PlayerParticles icon

PlayerParticles -----

[1.7.10-1.21.4] | GUI | Block Particles | Trails | MySQL | 116 Particle Types | 38 Styles

PlayerParticles v6.0

Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!

This update will unfortunately delete all saved data because of the data storage format change. If you wish to retain your old fixed effects, you will have to keep note of what they are and then recreate them after updating. I have taken measures to make sure that the data will never have to be deleted again.

=== v6.0 Changelog ===
* Compatible with Minecraft 1.9-1.13, you MUST use a Spigot .jar file, not CraftBukkit
* All PlayerParticles data (including player particles and fixed effects) will be deleted upon updating. This will never happen again in the future.
+ Players can now have 3 particles active at the same time (can be increased/decreased in the config.yml)
+ Added Particle Groups, each player can save up to 10 sets of a particles and load them at a later time (can be increased/decreased in the config.yml)
+ Added Preset Particle Groups, these can be configured by the server in the groups.yml file and are available to all players who have permission for the correct effects/styles
* Changed some of the wildcard permissions work, PLEASE make sure you get these updated if you were using them
+ Added a setting to the config.yml called 'toggle-on-move' that when set to true will display most styles around the player's feet while they are moving
+ Removed the commands '/pp effect' and '/pp style'
* Changed command '/pp data' to '/pp data <effect>'
+ Added the commands '/pp add', '/pp edit', '/pp remove', '/pp group' for managing particles and groups
+ Added the command '/pp toggle' to toggle rendering ALL PlayerParticles particles on/off
+ Added the command '/pp reload', reloads all settings from the config.yml, groups.yml, and target lang file
+ Added sub-command '/pp fixed edit'
* Modified sub-command '/pp fixed create' to accept the word 'looking' instead of coordinates, 'looking' will set the location to the block you are looking at
+ Added more advanced tab/auto completion for all commands
- Removed style 'blockedit', apply 'blockplace' and 'blockbreak' at the same time to recreate it
* Renamed the style 'none' to 'normal'
+ Added the following styles: 'batman', 'celebration', 'chains', 'companion', 'invocation', 'overhead', 'rings', 'vortex'
* Plugin messages have been separated into the /lang/default.lang file, you can now create your own lang files
* The target .lang file can be changed in the config.yml
* The particle render distance for players and fixed effects is now configurable from the config.yml
+ Added setting in config.yml to control how fast the rainbow hue cycles
* Rewrote how data is stored, playerData.yml has been replaced with playerparticles.db
* All commands/GUI screens in code are now modular and more efficient
* Updated the plugin license. TL;DR: You can't sell the plugin .jar file even if you edit it, but you can sell the plugin's permissions on servers
----------, Dec 3, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 117,152
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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