=== v7.16 === + The GUI particle presets page is now fully customizable from the preset_groups.yml file and supports multiple pages
+ Added '/pp use <effect>|<style>|<data> <value>', functions the same as '/pp effect|style|data' did in v5 and below
+ Added optional parameters to '/pp toggle [on|off]', if absent it will toggle
+ Added new WorldGuard flag player-particles to allow/deny particles in specific regions
- The old WorldGuard region handling is deprecated, please get moved over to the new system
* The plugin now waits a few ticks before initializing to wait for other plugins to register to the custom styles event
* Fixed off by 1 for hex colors in messages if at end of string
* Now uses double math everywhere rather than sometimes floats, more precise
* Fixed the janky way of opening /pp gui by default
* ParticleStyle constructors are now marked as protected to prevent accidental initialization