Unlimited nametag mode feature and bossbar for 1.8 (which used wither entity) got removed from the plugin as previously announced here.
On Velocity, the plugin no longer uses bridge plugin to send scoreboard packets. Instead, a new plugin called VelocityScoreboardAPI was created, which will do this job much better with a much better performance.
If you are using TAB-Bridge with TAB on proxy, update bridge to version 6.0.0.
As MC 1.21.2 is approaching, this is the final update for 4.x branch. From now on, only 5.x versions will be released, which will no longer have unlimited nametag mode and bossbar for 1.8 servers.
This was originally planned to come with MC 1.22 rather than 1.21.2, however, Mojang has decided to rework entity packets in 1.21.2 and I don't see the point in adding support for it just to remove the whole feature soon after.
In case you missed it, here is the original (now updated) announcement:
Please note that the latest BungeeCord changes introduced a packet encoding bug in features TAB offers that causes <1.13 players to be disconnected immediately on join. This bug is inherited by forks as well, including Waterfall and possibly further forks as well.
Considering the bungee update didn't add anything meaningful other than support for some 1.20.3 snapshot, it is better to stay on an older version of the proxy (BungeeCord #1759 or lower, Waterfall #548 or lower) until this is fixed in BungeeCord.
Disabling the plugin for <1.13 players to avoid the disconnect would be a bad solution for many reasons.
Fixed various issues on 1.20.2 BungeeCord.
If you use it, and updated your backend to 1.20.2, don't forget to update bridge as well, because it compensates for a new bug introduced in bukkit 1.20.2 causing plugin messages to not be sent on join.
I hope with this the plugin is now finally stable for 1.20.2 players on BungeeCord. The reason why it took so long is because there are tons of bugs/issues in server software out of my control, which has to be compensated for, such as:
On Bukkit 1.20.2, sending plugin messages on join may cause them to not be sent. God knows why. It was also very non-deterministic - trying the same thing several times gave different results. At the beginning, it worked totally fine for me. After making "some changes", it no longer worked. Not only on that test server instance, but not even on a clean installation anymore. I had to figure out which part of server code was blocking it and force an aggressive override, hopefully not breaking anything because of it.
While I thought not adding any more features and just fixing internal bugs (which will eventually have to get all fixed as they can't keep coming forever), it looks like adding support for new MC versions is going to be much more painful than expected and may end sooner than expected. I am not interested in begging people to fix bugs in their software that's out of my control, but prevents my plugins from working correctly.
I would like everyone to understand that by no law because I wrote a few lines of code I am now forced to maintain it for the rest of my life, for free, instead of doing things I enjoy, making software for a game I haven't played in a decade, for servers I never heard of, owned by people I have never met and never will who just look to make money off of plugins by getting the developers to configure their own plugins for them to then put them on their server and then sell ranks. Easy money. Or not?
Added support for new Spigot 1.20.2 build that uses mojang mappings for fields and methods (forks will probably follow as well).
Note on BungeeCord: There are still no news on 1.20.2 client support on BungeeCord. While the issue linked in previous update got closed, it got falsely closed - nothing was fixed. Shall a fix be introduced and plugin require an update to take advatange of the fix, plugin will be updated.
Added 1.20.2 support.
Please note that the plugin currently won't work for 1.20.2 players on BungeeCord due to an
issue that's currently being investigated. There is currently no feasible solution available on the plugin's end, so we will most likely need to wait for a fix on BungeeCord side. If any progress on this is made and it will involve a change to the plugin, an update will be made for 1.20.2 client support on BungeeCord.
