- Fixed 2 console errors
- Added %afk% placeholder (taking data from essentials)
- Added sub-permissions for every command (tab.change.tabprefix etc)
- Added new configuration section to set up output of placeholders for both cases if they have value or not
- Fixed 5 bugs with unlimited nametag mode
- Added two new group/player options: "customtabname" (tablist) and "customtagname" (name tag), allowing to change the playername itself. Can be applied to both groups and players. Supports placeholders, which can be used in combination with another plugin to easily allow players to change their names for example
- Added new configuration file to translate plugin messages
- Added config option which after enabling should "fix" players in spectator gamemode being at the bottom of tablist, having decreased visibility of nickname and their ping not being there. Spectator players will still see themselves like that, but other players won't
- Added new configuration section allowing you to disable certain features in certain worlds
- Animations can now be called using {} too, for example {animation:name}
- Added automatical adding of lists into config if they are missing.