It's been a really long time. I apologize as I've been really busy with other projects. I unfortunately don't have a list of all the things that have been fixed, so I'm just going to leave this empty.
Added an option to set default XP and souls dropped by mobs.
Added an option to customize ability activation key bindings.
Added a default XP and soul option.
Added level support for default XP and Souls config option.
Added support for the latest EliteMobs.
Added /skill bindings players can change their abilities activation keys.
Added Locate ability to devourer.
Completely changed Phoenix Essence ability of FireMage.
Fixed CoD red screen feature.
Fixed bossbar not updating when gaining XP from party member.
Revamped abilities GUI. Scaing placeholder names follow a certain rule now. Decimal numbers are properly rounded and no longer show the decimal part if 0
Heavy Strikes ability no longer affects unbreakable armors.
Added Swordsman Annihilation ability.
Fixed an issue /skill play <sound> pitch parser.
Fixed Swordsman Dash default ability description.
XP number shown in holograms are now rounded.
Vampires will now burn under the sun.
Yet another update with a lot of features. Join the
discord server for future updates.
You need to reset your config.yml, skills.yml, your GUIs and language file for this to work.
Added conditional JavaScript GUI options.
Added multi language support for GUIs.
Magic shop is now open! Special skill items that can be bought using souls /skill shop
Sorry to my fellow mages and vampires if they felt they're being left out. To make it up to ya, I added a new dope ability for each. Try them out!
You can now rename internal skill names or create new skills. Note that your data will be lost.
You can now assign each skill any ability (from the plugins abilities)
Now you can use %amount%, %cooldown%, %energy% and other extra scaling placeholders anywhere in the GUI item.
Added custom bloods feature (not the energy type).
Added Call of Duty red screen and heartbeat pulse.
Descriptions in selector GUI config now look cleaner.
Interactive help pages.
Swordsman dual sword wielding.
Add an option for Swordsman parry stat.
Permanent XP/Soul booster permissions. skills.xp.<multiplier> and skills.souls.<multiplier>
XP/soul gain permissions. skills.xp and skills.souls
BossBar permission. skills.bossbar
Add a new animation option for holograms to go straight up.
Added "/skill test" command to give some levels, xp, stats and etc for testing purposes.
Auto-reload config file watcher.
Hover messages.
Added optional messages instead of holograms for kills.
Added an option for default skill.
Added a lot of scaling options to all the abilities.
Added Party & Friends GUI.
Added level requirement and souls cost for skills.
Some abilities now support "hp" and "maxHp" placeholders in their scaling.
Improvements GUI is now more customizable.
Soul loss option now supports placeholders.
XP loss on death.
More advanced disabled-world options.
Added an option to close GUI on damage.
/skill user level, now supports levelup properties from config.
Advanced item types for abilities.
Added an option to announce auto-saves.
Added flicker ActionBar mode. Check config for more details.
Added optional data reset options upon skill change.
Added an option to adjust actionbar update frequency.
Added an option to update BossBar frequently just like the ActionBar.
Added an option to change the time format in config.
Added /skills souls to deposit or withdraw souls with money.
Added /skills friendtp <player> to teleport to a friend.
Recoded masteries and moved the config to a separate file masteries.yml
Added an option to disable mastery downgrading.
Removed placed block checks for masteries since the data will get disposed on restarts. If you're worried about creative, you should get a creative protection plugin.
Default autosave time was changed from 5 seconds to 30mins. I forgot to change this for a long time. The only reason your server didn't lag is because the auto save system uses
some advanced checks to see whether the data needs saving or not.
Custom Energy cooldown Sounds. And sound notification when energy is full.
Fixed blocks-that-prevent-skill-activation in config.
Added silent option for /skill user level to perform levelup rewards or not.
Added particles when ability is in "ready" state.
Completely removed 1.8 support due to the excessive amount of missing features.
Removed the hurt effect from Priest Seal of Life.
Fixed an issue trying to charge energy for offline players.
Fixed players with no skill not being able to level up. Added default max level option in config for players with no skill.
This is a huge update and is definitely recommended.
With this update the plugin is considered a lot more advanced now.
Join the
discord server for future updates.
You need to reset your config.yml, skills.yml and language file for this to work.