Added new feature "PingSpoof" - shows everyone as having the same configured ping value in green par (for example 0)
Added support for using % symbol without breaking placeholders after it - use %% to display it
Added anti-override logging so you know if your plugins are not configured correctly & oonfig options to disable anti-override
Added permission group & node forwarding from bukkit server to the proxy if enabled (requires bukkit bridge updated as well)
Added extra properties "headerappend" and "footerappend" that add extra text on the bottom of header/footer, useful to display extra info for staff members without copypasting the whole thing
Added more ways of using remove-strings (#259)
Added option for global playerlist to see vanished players as in spectator gamemode for those who have permission to see vanished players
Added command to send bossbar to one player only (#251)
Added more misconfiguration checks
Added option for global playerlist to isolate unlisted servers instead of grouping them
Added option to configure legacy colors for RGB codes using #RRGGBB|L where L is legacy code
Added config option to configure space between unlimited nametag lines
Added %player-version-id% placeholder, useful for conditions to make version-specific text
Added config option to disable unlimited nametags in worlds
Added permission requirement (tab.tabcomplete) to use tabcomplete in tab's commands
Added purpur afk support to %afk%
Added bukkit vanish plugin support to global playerlist via bridge (which must be updated as well)
Significantly improved performance of fix-pet-names feature
Updated ViaVersion hook to 4.0.0 (older versions not supported)
%canseeonline% placeholder on bungeecord now supports backend vanish plugins
Massively reduced memory usage
do-not-move-spectators option enabling/disabling now takes effect immediately instead of on next change
Increased placeholder expansion downloading initial delay to give plugins more time to load expansions
Improved performance of RGB colors
Improved /tab cpu command
Improved compatibility of unlimited nametag mode with vanish plugins
Changed animations.yml structure for less opportunities to mess up spacing (your file will automatically convert)
No longer refreshing players when command to set property is used if value did not change (for autmatic commands, improves performance)
Improved API
Fixed many errors
Fixed compatibility issue with ySpigot (random abandoned spigot fork)
Fixed RGB usage causing &r to not work correctly
Fixed unlimited nametag mode sometimes not spawning armor stands on join
Fixed unlimited nametag mode's armor stands sometimes not appearing
Fixed armor stands not visible when teleporting from disabled world to enabled
Fixed %coundown% of bossbar announcement not updating when accessed using %tab_placeholder_countdown%
Fixed startup error caused by hooking into LibsDisguises if the plugin is not enabled
Fixed API bugs
Fixed issues when ProtocolSupport was on the server but not enabled due to wrong version
Fixed abovename/belowname defined in per-world not loading correctly
Fixed compatibility of unlimited nametag mode with player ride plugins
Fixed startup error due to invalid refresh interval of placeholders, replaced with a warning
Fixed global playerlist's spy servers not respecting vanish status
Fixed errors in LP hook
Fixed errors on /tab reload
Fixed wrong visuals displayed when using a plugin that teleports players to different world immediately on join
Fixed unlimited nametags not respecting crowling and gliding
Fixed wrong offset with unlimited nametags when riding unusual horse types
Fixed error in placeholder output replacements
Fixed tablist name formatting on 1.7 clients
Fixed tablist name formatting sometimes not appearing when anti-override is disabled
Fixed issues with per-world-playerlist
Fixed errors when using & tab-completing /tab command from console
Fixed placeholders not refreshing when assigned to players via API
Fixed number parse error messages stripping color codes
Dropped direct BungeePerms support as no one was using it (still can assign by permissions)
Removed modify-npc-names config option under unlimited nametag mode as NPC names should be properly configured in NPC plugin (also it was a source of hate from their devs which is now no longer available)
Help menu now correctly shows /btab on bungeecord instead of /tab
Placeholders will now return last known value if they suddenly start returning identifier (such as when the plugin stops working, placeholderapi is unloaded..)
