SemiHardcore icon

SemiHardcore -----

Hardcore, but you have three lives!

Update checking and player sacrifices
This version adds update checking for this plugin and its add-on plugins, as well as the ability to sacrifice your last life to revive a player, or just give it away if you want to stop living for some reason.

  • Added some new configuration options:
    • lightning-strike-on-last-death
      • This option controls a new feature of the plugin: a lightning effect that strikes a player when they die and lose their last life.
      • If the option is enabled, a lightning bolt that doesn't create fire or damage players or mobs will strike at the location of a player as soon as they die for their last time (until they are revived; more on that later).
      • This option is set to false by default.
    • sacrifices-for-revival
      • This option controls whether players can sacrifice themselves to revive a player.
      • With this option on, players on their last life can use the /givelife command to give their life to a player who is currently dead (i.e. on 0 lives). Doing this will kill the player being sacrificed and revive the receiver of the life.
      • This option is set to false by default, and also requires players-can-be-generous to be enabled.
    • players-can-give-away-last-life
      • This option controls whether players can give away their last life to an alive player.
      • With this option on, players on their last life can use the /givelife command to give their life to a player who is currently alive (i.e. on 1 life or more). Doing this will kill the player giving away their life and add one to the receiver's lives.
      • This option is set to false by default, and also requires players-can-be-generous to be enabled.
  • Added a lot of new messages to messages.yml which pertain to the above options.
  • Added an update checker to the plugin. This will get this plugin's version from SpigotMC's API and check if it's newer than the version currently being run. If it is, a message will be sent to the console prompting you to update the plugin, giving you the link to this plugin's page on SpigotMC.
    • If there are any known add-ons of SemiHardcore present on the server, the update checker will check those for updates too.
  • Fixed the message sent by the /setlives command when the specified player is found and a number of lives is specified.
  • Fixed some leftover messages being sent the old way in the code.
----------, Jun 27, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,585
First Release: Aug 9, 2021
Last Update: Mar 4, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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