame so if you do this you have to reload your entire server)

Fixing signal strength indicators to the same size:
  • Fixed in UI when typing /phone or using placeholder
  • Fixed In console
  • Fixed on bedrock (Floodgate Required)
Fixing Nonbeta signal strength indicator to same algo as beta. (UI Fixes are not included in this.

Trying to fix legacy materials being populated if you are on 1.12 and below.

Here are some images of the fixes/changes.

fixingTelecomSignal.png bedrockPlaceholder.png
----------, Mar 30, 2022

Adding a very basic API which will grow in the future. Java Docs are on our discord.

In addition most of the plugins code will be obfuscated. In the coming months this plugin will transition to a premium plugin. But before that there are some basic features that need to be added, and basic code cleanup, and an extensible API which you can integrate with. Until that move, it will stay a free plugin. There are classes that we don't obfuscate which is on purpose so you can integrate with the plugin easier.
----------, Mar 28, 2022

  • Fixed a small bug that would allow workers to break but not place when tower protection was enabled.
  • Fixing startup error.
----------, Mar 28, 2022

  • Fixed a small bug that would allow workers to break but not place when tower protection was enabled.
----------, Mar 28, 2022

This has been updated to the latest version of 1.18 so all the materials will work!

Chat Colors.
You can now override chat colors in language file using the chat colors. Example: &cTest will = Test
Be careful however I'm unsure of what it might make the text look like. So use it to your discretion.

You can now add workers with roles. Currently only role is ENGINEER.

Engineers can do the following:
  • Create/destroy towers on your behalf. It will use your money so only do it to who you trust.
THIS UPDATE REQUIRES JAVA 1.17 (Please make sure you update your java runtime)
----------, Mar 20, 2022

I am updating to 1.17 for materials.

This requires Java 16. Since 1.17 Requires Java 16 I am now going to compile all my plugins in Java 16. If you do not have Java 16 my plugin will not work.
----------, Jun 26, 2021

Adding some console messaging for texts and calls for server auditing purposes.
----------, Jun 4, 2021

Fixed an internal error that occurred when you tried to add a peer by the player name and not the carrier.
----------, Jun 2, 2021

  • Fixing messages sending the wrong carrier information to the player when roaming.
  • Fixed when removing a carrier it didn't remove a peering link.
----------, May 30, 2021

Changed from partners -> peers.

Read previous update for features.
----------, May 30, 2021

Yes you saw that correctly you can now roam.
Again please turn on useBetaFeatures for these features to work.

  1. Carrier peering agreements.
  2. Phone roaming.
New Commands:
  • /tcom peer add <carrierName> - Requests a peering agreement between carrier.
  • /tcom peer remove <carrierName> - Removes a peering agreement.
  • /tcom peer accept - Accepts a peering agreement
  • /tcom peer deny - Denies a peering agreement.
  • /tcom peer cancel - Cancels and outgoing peering request.
  • /tcom peer list - List all peering agreements.
This was the most requested feature, now it is here!
----------, May 30, 2021

Fixing a bug where it would show you a recipients carrier and signal when they sent you a message.
----------, May 30, 2021

There are a couple awesome features added in this update.

Again make sure your useBetaFeatures settings is true for these to work.

  1. Added /phone reply (/phone r for short) will reply to last known recipient.
  2. Added new messaging dealing with text messages.
    • Minimal Mode which will turn text messages into a really clean message between you and the recipient must like /msg
    • Show Signal in prefix. Will show the signal in the prefix when you send/receive a message.
  3. Will now show the Carrier name when dealing with messages instead of [Telecom]

New Settings:
  1. showSendingTextMessage - Will show you what text message you sent.
  2. minimalTextMessages - Will show clean UI with minimal space taken up. (Much like /msg)
  3. showSignalInPrefix - Will show you signal in prefix when you receive/send a message.
These all default to true. :)
----------, May 29, 2021

Simplifying legacy materials.
Fixed support with VentureChat. (Maybe others)
----------, May 22, 2021

Fixed some small bugs to do with vault hooking and encountered a weird error when a null player existed. So fixed those as well.
----------, May 22, 2021

Finally I have added multiple calling. This comes with some new settings.
WARNING: useBetaFeatures must be set to true to use this feature!