Added custom GUIs finally! Comes with new default GUI designs.
Added "F" (switch weapons), "Q" (drop item) and "C<key>" (is a prefix for sneaking+key like CR, CL, CQ, CF) keys to combos.
Added customizable hologram vectors.
Added titles for level ups.
Added armor weights.
Added max-level for each skill.
Added JavaScript evaluator conditions for MythicMobs level margin.
Added required level for each ability.
Added more options to some abilities.
Added ability upgrade notifications when enough souls is gained.
Added skills.actionbar permission. This permission is added by default.
Added an option to automatically open skill selection GUI for new players.
Added %skills_health% %skills_max_health% placeholders. You can adjust the precision in the config.
Added %skills_max_energy%, %skills_energy_regen%, %skills_precise_energy% and %skills_max_precise_energy% placeholders.
Added help and friends command permissions by default.
Added an option to disable fire animation in creative. This is useful for builders.
Added "/skill sound" command to test sounds before setting them in config. It's better than /playsound
Added support for the latest MythicMobs.
Added Eidolon Blackhole. First skill with the most customizable options!
Added Eidolon Fangs.
Added new Priest Purification Lvl.3: Crops around will grow faster.
Added FireMage Meteorite.
Added Devourer Consume ability.
Added sounds to Juggernaut throw.
Added Juggernaut Chain Smash ability.
Juggernaut Heavy Strikes will now damage the players armor more.
Juggernaut Stone Skin ability can now have specified modifiers for all the possible protections in skills.yml
Juggernaut Aegis Shield will now damage the entity back for lvl 2 and knocks back if lvl 3 and under 5 healths.
Mage heal spell ability scaling is not completely customizable.
Mage Energy Flux can now go thro walls in level 3 and added range option.
Mage hoe chances and damages are not customizable.
Changed activation "cost" to "energy"
The time placeholders format are changed to 00:00:00 This won't be the same when timer is higher than 24hrs.
Fixed "Distribute Stats" option to work for skills with more than 2 stat types.
Fixed some issues related to cross-version material support.
Fixed "/skill user xp" adding negative XPs and not changing the level when decreasing.
Fixed Devourer hook hurting players.
Fixed holograms being set on fire.
Fixed BossBar colors disappearing.
Fixed Devourer gliders warning on disable.
Fixed Eidolon SpiritFire error for "light" placeholder.
Fixed missing command description for /skill statistics
Fixed an error when trying to distribute stats with no skill selected.
Fixed events bossbar not disappearing after the event ends.
Fixed /skill party accept after a party is disbanded.
Fixed Priest Passive ability keeping players flying ability after the ability is disabled.
Fixed main scalings not supporting placeholders.
Fixed some placeholders not loading for some messages.
Fixed Devourer Gliders.
Fixed Devourer Blink for 1.12
Fixed "/skill user improve" command incorrectly limiting ability levels.
Fixed Mage Reflect ability accidentally dealing damage to the mage...
Fixed reload support for stats and energy from config.
Fixed bonus placeholders.
Fixed Boss Bars in disabled worlds.
Fixed bonuses data serialization.
Fixed bonuses placeholders.
Fixed bonuses messages for /skills info.
Fixed Priest Asclepius confusing friendly players with WorldGuard region protection.
Fixed spelling error `charging` for Vampire blood energy type and changed default to AUTO_REVERSE.
For 1.12 servers having issues with BossBar. There's a weird workaround that you can install PlaceholderAPI to fix the colors.
Language file cleanup. Removed all the GUI stuff and moved actionbar properties to config.yml
This update is highly recommended as it adds a variety of different new features. You need to delete your config.yml and skills.yml
There's another upcoming big update. If you want to stay notified, join the Discord server. This is the best time if you have a suggestion. This update will stay in beta for a long time, and beta Jars are accessible from the discord server.
Added a friends and party system! This is specially useful for Priests.
Added custom stats!
Added custom energy types!
Added Vietnamese translation.
Changed some particles.
Added a rotation animation for Vampire Blood Well.
Starting to add support for 1.8 again... kms...
Added a nice atomic effect for Eidolon active.
Added a really cool DNA effect with fireworks when you level up.
