Players can now be rewarded for being rude, if you want this to be the case.
Added the configuration option lifesteal.enabled.
This option controls a new feature of the plugin: the ability to steal lives by killing other players. When enabled, by default, players with 2 or fewer lives gain 1 life if they kill a player with 4 or more lives.
For a more technical explanation, when enabled, players with a life count equal to or less than the option lifesteal.max-lives-to-steal (explained below) gain 1 life if they kill a player with a life count equal to or greater than the option lifesteal.min-lives-to-be-robbed (explained below).
Defaults to false.
Added the configuration option lifesteal.max-lives-to-steal.
Controls the highest life count a player can have while still being able to steal lives by killing players.
Defaults to 2.
Cannot be set to a value above the life limit, unless it's set to 0.
Added the configuration option lifesteal.min-lives-to-be-robbed.
Controls the lowest life count a player can have while still being able to be robbed of lives by being killed by other players.
Defaults to 4.
Cannot be set to a value above the life limit, unless it's set to 0.
Added the following messages, which appear when a player steals a life by killing a player:
API additions:
LifeChanges#livesMessageAfterLifesteal(Player, Player): shows the lifesteal-related messages mentioned above.
Added fields livesAfterLifestealPlural, livesAfterLifestealSingular and livesAfterLifestealNone to Messages.
Due to internal setup changes, the plugin no longer supports Minecraft versions below 1.17.
Even though 1.17(.1) can be run with Java 16, the plugin only supports Java 17 or above.
The configuration option lives-limit can now be set to 0, which makes the plugin operate as if there was no life limit at all.
Removed the deadPlayers.yml file. Players are now considered dead if their life count is equal to zero.
API changes:
SemiHardcore#getDeadPlayersFile is now terminally deprecated.
LifeChanges#setDead now does nothing and is deprecated.
LifeChanges#setLives and LifeChanges#addLife can no longer set a player's life count above the life limit.
LifeChanges#respectLivesLimit is now deprecated.
Options is now a record, therefore it now contains new accessor methods, named exactly after each field.
The old accessor methods are now deprecated and kept for backwards compatibility.
SH-7 - The first sentence of the update checker's message is missing a period
SH-8 - The message for the starting lives or life limit being 1 is not sent by the plugin's logger
SH-10 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to zero does not produce a success message
SH-11 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to zero calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent twice
SH-12 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to a number above the life limit calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent twice
SH-13 - Setting a player's life count to its current value calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent