I've added support for 1.21! Per usual, I have also tried to incorporate a new randomization sound from a newly added entity - this time I have chosen the Breeze! I hope you enjoy

Oops! I missed a few minor versions, but I believe that the plugin has been functioning. For the future I have simplified my version checking logic.
Get ready to really smell ores as they're randomized with the new "Sniff" sound alongside support for 1.20!
Per the title, I've added support for the latest update
This resource was rebuilt for 1.19.3!
This resource was rebuilt for 1.19.2!
This resource was rebuilt for 1.19.1!
This resource was rebuilt for 1.19!
Additionally frog sounds were added as a randomization sound with "Wibbit."
This plugin was rebuilt for 1.18.1! Enjoy!
I've rebuilt this for 1.18! I don't anticipate that anyone will run into issues with this version. But, per usual, let me know if you do.
Added ancient debris and glowstone!
A small output inconsistency was also fixed for a few commands.
This plugin now has the ability to randomize concrete powder with native support for all of its 16 color variants!
Additionally, this plugin is nearing 1,000 downloads! I initially created this plugin because I wanted a more flexible ore creation plugin and never expected that others would find it as useful as I did. I'm very grateful to everyone who has been able to use it and provide feedback and hope that it continues to work for everyone!
This resource was rebuilt for 1.17.1! Additionally, two small bugs were fixed:
- The randomization sound was not playing for regular stone / obsidian creation when the material's randomization toggle was false
- The randomization behavior could not occur upon deepslate creation - deepslate creation should lead to the same randomization behavior as stone creation
This plugin now has the ability to randomize materials when vanilla MC would create stone and obsidian upon lava / water interaction! Each scenario can now be enabled individually with new config keys "RandomizeOnStoneCreation" and "RandomizeOnObsidianCreation".
As a result, it made sense to also add stone and obsidian as randomization materials so that if you turned on one of these settings, you would not inadvertently lose access to either material.
I've also added four new commands to view and change these new toggles:
- GetStoneToggle
- SetStoneToggle
- GetObsidianToggle
- SetObsidianToggle
Let me know if you run into issues using this version of OreRandomzier, otherwise enjoy!
With the exciting release of MC 1.17, I have decided to get ambitious with this release and have incorporated another restructure of the plugin's design (mostly build related) as well as incorporated MC 1.17-specific materials and a new sound!
Newly added randomization materials are amethyst blocks and copper ore and will only be available when using this plugin on SpigotMC 1.17.
A group of new materials introduced in MC 1.17 are the deepslate variants of existing ores. At the moment, these deepslate variants have complicated generation probabilities between Y locations of -4 through 16 based on the current count of deepslate variants for the given ore within a chunk. Rather than attempting to emulate those generation probabilities in this plugin, and with ease of access to new materials in mind, I have decided to make this plugin generate deepslate variants (if they exist) whenever randomization occurs for Y locations < 17.
Lastly, a new randomization sound was added: Maa.
I don't anticipate any issues with this release. But, per usual, let me know if you run into issues using this plugin!
This is a minor update that improves the detection of the MC version when determining whether or not the version is supported by the plugin.
The previous logic was causing the plugin to disable itself when run on Yatopia.
I've rebuilt this for 1.16.5! I don't anticipate that anyone will run into issues with this version. But, per usual, let me know if you do.
I've rebuilt this for 1.16.4! I don't anticipate that anyone will run into issues with this version. But, per usual, let me know if you do.
Version 1.3 of this plugin is now available for use! Version 1.3 includes quite a few exciting changes:
- A code restructure was done to minimize the size of the plugin as well as make future additions of sounds, materials, and SpigotMC releases straightforward - the size of this release is roughly 4/5ths of the size of its previous release
- Logic redundancies between command argument checks and reference values were deduplicated - this comes with a slight performance improvement
- Intelligent command autocompletion was added for all commands
- Support was added for SpigotMC 1.16.3
- Legacy support for 1.11-1.12.2 was added, however Andesite, Diorite, and Granite are not randomizable materials in these versions as they are not accessible from the Spigot API
- /ToggleCreeperSound was officially removed and old config file formatting is no longer going to be backed up / updated - if you're upgrading from a release of this plugin with the XML node "RandomizationSound.PlayCreeperPrimingSound" then please make a manual backup of your ratios / config file for your own reference
I hope everyone enjoys this release! Per usual, let me know if you run into any issues.
