This plugin is a redesign of the original Beam or more referred to as (CellMod)
I have been given permission by Instipod to release this plugin.
Please DO NOT post for help in the review section.
- Multiple Carriers Support
- Multiple Towers Support
- Based on the the tower type depends on how fast the message is sent.
- Tower material changes done in configuration.
- Materials Link: Spigot Materials. Change the material by saving the material type exactly in the configuration as it shows up on the Spigot Materials page, then use the /tcom manload command to load it from disk.
- Carrier Peering (Network Sharing/Roaming)
- Placeholder Support
- Worldguard Support (Tower Protection)
- SquareMap Support (Carrier Towers/Coverage)
Tower Types: (Fully Configurable) Speed = Blocks Per Second
- GPRS - 50 Blocks range, Speed: 10 Blocks Per Second
- E - 100 Blocks range, Speed: 25 Blocks Per Second
- 3G - 200 Blocks range, Speed: 100 Blocks Per Second
- 4G - 300 Blocks range, Speed: 300 Blocks Per Second
- LTE - 400 Blocks range, Speed: 800 Blocks Per Second
- 5G - 100 Blocks Range, Speed 400 Blocks Per Second
- TowerProtection (If enabled protects against players & explosions)
- Tower Pricing (For each tier of tower there is a price association)
- Lang (For fully configurable language)
- telecom.own (Allows creation and managing of a carrier)
- telecom.use (Allows joining and leaving of a carrier)
- telecom.admin (Allows administering over this plugin)
- telecom.responder (Allows receiving of emergency messages)
- /phone (Displays phone signal strength)
- /phone send <name> <message> (Sends text to player)
- /phone call <player> (Calls a player)
- /phone call add <player> (Adds a player to a call)
- /phone answer (Answers an incoming call)
- /phone deny (Denies an incoming call)
- /phone end (Ends the current call)
- /phone 911 <message> (Sends emergency message)
- /telecom carriers (Shows all carriers you can join)
- /telecom join <carrierName> (Joins a carrier)
- /telecom leave (Leaves current carrier)
- /telecom create <carrierName> <pricePerText> <pricePerCallMessage> (Creates a carrier)
- /telecom remove (Deletes a carrier and all towers)
- /telecom createTower GPRS (Creates a GPRS tower)
- /telecom createTower E (Creates a E tower)
- /telecom createTower 3G (Creates a 3G tower)
- /telecom createTower 4G (Creates a 4G tower)
- /telecom createTower LTE (Creates a LTE tower)
- /telecom createTower 5G (Creates a 5G tower)
- /telecom set text <price> (Changes the price) (Owner Only)
- /telecom set call<price> (Changes the price) (Owner Only)
- /telecom manload (Manually loads configuration) (admin only)
- /telecom mansave (Manually saves configuration) (admin only)
- /tcom peer add <carrierName> - Requests a peering agreement between carrier.
- /tcom peer remove <carrierName> - Removes a peering agreement.
- /tcom peer accept - Accepts a peering agreement
- /tcom peer deny - Denies a peering agreement.
- /tcom peer cancel - Cancels and outgoing peering request.
- /tcom peer list - List all peering agreements.
- /tcom worker add <player> <role> - Adds a worker to your network with a specific role.
- /tcom worker remove <player> - Removes a worker from your network.
- /tcom worker quit - If you are a worker you can quit yourself.
Worker Roles:
- Engineer - Can create/destroy towers on your behalf.
- %telecom_phone_signal% - Shows signal as a placeholder.
Optional Plugins:
Discord Support: