=== v8.8 ===
+ Added 1.21.4 support
+ Added the effects `pale_oak_leaves`, `trail`, and `block_crumble`
=== v8.7 ===
+ Added missing `trial_omen` effect
+ Added the option to set the custom-model-data property in the preset_groups.yml file for the GUI icon
* Fixed player vanished detection for some vanish plugins
=== v8.6 ===
+ Added disable-crit-particles and critical-only settings to the arrows.yml style settings file
* Fixed support for Paper 1.21 servers
* Fixed the combat listener disabling particles even if the player didn't take damage
=== v8.5 ===
+ Added support for 1.20.6 and its 13 new particle types
=== v8.4 ===
+ Added cherry_leaves particles added in 1.20
+ Added a '/pp group unload' command
* Updated WorldGuardWrapper for 1.20 support
* Updated internal core library to RoseGarden
* Fixed an async getEntities call on 1.20 with the arrows style
* Fixed missing glass color for preset groups page with no permissions
=== v8.3 ===
+ Added two settings for preset group overlapping
+ Added a setting to blockbreak and blockplace styles to still display if the event is cancelled
+ Selectors like @p can now be used in command blocks
+ Preset groups can now autofill empty slots in the GUI by setting the slot to -1
* Particles now display using their style icon in the GUI instead of the default particle icon
* Fixed celebration style particles persisting while vanished
* Fixed the icosphere style spamming the console with errors when using rainbow or random data in combination with dust_color_transition
* Fixed commands not working in command block minecarts
* Fixed an issue where the preset_groups.yml file migrator could delete the whole file if there was a typo
* Fixed some duplicated locale entries
* Fixed the presets border always being filled
* Fixed config spacing issues on newer versions of Spigot
* API change: PParticles now use a builder and the previous constructors are now deprecated
=== v8.2 ===
+ Added new 1.19 particles: sculk_charge, sculk_charge_pop, sculk_soul, shriek, sonic_boom
=== v8.1 ===
* Fixed the
/pp reload command throwing errors on 1.12.2 or older
=== v8.0 ===
+ Added support for Particle Packs (more information on this coming soon)
+ Added setting toggle-on-combat-include-mobs
* Fixed the player-particles WorldGuard region not working and throwing errors due to a WorldGuardWrapper bug
* Fixed particle effects now save the pitch/yaw of the player when they are created
* Fixed an error when doing /pp reload if a player has the GUI open
* The icosphere style now fades between dust colors when using the dust_color_transition effect
=== v7.24 ===
* Fixed configs not generating properly on newer versions of 1.18.1
=== v7.23 ===
+ Added new effect for 1.18 called 'block_marker'
- The effects 'barrier' and 'light' are no longer available in 1.18 due to changes by Mojang, use 'block_marker' with barrier or light block data instead
=== v7.22 ===
+ Added a permission playerparticles.basecommand (granted by default) which can be revoked to block access to /pp
+ Added Polish (pl_PL) translation
* Fixed a ClassDefNotFoundError when editing particle data in the GUI on versions below 1.13
* Fixed the dust-size not working for dust particles
=== v7.21 ===
+ Added new API functionality for styles
* Particles now center based on the player's eye height instead of 1 block above their feet
* Fixed an issue where NPC deaths would spam errors in console
=== v7.20 ===
+ Added 1.17 support
+ Added new style 'death'
+ Added new style 'icosphere' (Very experimental, not recommended to use)
+ Command blocks can now be used to create fixed particle effects
* Fixed celebration style particles not appearing as a fixed effect when the owner is invisible
* Optimized move and trail styles
* Capitalized data type titles in the GUI
* Color names are now capitalized and use hex codes
* PParticles can now override the data that will be used (API usage only)
=== v7.19 ===
+ Added new style 'outline' which displays the player's hitbox or a block bounds if fixed
+ Added the ability to toggle particles by clicking the head icon in the main GUI
+ Added a setting to the config to display particles even when invisible
* Fixed issue with fixed effects always getting deleted on join when the check-permissions-on-login setting is enabled
* Fixed lag when unregistering and registering permissions on reload
* The database connection and migrations are now established asynchronously
=== v7.18 ===
+ Added setting to check particle permissions on login
+ Added commands to directly open two more GUI pages '/gui <type>'
* Updated WorldGuardWrapper to fix an error with newer versions of WorldEdit/WorldGuard
* Fixed primary effects/styles defaulting to flame and normal even if the player doesn't have permission
* Fixed an NPE with the celebration style trying to get effects/styles for an offline player
* Alphabetized the blocks and items data GUI pages, added blocks to the item data
