This update is highly recommended as it adds a variety of different new features. You need to delete your config.yml and skills.yml
There's another upcoming big update. If you want to stay notified, join the Discord server. This is the best time if you have a suggestion. This update will stay in beta for a long time, and beta Jars are accessible from the discord server.
Added a friends and party system! This is specially useful for Priests.
Added custom stats!
Added custom energy types!
Added Vietnamese translation.
Changed some particles.
Added a rotation animation for Vampire Blood Well.
Starting to add support for 1.8 again... kms...
Added a nice atomic effect for Eidolon active.
Added a really cool DNA effect with fireworks when you level up.
Added an option to completely disable masteries.
Added an option to disable any subcommand.
Added bass sound to unknown command and permission messages.
You can now keep your real EXP while displaying your skills exp. Note that this trick is a little glitchy and will show your real exp for 1 tick (100ms) each time you gain exp.
ActionBar updates every 10 ticks (500ms) now. Which means x2 faster than the previous one.
Fixed the update checker.
Fixed Vampire losing a lot of blood by default.
Fixed command descriptions not updating after reloading the plugin.
Fixed an issue with energy message showing the equation instead of the calculated number.
Fixed Fire Mage inferno dealing a lot of damage with high scalings.
Plugin will not cause a second error if it fails to load.
New languages will now be added to translations if missing (with the default English message).
Removed support for Kingdoms and Parties.
Changed skill displayname placeholder to %skill% for skill selector GUI.
Fixed %skills_status% placeholder. Which means %status% will no longer work in Action Bar messages. Use
that instead.
Added custom leveling system.
Added double jump to Devourer Gliders. You can configure the height using the scaling. Recommended value is lvl * 0.5
Devourer Gliders speed level is now based on your ability level.
Fixed NPC support for levelups.
Player data is now saved when they quit due to hp scalings.
Added per player health scaling. This is a good EULA compliant feature for your VIP players.
Addded "invis-cooldown" and "neutrality-cooldown" scalings for Devourer Cloak.
Added explosions and shotgun for Arbalist Crossbow.
Added Blink and Disarm for Devourer. Removed Consume.
Fixed some abilities attempting to effect invulnerable entities.
Fixed SavageFactions and SaberFactions support.
Fixed Priest Seal of Life default scaling. This scaling defines the amount of seconds for the ability cooldown.
Added bossBar for levels and events. You can disable the vanilla exp one if you want to use this one. Or just disable this one. They're all in config.yml
Only WorldGuard 7 is supported.
Events commands now support time suffix.
Fixed health not being updated after reloading.
Fixed Swordsman Parry not using percent. And added % to the description.
Implement XSeries utilities directly to the plugin for the latest performance improvements.