Added an option to completely disable masteries.
Added an option to disable any subcommand.
Added bass sound to unknown command and permission messages.
You can now keep your real EXP while displaying your skills exp. Note that this trick is a little glitchy and will show your real exp for 1 tick (100ms) each time you gain exp.
ActionBar updates every 10 ticks (500ms) now. Which means x2 faster than the previous one.
Fixed the update checker.
Fixed Vampire losing a lot of blood by default.
Fixed command descriptions not updating after reloading the plugin.
Fixed an issue with energy message showing the equation instead of the calculated number.
Fixed Fire Mage inferno dealing a lot of damage with high scalings.
Plugin will not cause a second error if it fails to load.
New languages will now be added to translations if missing (with the default English message).
Removed support for Kingdoms and Parties.
Changed skill displayname placeholder to %skill% for skill selector GUI.
Fixed %skills_status% placeholder. Which means %status% will no longer work in Action Bar messages. Use
that instead.
Added custom leveling system.
Added double jump to Devourer Gliders. You can configure the height using the scaling. Recommended value is lvl * 0.5
Devourer Gliders speed level is now based on your ability level.
Fixed NPC support for levelups.
Player data is now saved when they quit due to hp scalings.
Added per player health scaling. This is a good EULA compliant feature for your VIP players.
Addded "invis-cooldown" and "neutrality-cooldown" scalings for Devourer Cloak.
Added explosions and shotgun for Arbalist Crossbow.
Added Blink and Disarm for Devourer. Removed Consume.
Fixed some abilities attempting to effect invulnerable entities.
Fixed SavageFactions and SaberFactions support.
Fixed Priest Seal of Life default scaling. This scaling defines the amount of seconds for the ability cooldown.
Added bossBar for levels and events. You can disable the vanilla exp one if you want to use this one. Or just disable this one. They're all in config.yml
Only WorldGuard 7 is supported.
Events commands now support time suffix.
Fixed health not being updated after reloading.
Fixed Swordsman Parry not using percent. And added % to the description.
Implement XSeries utilities directly to the plugin for the latest performance improvements.
This update is highly recommended as it adds Priest skill with a lot of ther features and bug fixes. You need to delete your config.yml and skills.yml (It's also recommended to delete en.yml for new messages)
Added Priest as a new skill! (Still in beta) It's fixed skill that's going to have a complete set of cool particles, sounds and abilities!
Added particles and sound to FireMage Energy Absorb based on their ability level.
Added particles to Devourer Evolve Cloak
You can now use time suffixes for skill-change-cooldown option (read the config)
Fire Mage's Inferno is now activated for one hit only.
FIre Mage's inferno has a chance to give the player nausea effect, this chance is affected by the energy scaling (ability cost) and the player's skill level.
Fire Mage's Inferno has a chance to divide damage taken by 2 or 3. This chance is also affected by the energy scaling and player's skill level.
Added /skill statistics
Added /skill stats <player>
Option to use your EXP level bar as your skill level bar progress.
Option to lower your health scaling without affecting your real health.
Fixed support for WorldGuard v6
Fixed support for SavageFactions.
Fixed FireMage Energy Absorb.
Fixed Devourer Evolve Cloak.
Fixed /skill select multi-version material support.
Fixed /skill user stats
Fixed disabledAbilities that was missing from old data conversion system.
Fixed permissions for /skill select
Fixed players data manager attempting to level up by setting the Exp when loading data
You can now have "S" (Shift) as the last activation key.
You can no longer activate abilities on level 0
Fixed sounds and /skill change cooldowns.
You can now have longer /skill change cooldowns. The data is saved.
Remaining cooldown shown in /skill change will now remove time units that are 0 automatically.
Added seeds and mushrooms to items-that-prevent-skill-activation option.
Fixed vampire blood lust on higher levels.
Fixed stats GUI bugs.
Fixed multi-version material support for some materials.
Fixed Fire Mage's Inferno particles that both displayed at the player's location. One is for the enemy and one is for the player.
Performance improvements.
Reminder: 1.8 will not be supported. You need at least 1.9 Stop using old versions.
And many more than I forgot.
I still haven't started working on Skills wiki. I'm sorry.