=== v7.17 ===
+ Added an option to make the group save GUI icon print a message to chat (This is for bungee servers)
* Fixed /pp group save not overwriting existing particles properly
* Fixed permissions getting registered before effects/styles were registered
* Fixed messages having a prefix even when the prefix is disabled
* Fixed several tasks not loading properly after a /pp reload
* Fixed netherite swords not being included in the swords style list by default
* Fixed /ppo sometimes causing race conditions
* Fixed a rare issue with the celebration style that could create endless particle loops
=== v7.16 ===
+ The GUI particle presets page is now fully customizable from the preset_groups.yml file and supports multiple pages
+ Added '/pp use <effect>|<style>|<data> <value>', functions the same as '/pp effect|style|data' did in v5 and below
+ Added optional parameters to '/pp toggle [on|off]', if absent it will toggle
+ Added new WorldGuard flag player-particles to allow/deny particles in specific regions
- The old WorldGuard region handling is deprecated, please get moved over to the new system
* The plugin now waits a few ticks before initializing to wait for other plugins to register to the custom styles event
* Fixed off by 1 for hex colors in messages if at end of string
* Now uses double math everywhere rather than sometimes floats, more precise
* Fixed the janky way of opening /pp gui by default
* ParticleStyle constructors are now marked as protected to prevent accidental initialization
=== v7.15 ===
+ Added additional hex color support
+ Fixed preset group permissions not working
This hotfix resolves a parsing issue when using multiple hex codes in a single locale message.
=== v7.14 ===
+ Added hex code support for 1.16 servers.
- Example: `prefix: '&7[#add8e6PlayerParticles&7] '`
* Fixed typo in GUI material for crimson_spore particle
=== v7.14 ===
+ Added hex code support for 1.16 servers.
- Example: `prefix: '&7[#add8e6PlayerParticles&7] '`
* Fixed typo in GUI material for crimson_spore particle
=== v7.13 ===
+ Added particles for Minecraft 1.16
+ Added getVersion() method to API
* Fixed '/ppo <user> group load <group>' not using the executor's permissions
* Fixed confusion when using '/pp remove fishing'
=== v7.12 ===
+ Added WorldGuard region support
+ Added permission 'playerparticles.worldguard.bypass'
+ Added placeholder %playerparticles_is_in_allowed_region%
* Fixed empty player list bug with versions older than 1.9
=== v7.11 ===
+ Added support for Spigot 1.8.8 and 1.7.10. I make no guarantees this will work perfectly.
* The plugin will now disable and print an error message on startup if the server is running CraftBukkit
* Removed deprecated API
* Other API-breaking changes (Moved the color data classes to a different package)
* Removed the version number from generating in new config.yml files
This hotfix fixes an issue where the updater would always suggest your plugin version number is v7.1.
=== v7.10 ===
+ Added command '/pp reset <player>' to be able to reset the particles of an offline player
- Permission: 'playerparticles.reset.others'
+ Added permissions for maximum particles, groups, and fixed effects (values in the config are now the lower bounds)
- playerparticles.particles.max.<number>
- playerparticles.groups.max.<number>
- playerparticles.fixed.max.<number>
* The 'swords' style now lets you edit what is considered a sword in its settings file
* Fixed wooden swords not being counted with the 'swords' style in 1.13+
* Fixed the 'fishing' style causing particles to spawn for users who don't even have it applied
* Fixed effect permissions being registered with the server even if they aren't supported
=== v7.10 ===
+ Added command '/pp reset <player>' to be able to reset the particles of an offline player
- Permission: 'playerparticles.reset.others'
+ Added permissions for maximum particles, groups, and fixed effects (values in the config are now the lower bounds)
- playerparticles.particles.max.<number>
- playerparticles.groups.max.<number>
- playerparticles.fixed.max.<number>
* The 'swords' style now lets you edit what is considered a sword in its settings file
* Fixed wooden swords not being counted with the 'swords' style in 1.13+
* Fixed the 'fishing' style causing particles to spawn for users who don't even have it applied
* Fixed effect permissions being registered with the server even if they aren't supported
=== v7.9 ===
+ Added options DISPLAY_NORMAL and DISPLAY_OVERHEAD to toggle-on-move
+ Added setting in each style setting file for can-toggle-on-combat
* Fixed performance issues with toggle-on-move setting
* Fixed possible concurrency deadlock with arrows and fishing styles
Hotfix contains a fix for the fishing style in 1.12.2-
=== v7.8 ===
+ Added style 'fishing'
* Moved GUI icon settings from the config.yml to the effects/ and styles/ files. You will need to set these again.
