SemiHardcore icon

SemiHardcore -----

Hardcore, but you have three lives!

Players can now be rewarded for being rude, if you want this to be the case.


  • Added the configuration option lifesteal.enabled.
    • This option controls a new feature of the plugin: the ability to steal lives by killing other players. When enabled, by default, players with 2 or fewer lives gain 1 life if they kill a player with 4 or more lives.
    • For a more technical explanation, when enabled, players with a life count equal to or less than the option lifesteal.max-lives-to-steal (explained below) gain 1 life if they kill a player with a life count equal to or greater than the option lifesteal.min-lives-to-be-robbed (explained below).
    • Defaults to false.
  • Added the configuration option lifesteal.max-lives-to-steal.
    • Controls the highest life count a player can have while still being able to steal lives by killing players.
    • Defaults to 2.
    • Cannot be set to a value above the life limit, unless it's set to 0.
  • Added the configuration option lifesteal.min-lives-to-be-robbed.
    • Controls the lowest life count a player can have while still being able to be robbed of lives by being killed by other players.
    • Defaults to 4.
    • Cannot be set to a value above the life limit, unless it's set to 0.
  • Added the following messages, which appear when a player steals a life by killing a player:
    • lives-message-after-lifesteal.plural
    • lives-message-after-lifesteal.singular
    • lives-message-after-lifesteal.none
  • API additions:
    • LifeChanges#livesMessageAfterLifesteal(Player, Player): shows the lifesteal-related messages mentioned above.
    • Added fields livesAfterLifestealPlural, livesAfterLifestealSingular and livesAfterLifestealNone to Messages.
  • Due to internal setup changes, the plugin no longer supports Minecraft versions below 1.17.
    • Even though 1.17(.1) can be run with Java 16, the plugin only supports Java 17 or above.
  • The configuration option lives-limit can now be set to 0, which makes the plugin operate as if there was no life limit at all.
  • Removed the deadPlayers.yml file. Players are now considered dead if their life count is equal to zero.
  • API changes:
    • SemiHardcore#getDeadPlayersFile is now terminally deprecated.
    • LifeChanges#setDead now does nothing and is deprecated.
    • LifeChanges#setLives and LifeChanges#addLife can no longer set a player's life count above the life limit.
    • LifeChanges#respectLivesLimit is now deprecated.
    • Options is now a record, therefore it now contains new accessor methods, named exactly after each field.
      • The old accessor methods are now deprecated and kept for backwards compatibility.
  • SH-7 - The first sentence of the update checker's message is missing a period
  • SH-8 - The message for the starting lives or life limit being 1 is not sent by the plugin's logger
  • SH-10 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to zero does not produce a success message
  • SH-11 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to zero calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent twice
  • SH-12 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to a number above the life limit calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent twice
  • SH-13 - Setting a player's life count to its current value calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent
----------, Mar 4, 2025

The Bundles of Bravery drop broke my plugin, and in fixing it I allowed hardcore mode to be enabled now, so I guess you could say I... added hardcore mode?

  • The plugin no longer requires the hardcore option in to be disabled.
  • SH-3 - The sentence for players sacrificing themselves in the settings printed to the console when the plugin is enabled is grammatically incorrect
  • SH-5 - The javadoc for SemiHardcore#getOfficialAddonList is missing a period
  • SH-6 - Respawning with hardcore hearts enabled makes the player a spectator even if they have lives left
----------, Oct 27, 2024

Placeholders are apparently useful I guess.

  • Added a placeholder expansion class, which registers the plugin's placeholders if PlaceholderAPI is loaded and enabled.
  • Added the following placeholders:
    • %semihardcore_lives%, which returns the player's life count.
    • %semihardcore_lives_limit%, which returns the life limit.
    • %semihardcore_starting_lives_min%, which returns the minimum starting lives.
    • %semihardcore_starting_lives_max%, which returns the maximum starting lives.
  • The plugin now soft-depends on PlaceholderAPI.
  • SH-2 - The warning for failing to check plugin and add-ons for updates always appears if not all add-ons have been installed on the server
----------, Jun 28, 2024

For some reason I had assumed that everyone would run this plugin along with at least one of its add-ons...

  • SH-1 - Error when enabling plugin / java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke
    "java.util.Map.containsKey(Object)" because "this.addonsToBeChecked" is null
----------, Jun 11, 2024

Deciding to remove the plugin doesn't scar your server for life anymore.

  • Fixed a bug where disabling the plugin would keep the hardcore hearts on all worlds even though the server is not in hardcore mode.
----------, Mar 18, 2024

This bug fix is probably not important, since almost nobody changes level-name in

  • Fixed the plugin breaking when a player is revived and there isn't a world named "world" loaded in the server. It now checks to find the main world's name and uses that one instead.
----------, Oct 22, 2023

The plugin is now more documented than ever before, ready for anyone to create their own SemiHardcore add-ons!

  • Added a javadoc comment to every class, package, method and field that needed to be documented for use by plugin add-ons.
  • Created an entire javadoc website from those comments. The site can be found at
  • Added a few extra API methods in some classes.
  • Changed the access modifiers of some class members to protect them from add-ons using them to create errors.
  • Fixed an error in the update checker when the plugin is on a server run using Java 8.
----------, Oct 16, 2023

This version adds update checking for this plugin and its add-on plugins, as well as the ability to sacrifice your last life to revive a player, or just give it away if you want to stop living for some reason.