For live updates on Priest or questions skill join our Discord server.
Sorry for the late update. I've been really busy. A lot of things have changed and I'm still working on the wiki. If you have any questions you can join the discord server or DM me on Spigot (note that I'm a new dev working on the plugin you should DM @CryptoMorin not Hex). 1.8 is not fully tested, let me know if it works. Make sure to take a backup of your Skills folder before updating.
1.15 Support
1.8-1.15 Material and Sound support.
Party system is completely removed and replaced with Parties plugin support.
Added TAB Completer for commands.
Help page now shows the total page numbers next to the page number.
You can now check how many EXP you need to level up in /Skills level
Added /Skills setskill <skill> command syntax.
/Skills setskill will now check if the player has any saved data.
Added the following placeholders: %skills_def%, %skills_str%, %skills_dex%, %skills_int%, %skills_rawxp%. Some placeholders are also changed.
You can now use short_ before any integer placeholders to convert it to a short number. E.g. %skills_short_soul% 2854 -> 2.8K
You can now do /skills select if you have already have a skill and have permission.
Added a new equation for leveling system. This one is much more smarter.
Merged /Skills see <player> with /Skills info <player> with permission and a message in the language file.
Changed message colors.
A lot has changed in the config.yml please reset it.
You can now specify a type of mob for mob souls and mob exp in config TYPE:<mobtype>, <amount> e.g. TYPE:ZOMBIE, 7
You can now downgrade mastery by right-clicking on it. However there's a permission for it if you want it added. So players can't keep their souls after dying.
You can now edit online/offline/leader prefix in language file.
You can now use lose-same-souls-as-killer-souls-gain feature.
Arbalist arrows are no longer automatically removed. I find it cooler this way myself. If anyone wants it disabled, I'll add an option.
Added the Stats Point explanation in the item's lore instead of displaying a message in /Skills stat
You can now specify the material types as well as the dropped material, its amount and the chance for Logging mastery from mastery-logging-materials option.
Removed old Skill Improvement config converter.
You can now change the skill items (not for the GUI) in the config skill-item.<skill>
Merged Skills Strength and Weakness with its Description.
You can now choose the item's name and material for skills in /Skills select
Replaced HTML styled <br> line separator with the new line escape \n character.
Language file will now use one line only as the multi-line was completely useless. You can use \n for new lines.
Masteries GUI now uses 5 slot columns to fit the masteries count.
You must reset your config and language file. The plugin will automatically backup the ymls files if you haven't reset them.
Added SavageFactions support.
Added an update checker.
Config handler is recoded and should run more smoothly.
You don't need to install ActionBarAPI plugin anymore, it's built-in.
ActionBar is now completely customizable.
ActionBar now uses animations energy.
ActionBar now updates every one second (instead of 1.5 seconds) using async Tasks. It's improved.
Skills Loss message is no longer shown if the lost souls are 0.
Now the language file doesn't spam in console if it's the first time loading the plugin.
What's the most retarded thing you can do with a Minecraft plugin?
Saves reloads all the loaded player data on /Skills reload.
No more IOException Stackoverflow when players folder isn't found.
JSON data files now have the ".json" file extension... And it no longer saves unnecessary data such as the id and uuid (player's name and UUID) in the data file.You don't need to worry about your player data, they're automatically converted. It also backups data automatically before converting in players/backup folder.
PlaceholderAPI will now use the Expansion API instead of Ez API. Please update your PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
Fixed an issue with help page throwing error on wrong page numbers.
Fixed an issue with pages showing duplicated commands.
Plugin is actually going to disable now after the, "Could not initiate LanguageSupport. Plugin is going to be disabled." error.
Command usage messages will now follow <required> and [optional] argument format.
Party permissions changed from the format skillsparty.<permission> to<permission>
You can now use spaces for lists in the config between each comma blah,blah -> blah, blah
Fixed drowned spawner farming. Thanks to
Fixed clicks being called two times (duplicated messages and etc.) in 1.9 and above.
Fixed a problem with item lore in the language file not passing the last color to the next line. And now it listens to <br> separator properly.
Stats (health) will now update on levelup.
Fixed an error when the plugin couldn't load and disabled itself for any reason.