Fixed a ton of false positives in yaml error assistant messages
Fixed relational placeholders registered via API on bungee not working
Fixed "&" character not being displayed properly if text contained RGB colors
Added missing cpu usage measuring
Fixed armor stands of unlimited nametag mode not teleporting players who ride other players
Added %tab_placeholder_<placeholder>% into tab expansion so you can use it's internal placeholders in other plugins as well
Fixed nametag anti-override not working on bungeecord when protocolsupport is installed
Fixed RGB gradient translation for <1.16 clients spamming colors if not necessary and hitting limits much faster (easiest to notice in scoreboard and nametags)
Fixed default-refresh for placeholder refresh intervals affecting animations as well and forcing that value
Fixed placeholders in placeholders in placeholders (and up) not working
Added display conditions for bossbar
List of worlds with disabled features is no longer case sensitive
Fixed placeholder output replacements not accepting "&" as color code properly
Debug no longer says "disabled in player's world" when tab is on bungee and it's in fact disabled in that server
Fixed errors
Added %tab_ntpreview% that returns Enabled or Disabled
Fixed nametag color being white when last color of tagprefix is RGB (closest legacy color will be used)
Fixed armor stands being too high when player is swimming (1.13+)
Added console hint for cleaner config
Fixed incorrectly used magic codes still working sometimes
Fixed nested placeholders in sorting placeholders not working
Added more misconfiguration checks
Fixed configurable placeholders not updating on /tab reload (animations, %rank%, conditions, etc)
Added options to have bossbar and scoreboard hidden by default without needing to run toggle command on join
Fixed errors & issues from previous builds
Added RGB support for chat messages sent by the plugin (useful for toggle messages)
Added way to freely combine sorting subtypes instead of choosing from predefined ones (now you can use groups as secondary system for example)
Fixed tabprefix/suffix sometimes not loading on join
Added pseudo support for player placeholders in belowname text (useful for conditional placeholders that check for player world/server), if you "accidentally" use a player placeholder in text, each player will see the placeholder parsed for himself on everyone
Fixed global playerlist causing ghost players
Fixed conflict between "disable on boats " and "always visible" config options of unlimited nametag mode
Attempted some optimizations in tablist prefix/suffix managing
Fixed empty messages being sent into console when running a command that has configured empty message (will no longer be sent)
Added new condition type for "contains", format is text1<-text2 meaning "if text1 contains text2"
Added player argument for scoreboard toggling to define player to toggle for (for example /sb toggle [player])
Fixed spam in client console with tab on bungeecord
Fixed bungeecord error on 1.7 clients
Fixed random error on bungeecord
Added support for "" and '' to use in comands to make spaces apply correctly (such as /tab group admin tabprefix "&4Admin ")
Added support for <$#RRGGBB>Text<$#RRGGBB> RGB gradient format
Added %player% placeholder which is equal to %nick% but less misleading
Added %countdown% placeholder for bossbar announcements showing remaining time in seconds
Removed advancedconfig, all options moved to config.yml which are now available for bungeecord as well
Improved yaml error assistant, now it's able to detect multiple issues at the same time
Resolved armor stands desynced on boats by disabling the feature for players on boats (feature can be disabled for players on boats)
Decreased CPU usage of unlimited nametag mode
Small performance improvement in nametag refreshing
Groups not in sorting list will now appear on the bottom instead of top of tablist
Fixed a massive memory leak on bungeecord
Fixed startup error caused by misconfiguration
Fixed random rare error
Fixed rare error in LP hook
Fixed unlimited nametag mode not working correctly when protocolsupport is installed
Fixed random errors
Fixed plugin failing to load when someone is using ancient ViaVersion version (error message will be thrown instead)
Fixed global playerlist issue making vanished players appear for everyone when unvanishing even for those who shouldn't see the player (different server group)
Fixed animation desync when using several animations with different refresh intervals together
Fixed errors and problems when permission plugin returns null group
Fixed plugin converting &r to &f (caused a client bug workaround to not work)
Fixed legacy color + magic codes ignoring color when text also contained RGB code
Fixed sorting not refreshing when sorting by permissions
Tried to fix plugin attempting to download expansions which are already downloaded but not loaded yet by adding higher initial delay
Removed error message when invalid json component is sent by another plugin
Dropped direct support for PermissionsEx and GroupManager (still supported via Vault)
Fixed placeholders not refreshing in tablist prefix/suffix for 1.8.x clients
Fixed broken hook into premiumvanish on bungee
Fixed weird characters in /tab cpu command
Fixed error on 1.8.8 spigot forks
Fixed relational placeholders using twice as much CPU as they should
Fixed rare issue causing players not having their teams registered
Fixed random errors
Fixed custom relational placeholders registered via API being removed on /tab reload (other placeholders are still removed, looking to fix soon)
Properly checking for pv.see permission on bungee for vanished players with global playerlist enabled
Fixed customtab/tagname using player's name if set to empty value
Reduced load on main thread on player join
Updated UltraPermissions hook to 4.7.7 (not compatible with lower versions)
Added support for #<RRGGBB>
Fixed error in NetworkManager hook
Added config option to configure refresh intervals of placeholders
Fixed groups with numeric names not loading from config correctly
Fixed plugin wrapping tablist names of fake players into quotes / of real players when TAB is on bungeecord and tablist prefix/suffix feature is disabled
Moved wither (<1.9 bossbar) closer to player to avoid bossbar being visible less often than it should be
Fixed compatibility issue with some spigot fork
Bukkit bridge is now a separated jar to not confuse kids (jar provided in download)
Fixed relational placeholders not showing refresh interval in /tab cpu
Added more info into debug command
Changed design of /tab cpu
Fixed error on %rank% usage when rank-aliases have numbers as values
Extended API (still has a lot to improve)
Fixed fix-pet-names being broken on 1.16.x, also added missing arm animation when interacting with affected entities (on all versions)
1.9+ players on 1.8 server will now see 1.9 bossbar
Fixed unlimited nametag mode not being compatible with disguise plugins
Massive performance improvement, removed all refresh intervals from config. Everything now refreshes immediately when needed. This is a large internal change which still has bugs. If you find any, report them.