* Fixed the messages-enabled setting not working at all
* Changed toggle-on-move to have three different setting values (DISPLAY_MOVE, HIDE, NONE)
* Changed how particle styles are registered, deprecated old API methods for style registration
=== v7.8 ===
+ Added style 'fishing'
* Moved GUI icon settings from the config.yml to the effects/ and styles/ files. You will need to set these again.
* Fixed the messages-enabled setting not working at all
* Changed toggle-on-move to have three different setting values (DISPLAY_MOVE, HIDE, NONE)
* Changed how particle styles are registered, deprecated old API methods for style registration
=== v7.7 ===
* Fixed error with the style 'blockplace'
=== v7.6 ===
+ Added style 'teleport' (Thanks HexedHero)
* Fixed being able to take items out of GUI when opened from a separate GUI plugin
* Fixed a possible ConcurrentModificationException
* Fixed a missing message in de_DE
=== v7.5 Changelog ===
+ Added style 'trail'
+ Added settings for MySQL table prefix and connection pool size
* Fixed preset groups loaded with '/pp group load' not saving correctly
* Fixed possible database connection loss for MySQL
=== v7.4 Changelog ===
* Fixed '/pp fixed teleport' not working due to async event issues
* Fixed issue with a fixed celebration effect while vanished
* Fixed issue with missing args count message with '/pp fixed create' when using 'looking'
* Fixed issue with '/pp fixed create' with invalid effects/styles when using 'looking'
=== v7.3 Changelog ===
+ Made the majority of the plugin asynchronous, hugely improving performance
* Fixed the celebration style disappearing with fixed effects if the owner is online and is either vanished or in spectator mode
* Fixed the plugin trying to register permissions twice if it gets reloaded separately from the entire server (aka PlugMan)
=== v7.2 Changelog ===
* Fixed MySQL not creating the fixed effect table properly
* The arrows style now displays particles from far away so you can see the full trail
Accidentally uploaded a v7.1 version that still had a v7.0 in the plugin.yml so it still shows the "you need to update!" message. This'll fix that, sorry.
=== v7.1 Changelog ===
* Fixed an error when spawning particles for a fixed effect with the celebration style when the owner is offline
* Performance improvement when large amounts of players are online
=== v7.1 Changelog ===
* Fixed an error when spawning particles for a fixed effect with the celebration style when the owner is offline
* Performance improvement when large amounts of players are online
This update does not automatically reset your config.yml, but I would suggest that you do so anyway. Several of the settings have been either relocated or renamed and it will cause great confusion when you are trying to edit them. This update contains a ton of internal changes, so please create a ticket for any bugs you find either on the plugin GitHub or in my support Discord.
A wiki has been created for the plugin that can be found here: https://github.com/Esophose/PlayerParticles/wiki
=== v7.0 Changelog ===
+ Added effect/style settings folder that lets you disable effects/style and edit style properties
+ Added setting to disable particles while in combat
+ Added effect/style name customization through config files
+ Added a setting 'dust-size' to change the size of dust particles in 1.13+
+ Added sub-command '/pp fixed teleport <id>' that requires the permission playerparticles.fixed.teleport
+ Added named colors to the color data autocomplete
+ Added an API, accessible through the dev.esophose.playerparticles.api.PlayerParticlesAPI class
+ Added the ability for the console to manage its own fixed effects
+ Added PlaceholderAPI support
+ Added permission playerparticles.override for /ppo
+ Added permission playerparticles.gui to open the GUI. Disabled in the config by default
* Config and lang files will no longer reset every update
* The style 'normal' is no longer granted permission by default
* /ppo now uses your permissions instead of the player you are targeting
* Changed how * permissions are handled, negative permissions should work now
* Fixed the 'swords' style so you have to be holding a sword/trident
* Fixed several styles ignoring the disabled worlds setting
* Fixed an issue where 'random' data would not parse properly in preset_groups.yml
* Fixed an issue where preset groups would not display in the GUI even if the player has permission for them
* Fixed GUI icons displaying incorrectly in 1.9
* Changed the plugin update detecter to query Spigot instead of Curse
* Cleaned up duplicated command parsing
* Refactored and cleaned up code
* Changed the package names
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
Note: This is the last update that will require manual config updating. v7.0 and beyond will all automatically update your config when required.
