Telecom icon

Telecom -----

Cell Phones and Carriers in Minecraft

Custom Carrier Bands

This update allows you to have custom carrier bands. There is some VERY important information about this so please read.

1. When creating custom carriers, please keep in mind that ORDER matters. When usingBetaFeatures is turned on, it uses a new tower selection mechanism that tries to get the better band of tower before switching to a lesser one. In the original algorithm it just does it based on signal strength. IF you have 6G before 5G it will pick 5G every single time because priority order is based on the order in which its saved in the config. So if you want a better band PLEASE put it in the right order.
2. The NAME of the band is super important. This will be what you create towers with. If you name the band 6G your command will be /tcom ct 6G. If you name the band monkey you have to do /tcom ct monkey.
3. If you have towers that were created using the older structure and you change the name of the band. The tower will flat out not work. So if you change the name in the config, you also have to change every tower type in towers.json as well or it will break.


As always thanks for your suggestions. I'm slowly getting to them!

----------, Aug 2, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,320
First Release: Jun 27, 2017
Last Update: Jul 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
53 ratings
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