Added vanilla belowname feature. New variables will automatically be added into config. The feature is very limiting.
Fixed issues with 1.7 clients on proxies
Fixed tablist names appearing after joining when feature is disabled
Fixed %vault-suffix% showing value of prefix
Fixed comments disappearing from config files when plugin changes their content.
Fixed error on bungee version
Fixed issues with disabled worlds
Fixed commands sometimes not taking effect immediately
Fixed color codes not working when value is changed while player is online (group change / command executed)
Fixed version-online placeholders not working
Fixed abovename/belowname showing blank name instead of being invisible when the reason for it being blank is a relational placeholder returning empty string.
Fixed console errors when plugin was disabled due to broken configuration file but the owner didn't notice and just played on the server
Fixed players having invisible nametag after unvanishing
Fixed issues from previous version
Fixed armor stands getting stuck during /tab ntpreview when the raw value changed (player's group changed, a command was executed)
Ntpreview is now updating (animations..)
Officially announcing API, using class in a static way. Documentation will be available on Wiki on GitHub.