SemiHardcore icon

SemiHardcore -----

Hardcore, but you have three lives!

Life stealing
Players can now be rewarded for being rude, if you want this to be the case.


  • Added the configuration option lifesteal.enabled.
    • This option controls a new feature of the plugin: the ability to steal lives by killing other players. When enabled, by default, players with 2 or fewer lives gain 1 life if they kill a player with 4 or more lives.
    • For a more technical explanation, when enabled, players with a life count equal to or less than the option lifesteal.max-lives-to-steal (explained below) gain 1 life if they kill a player with a life count equal to or greater than the option lifesteal.min-lives-to-be-robbed (explained below).
    • Defaults to false.
  • Added the configuration option lifesteal.max-lives-to-steal.
    • Controls the highest life count a player can have while still being able to steal lives by killing players.
    • Defaults to 2.
    • Cannot be set to a value above the life limit, unless it's set to 0.
  • Added the configuration option lifesteal.min-lives-to-be-robbed.
    • Controls the lowest life count a player can have while still being able to be robbed of lives by being killed by other players.
    • Defaults to 4.
    • Cannot be set to a value above the life limit, unless it's set to 0.
  • Added the following messages, which appear when a player steals a life by killing a player:
    • lives-message-after-lifesteal.plural
    • lives-message-after-lifesteal.singular
    • lives-message-after-lifesteal.none
  • API additions:
    • LifeChanges#livesMessageAfterLifesteal(Player, Player): shows the lifesteal-related messages mentioned above.
    • Added fields livesAfterLifestealPlural, livesAfterLifestealSingular and livesAfterLifestealNone to Messages.
  • Due to internal setup changes, the plugin no longer supports Minecraft versions below 1.17.
    • Even though 1.17(.1) can be run with Java 16, the plugin only supports Java 17 or above.
  • The configuration option lives-limit can now be set to 0, which makes the plugin operate as if there was no life limit at all.
  • Removed the deadPlayers.yml file. Players are now considered dead if their life count is equal to zero.
  • API changes:
    • SemiHardcore#getDeadPlayersFile is now terminally deprecated.
    • LifeChanges#setDead now does nothing and is deprecated.
    • LifeChanges#setLives and LifeChanges#addLife can no longer set a player's life count above the life limit.
    • LifeChanges#respectLivesLimit is now deprecated.
    • Options is now a record, therefore it now contains new accessor methods, named exactly after each field.
      • The old accessor methods are now deprecated and kept for backwards compatibility.
  • SH-7 - The first sentence of the update checker's message is missing a period
  • SH-8 - The message for the starting lives or life limit being 1 is not sent by the plugin's logger
  • SH-10 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to zero does not produce a success message
  • SH-11 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to zero calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent twice
  • SH-12 - Using /setlives to set a player's lives to a number above the life limit calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent twice
  • SH-13 - Setting a player's life count to its current value calls PlayerLifeChangeEvent
----------, Mar 4, 2025
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,585
First Release: Aug 9, 2021
Last Update: Mar 4, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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