Added support for NetworkManager as permission plugin
Fixed time-offset not accepting decimals
Fixed wrong placeholder suggestion on bungeecord
Fixed errors
Fixed nametags being invisible for players who join with invisibility effect
Fixed issues when both tab and viaversion are installed on bungeecord
Fixed nametags/sorting resetting on server change when a waterfall option is enabled
Added /tab bossbar subcommand which does the same but exists as real registered command to be used by other plugins
Added bossbar text cutting to 64 characters on <1.7 to prevent disconnect
Added %player_health% into detection of yellow-number to be turned into hearts instead of number (to allow that feature to work on bungee as %health% does not work on bungee)
Added yet another misconfiguration check
Fixed bossbar working in disabled worlds
Fixed wrong error message sent when using a command while plugin is disabled due to a broken configuration file on bungeecord
Fixed bossbar error on modded servers
Making armor stands now invisible if text only contains color codes and spaces (likely because a placeholder returned empty value) to avoid name box appearing with no text
Fixed client log error message spam when bukkit bridge mode is enabled
Removed a possibly unnecessary compatibility check that requires people to update the plugin even if likely unnecessary. I have improved many initializations in code since then so hopefully the invisible mobs on 1.14.4 scenario won't happen again
Animation names are no longer case sensitive
Moved PlaceholderAPI errors logging into a new PlaceholderAPI.errors.txt file so the 1MB file limit (to prevent large files with the same over and over) doesn't prevent plugin's errors from being logged.
Fixed rare harmless error
Groups with . in name no longer require extra identation in config
Packet readers now entirely ignore players with unknown protocol version. This is to prevent issues when 1.16 comes out and people don't update (especially on bungee).
Added bukkit bridge mode for PlaceholderAPI support on bungee. Needs to be enabled in advancedconfig.yml - this turns the entire plugin on bukkit into bridge only and won't handle anything else
Added automatic installation of used but not installed PlaceholderAPI expansions.
Added command tab-complete
Added automatic config conversion from old values to new ones
Added option to assign groups to players by permissions. New advancedconfig.yml option assign-groups-by-permissions needs to enabled, then give players appropriate tab.group.<groupname> permission. Plugin gets list of permissions to check for from primary-group-finding-list in the same order.
Added %canseeonline% and %canseeonline_<server>% placeholders for bungee
Added /tab playeruuid <name of online player> <property> [value] subcommand saving uuids of players instead of names
Added version check to Velocity and user-friendly message when version isn't compatible
Added extra code to compensate for 1.8.0 client sided bug making tabprefix not appear on join. No more complaints from people who didn't read the spigot page and refuse to update their hacks.
Added %luckperms-prefix% and %luckperms-suffix% placeholders - useful on bungeecord where you don't have Vault to use %vault-prefix% and suffix
Added option for world groups in per-world-playerlist
Added direct UltraPermissions support (useful on bungeecord where you don't have vault)
Added ingame message when /tab reload fails due to a broken configuration file
Fixed glow color not working on bungee
Fixed error on Travertine and HexaCord with 1.7 clients
Fixed "luckperms" detection not working on Velocity (plugin was looking for "LuckPerms" instead - but velocity doesn't allow upper case in plugin names)
Fixed relational placeholders not working when used in an animation
Fixed a per-world-playerlist bug
Fixed unlimited nametag mode still working a little bit in disabled worlds
Minor improvements and new misconfiguration detections
Refresh intervals are not in milliseconds instead of ticks for refreshing as server tick rate isn't being used for a long time, config will automatically convert into new one
Improved yaml error assistant
PlaceholderAPI placeholders will now return last known value if an error occurs when parsing them instead of showing raw placeholder
Plugin will now automatically add %eglow_glowcolor% at the end of tagprefix of groups when eGlow plugin is installed since people can't read the compatibility guide.
modify-npc-names, do-not-move-spectators and global-playerlist no longer require "change-tablist-prefix-suffix: true"
What an update. I would also like to announce premium version of the plugin for people who want to support me or just want more features including scoreboard, you can find it
on mc-market.
