SemiHardcore icon

SemiHardcore -----

Hardcore, but you have three lives!

This plugin is a new game mode which gives every player three lives, and every time a player dies they lose one. When they lose all three of their lives, they become spectators, just like in normal hardcore mode.

The difficulty for all worlds is set to hard, like in normal hardcore mode.

This plugin has a few add-on plugins:
You can also create your own add-ons for the plugin using the provided API. You can find the javadoc for the API here:

This plugin registers placeholders if PlaceholderAPI is installed on the server. The available placeholders are the following:
  • %semihardcore_lives%, which returns the player's life count.
  • %semihardcore_lives_limit%, which returns the life limit.
  • %semihardcore_starting_lives_min%, which returns the minimum starting lives.
  • %semihardcore_starting_lives_max%, which returns the maximum starting lives.
This plugin is customizable by editing the configuration file (config.yml). The customizable tags are the following:
  • starting-lives
    • This is used to change how many lives every player will start with. Every new player is given a random number of lives in a range that you specify. Tags min and max are used for this purpose. If you set min and max to the same number, every new player will have the same number of lives.
    • min must be less than max, otherwise the plugin won't enable.
  • hardcore-hearts
    • This option controls whether players will see their hearts as hardcore hearts. If disabled, players will see their hearts as normal (non-hardcore) hearts.
    • This option does not work if the server version is before 1.15.
  • force-hard-difficulty
    • This option controls whether every world on the server will be set to hard difficulty when the plugin is enabled.
      • This would previously always be the case, but it can now be turned off by setting this option to false.
  • lives-limit
    • This option controls the life limit for players. This means that players cannot have a number of lives greater than this limit.
    • Default value is 5.
    • The plugin will be disabled if this value is less than 1.
  • players-can-be-generous
    • This option controls whether players are able to use the /givelife command (see below).
    • Disabling this option gives your server more of a 3rd Life style, since people cannot transfer their lives to other players.
  • lightning-strike-on-last-death
    • This option controls a new feature of the plugin: a lightning effect that strikes a player when they die and lose their last life.
    • If the option is enabled, a lightning bolt that doesn't create fire or damage players or mobs will strike at the location of a player as soon as they die for their last time (until they are revived; more on that later).
    • This option is set to false by default.
  • sacrifices-for-revival
    • This option controls whether players can sacrifice themselves to revive a player.
    • With this option on, players on their last life can use the /givelife command (see below) to give their life to a player who is currently dead (i.e. on 0 lives). Doing this will kill the player being sacrificed and revive the receiver of the life.
    • This option is set to false by default, and also requires players-can-be-generous to be enabled.
  • players-can-give-away-last-life
    • This option controls whether players can give away their last life to an alive player.
    • With this option on, players on their last life can use the /givelife command (see below) to give their life to a player who is currently alive (i.e. on 1 life or more). Doing this will kill the player giving away their life and add one to the receiver's lives.
    • This option is set to false by default, and also requires players-can-be-generous to be enabled.
There is another configuration file, messages.yml. This file contains all messages that this plugin can send to players' chat. Every message is customizable on its own. You can also use color codes in all messages, using the '&' symbol and a letter for a specific color code. You can see the available color codes here:

You will also find lives.yml and deadPlayers.yml in the same folder. If you want your players to not have any surprises, please do not edit these files.

Every player (even non-operators) can use the following commands:
  • /lives
    • This command shows the player how many lives they have.
  • /givelife <player>
    • This command will take one life from the player and give it to the specified player. Used for donating a life to another player.
    • If a player only has one life, this command can only be used on dead players when sacrifices-for-revival is enabled in the configuration file (config.yml), and on alive players if players-can-give-away-last-life is enabled.
    • If players-can-be-generous has been turned off in the configuration file, this command will not do anything.
There is also a fair share of commands reserved for operators:
  • /setlives <player> <number>
    • This command sets the specified player's number of lives to the specified number.
    • If the specified number is 0, the specified player will also automatically die.
    • The number of lives tab completes numbers 1 to 5, but you can also use 0 or numbers greater than 5.
    • You can't set the lives of a player with zero lives, the /revive command is used for that purpose.
    • This command requires permission semihardcore.setlives to be run.
  • /addlife <player>
    • This command adds one life to a player's life count.
    • This is more elegant than trying to figure out how many lives a player has to increase it using /setlives.
    • You can't set the lives of a player with zero lives, the /revive command is used for that purpose.
    • This command requires permission semihardcore.addlife to be run.
  • /revive <player>
    • This command revives a dead player. The player will respawn at their last spawnpoint (or the world spawnpoint if they didn't have one) and they will have one life. You can set their life count afterwards using /setlives.
    • Does nothing if used on an alive player.
    • This command requires permission semihardcore.revive to be run.

Some notes:
  • gamemode and force-gamemode in do not matter at all if you use this plugin. This plugin sets the game mode of every player to survival if they have more than zero lives and to spectator if not.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,415
First Release: Aug 9, 2021
Last Update: Oct 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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