Make a backup of your config if you want to import your old settings!
This is the final build available for Minecraft 1.8
The Auto Updater has been removed from this build, as no future builds will support 1.8.
Click here to download: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/playerparticles/files/2549025/download
v5 -- Bukkit 1.8
+ Added a GUI. Opens with /pp or /pp gui. Icons and messages are completely customizable from the config.
+ Added a way to disable the GUI, because I know somebody will ask
+ Added new style 'wings'
+ Added new style 'sphere'
+ Added new style 'hurt'
+ Added new style 'swords'
+ Added new style 'blockbreak'
+ Added new style 'blockplace'
+ Added new style 'blockedit'
- Minecraft 1.7 is no longer supported, there is no reason to still be on a version that old
- Servers running Java 7 are no longer supported, please upgrade to Java 8 if you haven't yet
* Fixed a bug where typing /pp data when you haven't been added to the playerData.yml/database yet threw an error
* Plugin is now built against Java 1.8.0_161 and Spigot 1.8.8-R0.1
* Rewrote database connection system, should fix any memory leaks from before
* Reduced player particle render distance from 512 to 128 and fixed effect render distance from 512 to 256
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from '/pp help' list
* Fixed missing command 'fixed' from tab completion
This build also includes the changes in v5.1:
* Fix bug preventing the use of /pp effect, style, data, and reset from being used before a player has opened the GUI
* Empty messages in config.yml will no longer display an error to the player, they won't be printed out at all