Added hook into DeluxeTags to fix it's bug requiring players to type into chat to get a tag
Added new API methods to register custom placeholders
Improved invalid argument error messages for the tab command and help menu itself.
Fixed errors
Fixed bug with removing property from a player using commands
Fixed commands to change properties of _OTHER_ group not taking effect immediately
"&" will now work correctly in remove-strings even after placeholderapi replaced it to "§" already
Cutting to 16 characters cuts one more if 16th character is "&" to prevent confusion when seeing it in game
Removed deluxetag yes/no and faction yes/no options from config as they are not needed anymore since remove-strings was added, it just confused people anyway
Added global tablist option on bungee showing players from all servers in tablist. It may contain bugs, if so, report them properly.
Added server-aliases config option to bungeecord (work just like rank aliases do, but alters output of %server%)
Added AntiAFKPlus support for %afk%
Added new bossbar.yml option remember-toggle-choice: false, when enabling, toggles will be saved into a new playerdata.yml file to stay toggled between relogs / restarts
Adding "WHITELIST" keyword to any disabled world list turns the list into a whitelist instead of blacklist
Fixed error on velocity
Fixed error on bungee (not the same one)
Fixed do-not-move-spectators option probably not working correctly on velocity
Fixed plugin not starting on 1.7-1.7.9 and 1.8.0
Fixed console error when server version is not supported
Fixed relational placeholders sometimes not working on 1.15
Fixed errors when ultrapermissions returned null as player's group
Fixed plugin breaking UTF-8 chars when readding comments into config
Fixed visual bug with unlimited nametag mode
Even more misconfiguration notice possibilites in debug command
Added option for multiple worlds to share per-world-settings (separate using "-", such as "world1-world2-world3")
Added %version-group:1-15-x% placeholder
Added suggestions how to fix broken configuration files
Attempted to add support for modded servers (tested on Thermos 1.7.10)
No longer using marker tag for armorstands for 1.8.x clients (fixes 2 problems)
Fixed various errors
Fixed error spam / cpu issue when bossbar file was not configured properly (attempting to use undefined bars)
Fixed cpu leak when using /tab reload many times
Fixed nametag anti-override not working on bungee
Fixed bug with disabled worlds
%tps% will no longer display more than 20 (usually caused due to tps catchup)
I would also like to say that the plugin will need an update for 1.15.1 support. This new check is there to prevent scenarios such as the one with 1.14.3 version on 1.14.4 server (invisible entities).
Added vanilla belowname feature. New variables will automatically be added into config. The feature is very limiting.
Fixed issues with 1.7 clients on proxies
Fixed tablist names appearing after joining when feature is disabled
Fixed %vault-suffix% showing value of prefix
Fixed comments disappearing from config files when plugin changes their content.
Fixed error on bungee version
Fixed issues with disabled worlds
Fixed commands sometimes not taking effect immediately
Fixed color codes not working when value is changed while player is online (group change / command executed)
Fixed version-online placeholders not working
Fixed abovename/belowname showing blank name instead of being invisible when the reason for it being blank is a relational placeholder returning empty string.
Fixed console errors when plugin was disabled due to broken configuration file but the owner didn't notice and just played on the server
Fixed players having invisible nametag after unvanishing
Fixed issues from previous version
Fixed armor stands getting stuck during /tab ntpreview when the raw value changed (player's group changed, a command was executed)
Ntpreview is now updating (animations..)
Officially announcing API, using class me.neznamy.tab.api.TABAPI in a static way. Documentation available on Wiki on GitHub.
Added vanilla belowname feature. New variables will automatically be added into config. The feature is very limiting.
Fixed issues with 1.7 clients on proxies
Fixed tablist names appearing after joining when feature is disabled
Fixed %vault-suffix% showing value of prefix
Fixed comments disappearing from config files when plugin changes their content.