=== v6.6 Changelog ===
+ Added support for Minecraft 1.15
+ Added 1.15 effects: 'dripping_honey', 'falling_honey', 'falling_nectar', and 'landing_honey'
+ Added new lang file de_DE.lang (German)
* Fixed an issue where the 'arrows' style wouldn't load properly with preset groups
* Fixed an issue where shooting an arrow into a portal would throw errors
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
=== v6.5 Changelog ===
+ Added Russian translation file ru_RU.lang
+ Added slightly better vanish plugin support
* Players no longer need an effect permission to open the GUI when gui-presets-only is true in the config.yml
* Fixed error with the celebration style
* Fixed error with the arrows style in 1.14+
* Fixed '/pp reload' not being allowed from console
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
=== v6.4 Changelog ===
+ Added support for Minecraft 1.14
+ Added 1.14 effects: 'campfire_cosy_smoke', 'campfire_signal_smoke', 'composter', 'falling_lava', 'falling_water', 'landing_lava', 'sneeze'
+ Added pages for effects, styles, and data in the GUI
+ Added setting 'gui-close-after-group-selected' to the config.yml
+ Added setting 'gui-presets-only' to the config.yml
+ Added Vietnamese translation file (vi_VN.lang)
+ Added support for vanish plugins as long as they use the Spigot hidden player API properly
* Fixed a whole bunch of errors in the fr_FR.lang file
* Fixed '/pp add' item data parameter being ignored
* Fixed an error with the GUI chat hook for creating a new group in 1.9
* Fixed players being able to load saved groups they no longer have permission for
* Fixed support for newline characters in GUI messages in some cases
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
=== Hotfix Information ===
This version includes a fix for an issue relating to the fr_FR.lang file. The file encoding was incorrect resulting in accented characters not displaying correctly. If you are updating from the other v6.3 file, you will need to delete your fr_FR.lang then reload/restart the server to get the fixed file. If you don't use the fr_FR.lang file, this version has no use for you and you don't need to download it.
=== v6.3 Changelog ===
+ Added the ability to remove particles by id/effect/style using '/pp remove <id>|<effect>|<style>'
+ Added new styles 'popper', 'pulse', 'twins', 'whirl', and 'whirlwind'
+ The "Save New Group" button in the GUI now actually saves a new group and prompts for a name in chat (15 second timeout)
+ Added a click sound to the GUI for button clicks (Can be disabled in the config.yml)
+ Added setting 'toggle-on-move-delay' to the config.yml
+ Added new lang file fr_FR.lang (French)
+ Added extra customization to the preset groups
+ Added bStats metrics (Can be disabled in the config.yml by setting send-metrics to false)
* The preset groups file was renamed from groups.yml to preset_groups.yml, you'll need to update the new file
* Renamed default.lang to en_US.lang
* Reduced the number of particles that spawn for the styles 'blockbreak', 'blockplace', and 'swords'
* Fix GUI borders showing up as glass panes instead of stained glass panes on servers running 1.12.2 or earlier
* Fix a missing message when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
* Fix a console error that occured when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
* Fix a console error that occured when a player logs off with the 'celebration' style applied and they have at least 1 fixed effect created
* Fix a console error "[PlayerParticles] An error occurred retrieving an SQLite database connection: [SQLITE_BUSY] The database file is locked (database is locked)"
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
=== v6.3 Changelog ===
+ Added the ability to remove particles by id/effect/style using '/pp remove <id>|<effect>|<style>'
+ Added new styles 'popper', 'pulse', 'twins', 'whirl', and 'whirlwind'
+ The "Save New Group" button in the GUI now actually saves a new group and prompts for a name in chat (15 second timeout)
+ Added a click sound to the GUI for button clicks (Can be disabled in the config.yml)
+ Added setting 'toggle-on-move-delay' to the config.yml
+ Added new lang file fr_FR.lang (French)
+ Added extra customization to the preset groups
+ Added bStats metrics (Can be disabled in the config.yml by setting send-metrics to false)
* The preset groups file was renamed from groups.yml to preset_groups.yml, you'll need to update the new file
* Renamed default.lang to en_US.lang
* Reduced the number of particles that spawn for the styles 'blockbreak', 'blockplace', and 'swords'
* Fix GUI borders showing up as glass panes instead of stained glass panes on servers running 1.12.2 or earlier
* Fix a missing message when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
* Fix a console error that occured when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
* Fix a console error that occured when a player logs off with the 'celebration' style applied and they have at least 1 fixed effect created
* Fix a console error "[PlayerParticles] An error occurred retrieving an SQLite database connection: [SQLITE_BUSY] The database file is locked (database is locked)"
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
=== v6.2 Changelog ===
+ Added command '/ppo' which allows executing a /pp command as another player.