You can now get skills (_only skills_) placeholders even if placeholderAPI is not running.
Fixed not checking the max Lvl for masteries.
Fixed where it always said "Loaded 0 language statements".
Fixed skill activation getting called twice.
Removed an old skill pyro from the config.
Fixed config handler that in some cases it needed to use the default options when the config was not there.
Package namespace is renamed to org.skills, the whole API is incompatible with the previous one. Please update.
PlayerInfo class is now SkilledPlayer.
For any player related API usage, use SkillsAPI class.
Added SkillEXPGainEvent requested by Kiricho for QuantumRPG plugin party system.
setExp() can now be used as setExp(int exp, boolean silent) where if silent is true, it'll increase the level manually without calling levelUp method which calls SkillLevelUpEvent in SkilledPlayer class.
Added getRawExp(), setRawExp(int exp) and willLevelUp(int exp) to SkilledPlayer class.
levelUp calls SkillLevelUpEvent for each integer, and now it will continue calling these events if one of them is cancelled.
Changed isHasValue from Sdsad class to hasValue.
Added an API to add your own skills. Read below for more information. (Not complete)
You can now set the added level for SkillLevelUpEvent event using setAddedLevel
You can now directly access SkilledPlayer from events.
All the events will now use Player, events will not fire for offline players.
SkillActiveStateChangeEvent is now cancellable.
In SkilledPlayer setters and getters for stats are no longer available directly. You have to use getStat(StatType) and setStat(StatType, int amount).
SkillToggleDisableEvent is renamed to SkillToggleAbilityEvent. And since offline players can't toggle abilities, it now uses Player. Also getToggled is renamed to getAbility. setDisabled is also added. And it's no longer possible to setPlayer...
In SkilledPlayer: isDisabled is renamed to isAbilityDisabled and toggleDisabled is renamed to toggleAbility. Always make sure to use these methods. Do not call SkillToggleAbilityEvent directly.
The full wiki will be finished later.
And a lot more. I changed a lot of things that I completely forgot.
Config now allows for Devourer's bonus health damage to be configured (Please check config after installation, as devourer scaling config value will be reset)
Fixed issue where Skills tries to eject a passenger even though there is no passenger
Skills will now do some checks to prevent bypassing other plugins (like worldguard and factions). As such, skills won't hook into these plugins to specifically check for damage anymore.
Fixes for some errors
Fixed issue with parties, where leaving the game did not help remove players from parties
Added /skill top (Shows players with highest levels)
Fixed issue where some of the Efficiency masteries didn't work properly
Added a catch to try and unhook if Factions or Worldguard are giving errors
Fixed problem where the config option to disable certain items from triggering special abilities didn't work (This only disables triggering abilities when interacting at blocks. Don't confuse it with disabling when interacting at air. All blocks are already automatically in this list)
Fixed problem where updating health max caused energy to refill (and associated problems, like energy/mana never going below maximum, and eidolon switching forms randomly)
Fixed problem where mage didn't regenerate mana
Change eidolon spectre speed display to display as Minecraft potion levels instead of potency levels
Added MythicMobs support to check for MythicMobs entity levels. Skills exp and souls can no longer be awarded to players that kill mobs that have too high a level or too low a level relative to themselves
Fixed problem where /skills refresh had no permission. The permission is now skills.refresh
Fixed issue where Citizens being damaged would cause an error
Added a new placeholder: energystring (Returns the full energy string from the actionbar)
Players no longer retain old energy when changing skills
Players will no longer retain old health when changing skills if the old health is larger than the new max health
---v12.0.0 updatelog---
I have tested the jar with what limited resources that I have as much as I could. However, please note that it has not been used in a production environment yet (referring to an actual populated server). If there are bugs, please report them to me in the discussion, or through PMs if it's a serious bug.
Your player saves can be reused in the recoded version. However, as a precaution, please make backups.
Buyers can request for the source code from me. Though I may consider releasing the sourcecode for the lite version.