Fixed error on bungee version
Fixed issues with disabled worlds
Fixed commands sometimes not taking effect immediately
Fixed color codes not working when value is changed while player is online (group change / command executed)
Fixed version-online placeholders not working
Fixed abovename/belowname showing blank name instead of being invisible when the reason for it being blank is a relational placeholder returning empty string.
Fixed console errors when plugin was disabled due to broken configuration file but the owner didn't notice and just played on the server
Fixed players having invisible nametag after unvanishing
Fixed issues from previous version
Fixed armor stands getting stuck during /tab ntpreview when the raw value changed (player's group changed, a command was executed)
Ntpreview is now updating (animations..)
Officially announcing API, using class me.neznamy.tab.api.TABAPI in a static way. Documentation will be available on Wiki on GitHub.
Added collision rule support for disguise plugins, collision will always be off for disguised players now.
Added VelocityPowered support (Velocity 1.1.0 and up)
Added 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x server support
Added sorting type info to debug command to easily detect misconfiguration of users
Added %nonstaffonline% placeholder showing amount of online players who do NOT have tab.staff permission.
Fixed 2 errors on bungee version
Fixed tablist name not resetting in disabled worlds
Fixed nametag unloading in disabled worlds not working correctly
Fixed error spam when someone configured negative refresh interval. Why do i even need to make these kind of checks ?
Fixed hard-to-explain-and-notice problems after /tab reload was used
Fixed HEARTS objective not displaying the same value as clients see (because client rounds the values up, for example 18.03 HP is displayed as 19, meanwhile plugin sent 18 into tablist)
Fixed armor stands of unlimited nametag mode not disappearing when player is using ntpreview and plugin is reloaded
Better startup error handling, console will no longer ask you to check errors file which asks you to check console
Unlimited nametag mode will now hide armor stands from 1.14 players when sneaking (due to removed armor stand sneaking feature in 1.14 clients)
Errors file will no longer exceed 1 MB size (as it's likely the same error repeating over and over)
Removed sorting by username, no one ever enabled this not by accident
Dropped direct Powerfulperms support (no one was using it, still supported via Vault)
Dropped Java 7 support as Velocity requires 8+ (Java 7 is only used by 0.03% of servers anyway, 0 of them using this plugin)
Added config option to remove certain strings from everywhere, such as [] when some placeholder returned empty value (no faction, clan or similar) for fancier appearance.
Added custom placeholders into placeholderapi. You can use them by using %tab_<property>% or %tab_<property>_raw% for unreplaced result. Everyone should be aware of the property list. Example: %tab_tabprefix%, %tab_tabprefix_raw%
Added %player-version% placeholder, shows client version of player such as "1.14.4".
Improved output of /tab cpu
/tab ntpreview is now a toggle and follows the player (HAS DELAYED MOVEMENT)
time-offset option now applies for date placeholder too
Cutting to 16 characters is now client-version based instead of server. This allows 1.13+ players to see uncut text on <1.13 servers.
Reworked server version detection to see if plugin is compatible with it or not, so we won't experience the scenario that happened when using old version of this plugin on a 1.14.4 server again.
Armorstands of unlimited nametag mode now have zero hitbox, so people can no longer complain it affects pvp (it never did, packets were redirected if needed). No longer supports 1.8.0 clients (zero hitbox feature was added in 1.8.1 client and old code for redirecting hits was deleted from plugin entirely).
Fixed errors on 1.8.0 server version
Fixed some errors
Fixed "fix-pet-names" not working after last update
Fixed bossbar sometimes working in disabled worlds (and possibly other features as well)
Fixed protocolsupport-related issue on 1.13.2 servers
Fixed version-online placeholders not working correctly
Check for tab.staff permission is now more often than only once after joining. Fixes staffonline not updating sometimes.
No longer sending tablist name change packets to 1.7 clients, this fixes an issue with the 16 character limit of player list names in 1.7 (name tag prefix/suffix will now be applied)
#asking permission plugin for primary group only
use-primary-group: true
#if the option above is disabled, full group list will be asked for and group higher in this list will be used as primary
- Owner
- Admin
- Helper
- default
Basically compensating for removing the old system. This is useful if you want to display prefix of group which is not primary.
This update also fixes plugin creating giant error logs inside it's folder which is the reason why this update was released so fast.
Another one. So my attempt to void nms imports AND reflection when sending packets resulted in an issue when using bungeecord + protocollib + holographicdisplays + having unlimited nametag mode enabled. Makes sense (not really). Thanks
@BjoernR for finding a way to reproduce the issue and testing.