  • Added some new configuration options:
    • lightning-strike-on-last-death
      • This option controls a new feature of the plugin: a lightning effect that strikes a player when they die and lose their last life.
      • If the option is enabled, a lightning bolt that doesn't create fire or damage players or mobs will strike at the location of a player as soon as they die for their last time (until they are revived; more on that later).
      • This option is set to false by default.
    • sacrifices-for-revival
      • This option controls whether players can sacrifice themselves to revive a player.
      • With this option on, players on their last life can use the /givelife command to give their life to a player who is currently dead (i.e. on 0 lives). Doing this will kill the player being sacrificed and revive the receiver of the life.
      • This option is set to false by default, and also requires players-can-be-generous to be enabled.
    • players-can-give-away-last-life
      • This option controls whether players can give away their last life to an alive player.
      • With this option on, players on their last life can use the /givelife command to give their life to a player who is currently alive (i.e. on 1 life or more). Doing this will kill the player giving away their life and add one to the receiver's lives.
      • This option is set to false by default, and also requires players-can-be-generous to be enabled.
  • Added a lot of new messages to messages.yml which pertain to the above options.
  • Added an update checker to the plugin. This will get this plugin's version from SpigotMC's API and check if it's newer than the version currently being run. If it is, a message will be sent to the console prompting you to update the plugin, giving you the link to this plugin's page on SpigotMC.
    • If there are any known add-ons of SemiHardcore present on the server, the update checker will check those for updates too.
  • Fixed the message sent by the /setlives command when the specified player is found and a number of lives is specified.
  • Fixed some leftover messages being sent the old way in the code.
----------, Jun 27, 2023

At last, you don't need to manually add new options into the configuration files anymore! 2.3.0 is a big code update, but it has paved the way for some surprises further down the road.

  • Added a new configuration option players-can-be-generous, which controls whether players can use the /givelife command. This option is set to true by default, but you can turn it off to make your server more like Grian's 3rd Life.
  • Added a new Bukkit event called PlayerLifeChangeEvent, which is called every time a player's number of lives changes. This was added to make it possible to code add-on plugins for this plugin, which I will be working on and you will be getting your hands on in the fullness of time.
    • I mean, technically since I added this, you could now make your own add-ons for this, and there is no one stopping you, so if you want to, you can.
  • Dropped support for all Minecraft versions older than 1.12.2. The plugin will now disable itself if you try to use it in 1.12.1 or even older versions. This change happened because it was difficult to maintain code used to bypass the fact that old versions are missing features (primarily the totem effect when you give a life to another player).
  • All configuration files now update themselves without you needing to add new options manually. Any options missing will be added to the files with their default values.
  • Some messages in messages.yml have been moved to new identifiers to remove duplicate messages. If you have been using a previous version of the plugin and want to see what changed, the new messages will now be added automatically to the very bottom of the file.
  • Some options in config.yml were not properly checked for invalid values. The plugin should now disable itself when any option in config.yml has an invalid value.
  • Probably some other fixes that I forgot about.
----------, Apr 22, 2023

This file now only uses as much filesize as it ultimately needs.

  • Removed a ton of code duplication. I have no idea how it wasn't bothering me when I made the plugin.
----------, Feb 27, 2023

A major bug from update 2.2.0 has been fixed.

  • Fixed lives-limit in config.yml being able to be set to less than 1.
----------, Jul 10, 2022

Message customization and a life limit are added in this update.

  • There is now a messages.yml file which contains all messages that can appear in the chat as a result of this plugin.
  • The config.yml file now contains a new option: "lives-limit", which controls what the maximum number of lives players can have at the same time. Its default value is 5.
  • The config.yml file's values are now stricter.
  • The plugin now supports all Minecraft versions from 1.8 to 1.19.
  • Using the /givelife command now tells both players how many lives they now have, instead of just to one of them.
  • All commands now tab complete correctly.
----------, Jul 10, 2022

Players will no longer know what admins are up to with this update.

  • Commands that require permissions are now completely hidden from players who don't have the permissions.
----------, Apr 16, 2022

Update 2.1.0 is now out.

  • Added a new option in the configuration file (config.yml) called force-hard-difficulty, true by default. Can be changed to false to stop the plugin from forcing the difficulty to hard on all of your worlds.
  • All commands now show their syntax when /help is used for them.
  • Added the SpigotMC page for this plugin as the website URL in the plugin.yml file.
  • The plugin now logs the settings to the console when it gets enabled (useful for debugging and checking if your settings are correct).
  • Fixed bug where the plugin would not force the difficulty to hard (now only if force-hard-difficulty is true in the config) or change the hearts to hardcore (if hardcore-hearts is true in the config) on any new world created while the server is running.
  • Fixed bug where starting-lives.min and starting-lives.max in the config could be set to values that are not numbers, which would cause problems.
----------, Mar 28, 2022

Update 2.0.0 is now out. A lot of useful customization features have been added.

  • The plugin now has a configuration file (config.yml). You can now customize how many lives every player will start with, or alternatively make every player start with a random amount of lives within a range you specify.
  • New commands: /setlives, /addlife, /revive
  • New command for non-OPs: /givelife
  • All commands will be explained in the main page.
----------, Mar 24, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,584
First Release: Aug 9, 2021
Last Update: Mar 4, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings