This is a huge update and is definitely recommended.
With this update the plugin is considered a lot more advanced now.
Join the
discord server for future updates.
You need to reset your config.yml, skills.yml and language file for this to work.
- Added custom GUIs finally! Comes with new default GUI designs.
- Added "F" (switch weapons), "Q" (drop item) and "C<key>" (is a prefix for sneaking+key like CR, CL, CQ, CF) keys to combos.
- Added customizable hologram vectors.
- Added titles for level ups.
- Added armor weights.
- Added max-level for each skill.
- Added JavaScript evaluator conditions for MythicMobs level margin.
- Added required level for each ability.
- Added more options to some abilities.
- Added ability upgrade notifications when enough souls is gained.
- Added skills.actionbar permission. This permission is added by default.
- Added an option to automatically open skill selection GUI for new players.
- Added %skills_health% %skills_max_health% placeholders. You can adjust the precision in the config.
- Added %skills_max_energy%, %skills_energy_regen%, %skills_precise_energy% and %skills_max_precise_energy% placeholders.
- Added help and friends command permissions by default.
- Added an option to disable fire animation in creative. This is useful for builders.
- Added "/skill sound" command to test sounds before setting them in config. It's better than /playsound
- Added support for the latest MythicMobs.
- Added Eidolon Blackhole. First skill with the most customizable options!
- Added Eidolon Fangs.
- Added new Priest Purification Lvl.3: Crops around will grow faster.
- Added FireMage Meteorite.
- Added Devourer Consume ability.
- Added sounds to Juggernaut throw.
- Added Juggernaut Chain Smash ability.
- Juggernaut Heavy Strikes will now damage the players armor more.
- Juggernaut Stone Skin ability can now have specified modifiers for all the possible protections in skills.yml
- Juggernaut Aegis Shield will now damage the entity back for lvl 2 and knocks back if lvl 3 and under 5 healths.
- Mage heal spell ability scaling is not completely customizable.
- Mage Energy Flux can now go thro walls in level 3 and added range option.
- Mage hoe chances and damages are not customizable.
- Changed activation "cost" to "energy"
- The time placeholders format are changed to 00:00:00 This won't be the same when timer is higher than 24hrs.
- Fixed "Distribute Stats" option to work for skills with more than 2 stat types.
- Fixed some issues related to cross-version material support.
- Fixed "/skill user xp" adding negative XPs and not changing the level when decreasing.
- Fixed Devourer hook hurting players.
- Fixed holograms being set on fire.
- Fixed BossBar colors disappearing.
- Fixed Devourer gliders warning on disable.
- Fixed Eidolon SpiritFire error for "light" placeholder.
- Fixed missing command description for /skill statistics
- Fixed an error when trying to distribute stats with no skill selected.
- Fixed events bossbar not disappearing after the event ends.
- Fixed /skill party accept after a party is disbanded.
- Fixed Priest Passive ability keeping players flying ability after the ability is disabled.
- Fixed main scalings not supporting placeholders.
- Fixed some placeholders not loading for some messages.
- Fixed Devourer Gliders.
- Fixed Devourer Blink for 1.12
- Fixed "/skill user improve" command incorrectly limiting ability levels.
- Fixed Mage Reflect ability accidentally dealing damage to the mage...
- Fixed reload support for stats and energy from config.
- Fixed bonus placeholders.
- Fixed Boss Bars in disabled worlds.
- Fixed bonuses data serialization.
- Fixed bonuses placeholders.
- Fixed bonuses messages for /skills info.
- Fixed Priest Asclepius confusing friendly players with WorldGuard region protection.
- Fixed spelling error `charging` for Vampire blood energy type and changed default to AUTO_REVERSE.
- For 1.12 servers having issues with BossBar. There's a weird workaround that you can install PlaceholderAPI to fix the colors.
- Language file cleanup. Removed all the GUI stuff and moved actionbar properties to config.yml
- Removed cost equation from passive abilities.
- Removed unused messages from language file.
- Removed unused scalings from skills.yml
- API changes.
- Performance Improvements.