* Fix not being able to change the lore of the player skull in the GUI
* Fix the 'saved groups' count on the player skull in the GUI being one higher than it was supposed to be
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
=== v6.1 Changelog ===
* Fix a bug where sometimes the GUI was unable to be opened due to an error
* You can now use \n on the GUI lore lines in the *.lang file to break them into multiple lines
* Blank lore lines in the *.lang file will no longer show up on the items in the GUI
* If max-groups is set to 0 and the player doesn't have the permission playerparticles.groups.unlimited, the groups icon in the GUI will be invisible
* If the groups.yml file has no entries, then the preset groups icon in the GUI will be invisible
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
This update will unfortunately delete all saved data because of the data storage format change. If you wish to retain your old fixed effects, you will have to keep note of what they are and then recreate them after updating. I have taken measures to make sure that the data will never have to be deleted again.
=== v6.0 Changelog ===
* Compatible with Minecraft 1.9-1.13, you MUST use a Spigot .jar file, not CraftBukkit
* All PlayerParticles data (including player particles and fixed effects) will be deleted upon updating. This will never happen again in the future.
+ Players can now have 3 particles active at the same time (can be increased/decreased in the config.yml)
+ Added Particle Groups, each player can save up to 10 sets of a particles and load them at a later time (can be increased/decreased in the config.yml)
+ Added Preset Particle Groups, these can be configured by the server in the groups.yml file and are available to all players who have permission for the correct effects/styles
* Changed some of the wildcard permissions work, PLEASE make sure you get these updated if you were using them
+ Added a setting to the config.yml called 'toggle-on-move' that when set to true will display most styles around the player's feet while they are moving
+ Removed the commands '/pp effect' and '/pp style'
* Changed command '/pp data' to '/pp data <effect>'
+ Added the commands '/pp add', '/pp edit', '/pp remove', '/pp group' for managing particles and groups
+ Added the command '/pp toggle' to toggle rendering ALL PlayerParticles particles on/off
+ Added the command '/pp reload', reloads all settings from the config.yml, groups.yml, and target lang file
+ Added sub-command '/pp fixed edit'
* Modified sub-command '/pp fixed create' to accept the word 'looking' instead of coordinates, 'looking' will set the location to the block you are looking at
+ Added more advanced tab/auto completion for all commands
- Removed style 'blockedit', apply 'blockplace' and 'blockbreak' at the same time to recreate it
* Renamed the style 'none' to 'normal'
+ Added the following styles: 'batman', 'celebration', 'chains', 'companion', 'invocation', 'overhead', 'rings', 'vortex'
* Plugin messages have been separated into the /lang/default.lang file, you can now create your own lang files
* The target .lang file can be changed in the config.yml
* The particle render distance for players and fixed effects is now configurable from the config.yml
+ Added setting in config.yml to control how fast the rainbow hue cycles
* Rewrote how data is stored, playerData.yml has been replaced with playerparticles.db
* All commands/GUI screens in code are now modular and more efficient
* Updated the plugin license. TL;DR: You can't sell the plugin .jar file even if you edit it, but you can sell the plugin's permissions on servers
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
v5.2 (This is a hotfix for a mysql database connection issue)
* Added native support for Minecraft 1.13.x
* Still compatible with Minecraft 1.9 through Minecraft 1.12!