Fixed character "&" being impossible to be displayed anywhere due to automatic color code conversion
Fixed disabled worlds not working correctly
Fixed %faction% not working with MCore version of factions.
Fixed configuration files resetting when the yaml format was broken. Plugin will now unload instead. I bet the person who reported this in the review section will not read this or update anyway.
Re-added 1.5.x and 1.6.x to version-group placeholders
- Fixed 2 bugs with unlimited nametag mode
- Fixed console error when an animation has refresh interval of 0 milliseconds
- Fixed startup error
- Fixed an issue with "do-not-move-spectators" option
- Another CPU boost
- Added code that fixes bug in deluxetags (player needed to type into chat to get it)
- Fixed console error caused by latest version of featherboard doing bad things
- Fixed "do-not-move-spectators" config option blocking spectators from walking though walls
- Plugin now doesn't throw error and fail to load when "tablist-objective" has invalid value
- Fixed something not being async and using server thread's cpu instead
- Fixed 3 bugs with unlimited nametag mode
- Fixed 3 console errors
- Fixed per-world playerlist sometimes not showing some players in the same world
- Added 1.13.2 to 1.13.x version-online group placeholder
- Added new config option allowing to sort players only by nickname (located in advancedconfig.yml)
- Added new advancedconfig option to sort players by permissions
- Fixed disabling tablist prefix in worlds sometimes not working correctly
- Massively improved performance (and more coming in next updates)
- Added %staffonline% placeholder to bungee version counting online players with tab.staff permission
Just like after every bigger update i expect new users, feature requests and troll reviews. Sorry for the double-upload, the previous one had a critical bug.
- Fixed "do-not-move-spectators" config option blocking spectators from walking though walls
- Plugin now doesn't throw error and fail to load when "tablist-objective" has invalid value
- Fixed something not being async and using server thread's cpu instead
- Fixed 3 bugs with unlimited nametag mode
- Fixed 3 console errors
- Fixed per-world playerlist sometimes not showing some players in the same world
- Added 1.13.2 to 1.13.x version-online group placeholder
- Added new config option allowing to sort players only by nickname (located in advancedconfig.yml)
- Added new advancedconfig option to sort players by permissions
- Fixed disabling tablist prefix in worlds sometimes not working correctly
- Massively improved performance (and more coming in next updates)
- Added %staffonline% placeholder to bungee version counting online players with tab.staff permission
Just like after every bigger update i expect new users, feature requests and troll reviews.
- Fixed error on 1.8.x
- Added new advancedconfig.yml file, currently has extended settings for per-world-playerlist mode, more will be added in next updates
- Fixed 2 console errors
- Added %afk% placeholder (taking data from essentials)
- Added sub-permissions for every command (tab.change.tabprefix etc)
- Added new configuration section to set up output of placeholders for both cases if they have value or not
- Fixed 5 bugs with unlimited nametag mode
- Added two new group/player options: "customtabname" (tablist) and "customtagname" (name tag), allowing to change the playername itself. Can be applied to both groups and players. Supports placeholders, which can be used in combination with another plugin to easily allow players to change their names for example
- Added new configuration file to translate plugin messages
- Added config option which after enabling should "fix" players in spectator gamemode being at the bottom of tablist, having decreased visibility of nickname and their ping not being there. Spectator players will still see themselves like that, but other players won't
- Added new configuration section allowing you to disable certain features in certain worlds
- Animations can now be called using {} too, for example {animation:name}
- Added automatical adding of lists into config if they are missing.
