Added new feature "PingSpoof" - shows everyone as having the same configured ping value in green par (for example 0)
Added support for using % symbol without breaking placeholders after it - use %% to display it
Added anti-override logging so you know if your plugins are not configured correctly & oonfig options to disable anti-override
Added permission group & node forwarding from bukkit server to the proxy if enabled (requires bukkit bridge updated as well)
Added extra properties "headerappend" and "footerappend" that add extra text on the bottom of header/footer, useful to display extra info for staff members without copypasting the whole thing
Added more ways of using remove-strings (#259)
Added option for global playerlist to see vanished players as in spectator gamemode for those who have permission to see vanished players
Added command to send bossbar to one player only (#251)
Added more misconfiguration checks
Added option for global playerlist to isolate unlisted servers instead of grouping them
Added option to configure legacy colors for RGB codes using #RRGGBB|L where L is legacy code
Added config option to configure space between unlimited nametag lines
Added %player-version-id% placeholder, useful for conditions to make version-specific text
Added config option to disable unlimited nametags in worlds
Added permission requirement (tab.tabcomplete) to use tabcomplete in tab's commands
Added purpur afk support to %afk%
Added bukkit vanish plugin support to global playerlist via bridge (which must be updated as well)
Significantly improved performance of fix-pet-names feature
Updated ViaVersion hook to 4.0.0 (older versions not supported)
%canseeonline% placeholder on bungeecord now supports backend vanish plugins
Massively reduced memory usage
do-not-move-spectators option enabling/disabling now takes effect immediately instead of on next change
Increased placeholder expansion downloading initial delay to give plugins more time to load expansions
Improved performance of RGB colors
Improved /tab cpu command
Improved compatibility of unlimited nametag mode with vanish plugins
Changed animations.yml structure for less opportunities to mess up spacing (your file will automatically convert)
No longer refreshing players when command to set property is used if value did not change (for autmatic commands, improves performance)
Improved API
Fixed many errors
Fixed compatibility issue with ySpigot (random abandoned spigot fork)
Fixed RGB usage causing &r to not work correctly
Fixed unlimited nametag mode sometimes not spawning armor stands on join
Fixed unlimited nametag mode's armor stands sometimes not appearing
Fixed armor stands not visible when teleporting from disabled world to enabled
Fixed %coundown% of bossbar announcement not updating when accessed using %tab_placeholder_countdown%
Fixed startup error caused by hooking into LibsDisguises if the plugin is not enabled
Fixed API bugs
Fixed issues when ProtocolSupport was on the server but not enabled due to wrong version
Fixed abovename/belowname defined in per-world not loading correctly
Fixed compatibility of unlimited nametag mode with player ride plugins
Fixed startup error due to invalid refresh interval of placeholders, replaced with a warning
Fixed global playerlist's spy servers not respecting vanish status
Fixed errors in LP hook
Fixed errors on /tab reload
Fixed wrong visuals displayed when using a plugin that teleports players to different world immediately on join
Fixed unlimited nametags not respecting crowling and gliding
Fixed wrong offset with unlimited nametags when riding unusual horse types
Fixed error in placeholder output replacements
Fixed tablist name formatting on 1.7 clients
Fixed tablist name formatting sometimes not appearing when anti-override is disabled
Fixed issues with per-world-playerlist
Fixed errors when using & tab-completing /tab command from console
Fixed placeholders not refreshing when assigned to players via API
Fixed number parse error messages stripping color codes
Dropped direct BungeePerms support as no one was using it (still can assign by permissions)
Removed modify-npc-names config option under unlimited nametag mode as NPC names should be properly configured in NPC plugin (also it was a source of hate from their devs which is now no longer available)