Help menu now correctly shows /btab on bungeecord instead of /tab
Placeholders will now return last known value if they suddenly start returning identifier (such as when the plugin stops working, placeholderapi is unloaded..)
Fixed a ton of false positives in yaml error assistant messages
Fixed relational placeholders registered via API on bungee not working
Fixed "&" character not being displayed properly if text contained RGB colors
Added missing cpu usage measuring
Fixed armor stands of unlimited nametag mode not teleporting players who ride other players
Added %tab_placeholder_<placeholder>% into tab expansion so you can use it's internal placeholders in other plugins as well
Fixed nametag anti-override not working on bungeecord when protocolsupport is installed
Fixed RGB gradient translation for <1.16 clients spamming colors if not necessary and hitting limits much faster (easiest to notice in scoreboard and nametags)
Fixed default-refresh for placeholder refresh intervals affecting animations as well and forcing that value
Fixed placeholders in placeholders in placeholders (and up) not working
Added display conditions for bossbar
List of worlds with disabled features is no longer case sensitive
Fixed placeholder output replacements not accepting "&" as color code properly
Debug no longer says "disabled in player's world" when tab is on bungee and it's in fact disabled in that server
Fixed errors
Added %tab_ntpreview% that returns Enabled or Disabled
Fixed nametag color being white when last color of tagprefix is RGB (closest legacy color will be used)
Fixed armor stands being too high when player is swimming (1.13+)
Added console hint for cleaner config
Fixed incorrectly used magic codes still working sometimes
Fixed nested placeholders in sorting placeholders not working
Added more misconfiguration checks
Fixed configurable placeholders not updating on /tab reload (animations, %rank%, conditions, etc)
Added options to have bossbar and scoreboard hidden by default without needing to run toggle command on join
Fixed errors & issues from previous builds
Added RGB support for chat messages sent by the plugin (useful for toggle messages)
Added way to freely combine sorting subtypes instead of choosing from predefined ones (now you can use groups as secondary system for example)
Fixed tabprefix/suffix sometimes not loading on join
Added pseudo support for player placeholders in belowname text (useful for conditional placeholders that check for player world/server), if you "accidentally" use a player placeholder in text, each player will see the placeholder parsed for himself on everyone
Fixed global playerlist causing ghost players
Fixed conflict between "disable on boats " and "always visible" config options of unlimited nametag mode
Attempted some optimizations in tablist prefix/suffix managing
Fixed empty messages being sent into console when running a command that has configured empty message (will no longer be sent)
Added new condition type for "contains", format is text1<-text2 meaning "if text1 contains text2"
Added player argument for scoreboard toggling to define player to toggle for (for example /sb toggle [player])
Fixed spam in client console with tab on bungeecord
Fixed bungeecord error on 1.7 clients
Fixed random error on bungeecord
Added support for "" and '' to use in comands to make spaces apply correctly (such as /tab group admin tabprefix "&4Admin ")