- Fixed console error
- Added %xPos%, %yPos%, %zPos% placeholders
- Made a little change to default config to prevent questions from people who did not read the config entirely
- Fixed errors on paperspigot
- Fixed weird chunk error
- Improved unlimited nametag mode to move the nametag into correct height when player is sneaking
- Fixed relational placeholders not working in name tag
- Added %maxplayers% placeholder showing amount of slots on server
- Fixed name color changing in name tag not working on 1.13 (mojang changed the way this can be done)
- Fixed a console error happening when someone joins with same nickname as an already connected player (the "You logged in from another location" thing)
- Fixed %faction% placeholder not working correctly
- Added config option to set result of %faction% when player has no faction
- Fixed riding entities being buggy when unlimited nametag mode was enabled
- Changed %tps% placeholder to show 20 if the server-measured value is obviously unreal (similar to the check of player ping)
- Fixed several console errors
- Fixed rare console errors
- Improved unlimited nametag mode - now it becomes less visible when player sneaks instead of going lower/becoming fully invisible
- Added config option to set format of %time%
@PrankWars - Fixed version-group placeholders not counting correctly
- Added "CUSTOM" tablist-objective type and an option to set it up
@ColaIanLau - Fixed boss bar color and style changing not working correctly (1.9+)
- Added placeholder support into progress of boss bars
@ProDash - Fixed weird console error with %money% placeholder
- Added new config option to enable/disable collision (servers 1.9+)
@rosiejane - Added 1.13 support
- Fixed console error when using %tps% placeholder on CraftBukkit server instead of spigot
@Invaerne - Added API to the plugin (class me.neznamy.tab.TABAPI, more about this later)
@Invaerne @Blueyescat
- Added BossBar function (new file bossbar.yml is created with configuration), working on all versions, but on 1.9+ much better
- Added config option to set default value of %deluxetag% placeholder when player has no tag
- Added automatical adding of new config options if they are not in config yet
- Merged two similar config lists into one
- Fixed many console errors
- Added BossBar function (new file bossbar.yml is created with configuration), working on all versions, but on 1.9+ much better
- Added config option to set default value of %deluxetag% placeholder when player has no tag
- Added automatical adding of new config options if they are not in config yet
- Merged two similar config lists into one
- Fixed many console errors
- Fixed console errors when Vault is installed but no permission plugin is
@giorgibarsa - Fixed nametags not changing instantly when changed by a command when unlimited nametags were enabled
- Fixed per-world-playerlist throwing errors and not working correctly
- Fixed console error when using very old PlaceholderAPI version which does not support relational placeholders yet
@iTzSmeagle - Fixed multiple rare console errors
- Added "DEATHS" tablist objective option showing total amount of deaths of players
- Fixed name tags being visible when player is not visible (if unlimited nametag mode is enabled)
- Fixed players having white glow (added by another plugin) even if their last prefix color was not white (if unlimited nametag mode is enabled)
- Added option to make name tag invisible when player is sneaking (to compensate for bug if unlimited nametag mode is enabled)
- Config cleanup, check new changes (old config still works)
- Fixed commands sometimes not updating requested value immediately
- Added %health% placeholder
- Added commands to set belowname / abovename lines in-game
- Fixed issues with ProtocolSupport and LibsDisguises when using unlimited name tags
- Fixed rare console error
- Added sorting priority list to config
- Added option to set default prefix/suffix to all other groups that are not defined in config (check new default config)
- Added %vault-prefix% and %vault-suffix% placeholders
@LinsaFTW - Improved performance
- Fixed minecraft vanilla 1.8.x client-sided bug that allowed players to see name tags of invisible players
@Jugo5112000 - Fixed error when /tab debug command was ran by a console
@LimitedGames - Fixed PlaceholderAPI placeholders not working in animations
@LimitedGames - Added support for permission plugins which are not directly supported if Vault is used
- Added message showing length of attempted tagprefix/suffix by a command if it had more than 16 charaters
@LimitedGames - Fixed a rare bug causing players to get disconnected when using any command of the plugin
- Fixed minecraft vanilla 1.8.x client-sided bug that allowed players to see name tags of invisible players
@Jugo5112000 - Fixed error when /tab debug command was ran by a console
@LimitedGames - Fixed PlaceholderAPI placeholders not working in animations
@LimitedGames - Added support for permission plugins which are not directly supported if Vault is used
- Added message showing length of attempted tagprefix/suffix by a command if it had more than 16 charaters
- Fixed prefix/suffix being not instantly applied when changed by command
- Fixed nametag prefix/suffix value not being able to be changed by command when it has over 16 characters but had a placeholder variable causing it being so long
- Fixed tablist prefix/suffix not being instantly applied after join
- Fixed relational placeholders not updating when they should in tablist prefix/suffix
- Fixed plugin's command (/tab) in-game being overridden by other plugins registering the same command. Command will still be overridden in console, however.
- Added %tps% placeholder
- Added %memory-used% and %memory-max% placeholders
- Added per-player and per-group header/footer option, good for showing your staff more information than to players, for example those 2 placeholders above