This will generate a couple new settings in the config to use /tcom mansave to generate them without reloading.

This is a beta feature so be weary and report bugs in discord.

  • quietPhoneCalls - If set to true it will ignore all global chat while you are in a call.
  • maxConcurrentCallers - The max number of callers. Min is 2.
  • Added ability to multi-call on phone.
  • Added ability to silence global chat with configurable setting.
  • Added ability to set the max concurrent callers.
All these settings are hot-swappable so you can enable/disable them at will while the server is running with /tcom manload and /tcom mansave.

----------, May 21, 2021

I don't know how this happened but this is now fixed :)
----------, May 2, 2021

  1. Added helpful messages when vault doesn't find an economy.
    • It will notify on every command except any config commands.
    • It will notify in console on startup.
----------, Apr 23, 2021

  1. Fixed signal strength indicator colors.
----------, Apr 22, 2021

  1. Adjusted how cell signal bars are generated.
  2. Adjusted tower switching be to a lower threshold. (Should switch sooner)

To use beta features please refer to my last post.
----------, Apr 22, 2021

This is a BETA update so please be aware of that. Post bug reports to the discord.

  1. Cell signal strength is now determined by the best cell band.
  2. You may now customize band labels.

1. After plugin update and reload, run the command /tcom mansave
2. Change any beta setting you want.
3. Change useBetaFeatures from false => true
4. Save the file.
5. Run command /tcom manload
----------, Apr 21, 2021

Make sure you backup your lang file just in case!

Steps to upgrade lang:
  1. Update JAR.
  2. Reload/Restart server.
  3. Manually save. /tcom mansave.
  4. Edit config with new desired messages.
  5. Manually Load Config. /tcom manload
----------, Apr 5, 2021

Apparently I compiled on Java 11 which caused some issues for some people that were on Java 8. This is now fixed.

Also apparently telecom version didn't work in the console? Lol so that is fixed as well.

Sorry about that. Thank you to everyone who are using the Discord server, its helping with issues/questions more rapidly.
----------, Dec 23, 2020

Adding new configurable protection distance.

This needed to be configurable, I have been getting some complaints and unknown questions from server owners about this. These settings were hard coded and now will no longer be.

In order to enable this in an already running server without losing config start the server up with the new 0.1.6 version and do a /telecom mansave command.

Default Configuration:
"towerProtectionDistance": {
"xDistance": 5,
"yDistance": 20,
"zDistance": 5

How it works:
If you set the all the distances to 0 then you may build towers right next to each other just not on the same block. (1 block away)
If you set each distance to 1 then you may not build a tower within 1 block of each tower. (2 Blocks away)

I'm sorry I'm kind of slow, my life is pretty busy. Thanks for hanging in there!
----------, Dec 22, 2020

  • Updating to the newest version of stable spigot (1.16.3)
  • Small adjustment to coloring of phone signals. (Leave me feedback on this)
----------, Nov 16, 2020

Fixed some Legacy Bugs, material bug fixes, and fixed config generation.

Changes in config.
  • Changed carrier model property pricePerMinute to pricePerPhoneCallMessage.
----------, Jan 17, 2020

Added alias /tcom reload command. Contains same functionality as /tcom manload
----------, Jul 21, 2019

To get language out to you guys, I did something that wasn't performant and it drove me crazy.

Now when you load the config or make a change to it, it will now only make a new instance of the config once.

This may not impact you directly, but I am very keen on making the plugin perform for all of you.

- Added Smart Lang Config Loading for performance.
----------, Jul 18, 2019

This has been long awaited by this community and I thank you for your support.

Note: McEventCore is now REQUIRED.