* Renamed a bunch of effects to their internal names, you will have to update your user permissions
* All saved player data on file and in the database (if enabled) will be deleted, it isn't backwards compatible with PlayerParticles v5.1 due to "the flattening"
* Permission checks are now only performed on command execution for efficiency
* Block/Item data in the GUI are now randomized
* Removed the 'data' tag from block/item data, it was removed in 1.13
* Added full tab-completion support
* Added all new 1.13 particle effects
* Alphabatized effects and styles in their respective info lists
* Fixed /pp data throwing an internal error on rare occasions
* Removed excessive console logging when database-enable is set to true
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
* Added native support for Minecraft 1.13.x
* Still compatible with Minecraft 1.9 through Minecraft 1.12!
* Renamed a bunch of effects to their internal names, you will have to update your user permissions
* All saved player data on file and in the database (if enabled) will be deleted, it isn't backwards compatible with PlayerParticles v5.1 due to "the flattening"
* Permission checks are now only performed on command execution for efficiency
* Block/Item data in the GUI are now randomized
* Removed the 'data' tag from block/item data, it was removed in 1.13
* Added full tab-completion support
* Added all new 1.13 particle effects
* Alphabatized effects and styles in their respective info lists
* Fixed /pp data throwing an internal error on rare occasions
* Removed excessive console logging when database-enable is set to true
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
* Fix bug preventing the use of /pp effect, style, data, and reset from being used before a player has opened the GUI
* Empty messages in config.yml will no longer display an error to the player, they won't be printed out at all
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
This is the final build available for Minecraft 1.8
The Auto Updater has been removed from this build, as no future builds will support 1.8.
Click here to download: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/playerparticles/files/2549025/download
v5 -- Bukkit 1.8
+ Added a GUI. Opens with /pp or /pp gui. Icons and messages are completely customizable from the config.
+ Added a way to disable the GUI, because I know somebody will ask
+ Added new style 'wings'
+ Added new style 'sphere'
+ Added new style 'hurt'
+ Added new style 'swords'
+ Added new style 'blockbreak'
+ Added new style 'blockplace'
+ Added new style 'blockedit'
- Minecraft 1.7 is no longer supported, there is no reason to still be on a version that old
- Servers running Java 7 are no longer supported, please upgrade to Java 8 if you haven't yet
* Fixed a bug where typing /pp data when you haven't been added to the playerData.yml/database yet threw an error
* Plugin is now built against Java 1.8.0_161 and Spigot 1.8.8-R0.1
* Rewrote database connection system, should fix any memory leaks from before
* Reduced player particle render distance from 512 to 128 and fixed effect render distance from 512 to 256
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from '/pp help' list
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from tab completion
This build also includes the changes in v5.1:
* Fix bug preventing the use of /pp effect, style, data, and reset from being used before a player has opened the GUI
* Empty messages in config.yml will no longer display an error to the player, they won't be printed out at all
Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
+ Added a GUI. Opens with /pp or /pp gui. Icons and messages are completely customizable from the config.
+ Added a way to disable the GUI, because I know somebody will ask
+ Added new style 'wings'
+ Added new style 'sphere'
+ Added new style 'hurt'
+ Added new style 'swords'
+ Added new style 'blockbreak'
+ Added new style 'blockplace'
+ Added new style 'blockedit'
- Minecraft 1.7 and 1.8 are no longer supported, there is no reason to still be on a version that old
- Servers running Java 7 are no longer supported, please upgrade to Java 8 if you haven't yet
* Fixed a bug where typing /pp data when you haven't been added to the playerData.yml/database yet threw an error
* Switched over to the Spigot Particle API
* Plugin is now built against Java 1.8.0_161 and Spigot 1.9.4-R0.1
* Rewrote database connection system, should fix any memory leaks from before
* Reduced particle render distance from 512 to 192 (12 chunks), you won't notice a difference
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from '/pp help' list
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from tab completion
v4.5 Changes
* Fix issue with the style 'halo' that caused 10 errors per second to be printed to the config. These were listed as "java.lang.NullPointerException" or "Task #### for PlayerParticles generated an exception". Thanks to everybody who helped find this error. (It's been in the plugin for over 6 months somehow)
* Fix a rare issue with the update checker that would cause the plugin to fail loading if there was no internet connection or the Curse API servers were down. It will now fail without an error and a notice will be printed to the console.