Added support for <$#RRGGBB>Text<$#RRGGBB> RGB gradient format
Added %player% placeholder which is equal to %nick% but less misleading
Added %countdown% placeholder for bossbar announcements showing remaining time in seconds
Removed advancedconfig, all options moved to config.yml which are now available for bungeecord as well
Improved yaml error assistant, now it's able to detect multiple issues at the same time
Resolved armor stands desynced on boats by disabling the feature for players on boats (feature can be disabled for players on boats)
Decreased CPU usage of unlimited nametag mode
Small performance improvement in nametag refreshing
Groups not in sorting list will now appear on the bottom instead of top of tablist
Fixed a massive memory leak on bungeecord
Fixed startup error caused by misconfiguration
Fixed random rare error
Fixed rare error in LP hook
Fixed unlimited nametag mode not working correctly when protocolsupport is installed
Fixed random errors
Fixed plugin failing to load when someone is using ancient ViaVersion version (error message will be thrown instead)
Fixed global playerlist issue making vanished players appear for everyone when unvanishing even for those who shouldn't see the player (different server group)
Fixed animation desync when using several animations with different refresh intervals together
Fixed errors and problems when permission plugin returns null group
Fixed plugin converting &r to &f (caused a client bug workaround to not work)
Fixed legacy color + magic codes ignoring color when text also contained RGB code
Fixed sorting not refreshing when sorting by permissions
Tried to fix plugin attempting to download expansions which are already downloaded but not loaded yet by adding higher initial delay
Removed error message when invalid json component is sent by another plugin
Dropped direct support for PermissionsEx and GroupManager (still supported via Vault)