Config: Changed all configs to lowercase (Might affect linux users)
NEW: Added lang.json file which can be changed. (Finally)

NEW: Now can charge for carrier creation.
- If you are op or have the admin permission you won't be charged.

NEW; 5G Towers! They have a shorter range but are quicker than LTE. (Configurable)

QOL Improvements:
  • If something costs $0 let it go through.. (Duh)
  • McEventCore for Developers to intercept Telecom Plugin Events.
  • Config now allows special characters to not be escaped.

Please Note:

  1. I will NOT do support in reviews. Please comment or send me a message.
  2. In the future I am planning on making this plugin a paid resource. For continued support and my time. Do I know when? Not yet, but in the future it will be.
  3. If you really love this plugin keep using it and give me honest and good feedback :)

As always enjoy!
----------, Jul 13, 2019

Just fixing a little bug where it would post RED_WOOL twice in generated config.
----------, Mar 28, 2019

Allowing for materials in 1.13.xx.

This update will replace your current config with a new one.

The config has a list of materials you can use as towers instead of just one type.

Since there were breaking changes from 1.12.xx to 1.13.xx I have made precautions to still support legacy materials from 1.12 and under.

Thanks everyone! Enjoy!
----------, Nov 17, 2018

When you were calling if one of you lost a tower or service one player would remain in the call while the other would be released. This has been resolved and should work right now. Sorry! :)
----------, Feb 19, 2018

Fixed a message error not showing the correct player name.
----------, Feb 18, 2018

You may now call players and chat without commands!
This does take over your chat so you won't receive any regular chats.

New commands:
/phone call <player> - Calls a player.
/phone deny - Denies an incoming call.
/phone answer - Answers an incoming call.
/phone end - Ends a call.

Setting calling price.

Calling price is per message. Since everyone already has pricePerMinute in the config you can just use /telecom set call <price> to set the call.

Calling Rules:

Only allowed to call one player! (For now)
It will charge every time you try to place a call.
It will charge every message you send in the call.
If you run out of money when you try to send a message, you will be dropped from the call.
If you run out of money and you try and place a call it will not work.
----------, Feb 18, 2018

/telecom carriers will now work with the telecom.use permission.
----------, Jan 7, 2018

Thanks to the ideas of my plugin downloaders I have made the phone prettier with new symbols.

Coming Soon in 1.0
- Phone Calls.
- Configurable Language Files.

Later versions.
- Internet. (In minecraft)
- Wifi.(In minecraft)
- Internet Chat.(In minecraft)
- Internet Calling.(In minecraft)
----------, Jan 7, 2018

Added the ability to see what carriers you can join.

/telecom carriers
----------, Dec 28, 2017

Now updates towers range and speed correctly when config is loaded from disk.
----------, Dec 11, 2017

Players can now send emergency messages to Emergency Responders.
/phone 911 <message>
You can be a responder by the permission: telecom.responder
----------, Nov 20, 2017

Made all the tower types configurable such as the range and the speed of the tower. Please run /tcom mansave to override the old config file. It will not save previous data.
----------, Jul 19, 2017

This update focuses around the ability to be able to change the type of tower material type you can make your towers out of. It also fixes some issues with blocking players from placing blocks around protected towers. A new permission has been added and a new command!

New command:
/tcom manload (Loads configuration from disk manually)

New permission:
----------, Jul 10, 2017

Now instead of picking which tower is closer and has enough strength it now picks the tower that has the best strength
----------, Jun 30, 2017

Fixed a bug where a closer tower that didnt have enough strength to reach you would get picked before another tower that could reach you.
----------, Jun 28, 2017

Was sending money to the person you were texting (OOPS)
----------, Jun 28, 2017

Fixes owners breaking other owners towers when protection is on.
----------, Jun 28, 2017

This version allows for tower protection against players and explosions if enabled in the config.
A configuration has been added for tower prices so you can change them for people who want to create them.
----------, Jun 27, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 14,973
First Release: Jun 27, 2017
Last Update: Jul 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
53 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings