PlayerParticles icon

PlayerParticles -----

[1.7.10-1.21.4] | GUI | Block Particles | Trails | MySQL | 116 Particle Types | 38 Styles

PlayerParticles v5

Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!


+ Added a GUI. Opens with /pp or /pp gui. Icons and messages are completely customizable from the config.
+ Added a way to disable the GUI, because I know somebody will ask
+ Added new style 'wings'
+ Added new style 'sphere'
+ Added new style 'hurt'
+ Added new style 'swords'
+ Added new style 'blockbreak'
+ Added new style 'blockplace'
+ Added new style 'blockedit'
- Minecraft 1.7 and 1.8 are no longer supported, there is no reason to still be on a version that old
- Servers running Java 7 are no longer supported, please upgrade to Java 8 if you haven't yet
* Fixed a bug where typing /pp data when you haven't been added to the playerData.yml/database yet threw an error
* Switched over to the Spigot Particle API
* Plugin is now built against Java 1.8.0_161 and Spigot 1.9.4-R0.1
* Rewrote database connection system, should fix any memory leaks from before
* Reduced particle render distance from 512 to 192 (12 chunks), you won't notice a difference
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from '/pp help' list
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from tab completion
----------, Mar 5, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 117,152
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
161 ratings
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