Server owners can now directly configure all ability scalings, health scalings and energy scalings! This includes max blood, eidolon max imbalance, and energy regeneration rates
API changed drastically
Skills no longer handles health on its own: Base HP is modified to better work with other plugins
Minor balances
Bugfixes with scalings in older versions
Much more detailed config file, allowing more intricate and special customisation
Much cleaner code
Some optimisations
Approach me for a tutorial regarding the API. I may release an official one in future
The plugin was tested in 1.12, but can compile with 1.13. It should work in both versions, but try it beforehand to confirm. I will attempt to support both versions.
Fixed issue where ActionbarAPI was needed to enable
Fixed issue where PlaceholderAPI/MVdWPlaceholderAPI didn't register placeholders for Skills
Added config option to denote data-saving interval
Added a failsafe for concurrency problems in data saving (If there is a large amount of data to save and you detect some lag, increase the data saving interval)
Added 2 new placeholders (energysymbol and status), which return the symbols from the actionbar
Fixed a problem where the plugin tried to use part of Kingdoms API to do things
---v12.0.0 updatelog---
I have tested the jar with what limited resources that I have as much as I could. However, please note that it has not been used in a production environment yet (referring to an actual populated server). If there are bugs, please report them to me in the discussion, or through PMs if it's a serious bug.
Your player saves can be reused in the recoded version. However, as a precaution, please make backups.
Buyers can request for the source code from me. Though I may consider releasing the sourcecode for the lite version.
Server owners can now directly configure all ability scalings, health scalings and energy scalings! This includes max blood, eidolon max imbalance, and energy regeneration rates
API changed drastically
Skills no longer handles health on its own: Base HP is modified to better work with other plugins
Minor balances
Bugfixes with scalings in older versions
Much more detailed config file, allowing more intricate and special customisation
Much cleaner code
Some optimisations
Approach me for a tutorial regarding the API. I may release an official one in future
The plugin was tested in 1.12, but can compile with 1.13. It should work in both versions, but try it beforehand to confirm. I will attempt to support both versions.
Fixed a problem where PlaceholderAPI (and other external softdepend classes) failed to work properly
---v12.0.0 updatelog---
I have tested the jar with what limited resources that I have as much as I could. However, please note that it has not been used in a production environment yet (referring to an actual populated server). If there are bugs, please report them to me in the discussion, or through PMs if it's a serious bug.
Your player saves can be reused in the recoded version. However, as a precaution, please make backups.
Buyers can request for the source code from me. Though I may consider releasing the sourcecode for the lite version.
Server owners can now directly configure all ability scalings, health scalings and energy scalings! This includes max blood, eidolon max imbalance, and energy regeneration rates
API changed drastically
Skills no longer handles health on its own: Base HP is modified to better work with other plugins
Minor balances
Bugfixes with scalings in older versions
Much more detailed config file, allowing more intricate and special customisation
Much cleaner code
Some optimisations
Approach me for a tutorial regarding the API. I may release an official one in future
The plugin was tested in 1.12, but can compile with 1.13. It should work in both versions, but try it beforehand to confirm. I will attempt to support both versions.
I have tested the jar with what limited resources that I have as much as I could. However, please note that it has not been used in a production environment yet (referring to an actual populated server). If there are bugs, please report them to me in the discussion, or through PMs if it's a serious bug.
Your player saves can be reused in the recoded version. However, as a precaution, please make backups.
Buyers can request for the source code from me. Though I may consider releasing the sourcecode for the lite version.
Server owners can now directly configure all ability scalings, health scalings and energy scalings! This includes max blood, eidolon max imbalance, and energy regeneration rates
API changed drastically
Skills no longer handles health on its own: Base HP is modified to better work with other plugins
Minor balances
Bugfixes with scalings in older versions
Much more detailed config file, allowing more intricate and special customisation
Much cleaner code
Some optimisations
Approach me for a tutorial regarding the API. I may release an official one in future
The plugin was tested in 1.12, but can compile with 1.13. It should work in both versions, but try it beforehand to confirm. I will attempt to support both versions.
Added /skill showactivemessages (/skill sam). Allows players to toggle off and on active activation and cooldown messages
Forces players back to the juggernaut carrier if the player uses Shift to get off (Sorry that I couldn't do more, the vehicle exit seems to be client sided. But the juggernaut's damage still applies, and hopefully this update will limit the distance anybody can move in the short span that they can get off)