I've readded and tested some older Spigot MC versions that were recently dropped due to the addition of Andesite, Diorite, and Granite. More explicitly, this version of OreRandomizer will work with 1.13-1.16.2

I've rebuilt this for 1.16.2! Unfortunately, this version does not support Spigot versions below 1.16.1. I still need to figure out some compatibility issues as I'd like to still be able to support as many versions as I reasonably can.
I've added Andesite, Diorite, and Granite as randomized ores! As such, I would recommend adding entries for these materials to the config.
Unfortunately, as a byproduct, this limits backwards compatibility as these materials were not supported by the Spigot API until 1.13. Furthermore, when I was testing this build, I found out that the plugin.yml's api-version of 1.15 would not run on 1.13. I've removed versions older than 1.15 as tested versions and will have to research the backwards compatibility a little more - stay tuned.
If the backwards compatibility is completely lost prior to 1.15, I would be open to supporting a "Legacy" version of this plugin that would maintain that compatibility. Let me know if you'd have interest in using my plugin on these older versions.
In the future, I would like to add some of the new nether ores as randomized ores. Stay tuned for this as well.
After many struggles with IntelliJ, I have switched IDE's. I was able to test the plugin successfully, but had to make some build changes that I'm hoping will not impact the plugin. If you have issues with this release, let me know!
Regardless, here's the plugin for 1.16.1.
OreRandomizer was rebuilt for 1.15.2! The only change with this build is that the api-version had to be specified for 1.15 or else legacy material support would be enabled on the spigot server. I'm not sure if this will cause problems, but you run into a bug with this build let me know.
Rebuilt OreRandomizer for 1.15.1! This update also includes a bug fix for an issue where the plugin would not play the sound specified in the config file.
OreRandomizer now has an additional sound to play upon ore randomization - the bee idle sounds can now be selected as an option when running on SpigotMC 1.15!
To support this addition:
- /ToggleCreeperSounds has been deprecated.
- /GetRandomizationSound has been added to grab the current randomization sound.
- /SetRandomizationSound has been added to change the current randomization sound. Allowed sounds are now "Buzz", "Ssss", and "Normal" for 1.15. Below 1.15, you will not be able to use "Buzz" so be careful when downgrading your server's SpigotMC version.
- The config.yml key "RandomizationSound.PlayCreeperPrimingSound" has been replaced by "RandomizationSound".
- The two new commands also have permission support similar to /ToggleCreeperSound.
- Upon launching OreRandomizer, a check for an old configuration is done - if the key "RandomizationSound.PlayCreeperPrimingSound" still exists an attempt to backup and replace the config.yml is performed (this should not affect existing ratios.)
Additionally, a few minor changes were made:
- The bug where an exception was thrown when calling /SetOreRatio without any arguments has been fixed and will now correctly display the intended usage/error messages.
- Aliases that could not be called correctly were removed so that tab-completion would not pick them up as valid commands. As a result, only /GetOreRatio and /SetOreRatio are aliased (/or.get and /or.set.)
OreRandomizer has been rebuilt against SpigotMC 1.15!
For now, nothing has changed other than the added support for version 1.15. In the spirit of the MC 1.15 release there will soon be an update to OreRandomizer featuring a new sound to play upon ore randomization (buzz buzz) along with some changes to the config.yml and existing commands. For server owners who want to constantly remind players of the new entity, keep an eye on this resource over the next few weekends!
That said, if anyone would like to contribute icon ideas (ideally an icon) please reach out!
No changes, rebuilt OreRandomizer for 1.14.4.
Per-world permissions for OreRandomizer have been added.
OreRandomizer can now be activated for worlds specified in its config.yml. OreRandomizer's world access can also be modified with the use of three new commands:
- AddNewWorld: Allows OreRandomizer to be active for a specified world.
- GetAllowedWorlds:
Displays a list or individual world that OreRandomizer is active for.
- RemoveActiveWorld:
Makes OreRandomizer inactive for a specified world.
If you have any suggestions for new features or have run into bugs, feel free to reach out!
/setoreratio was not correctly checking for argument validity, this has been fixed.
This was also updated for 1.14.2. It should also work for 1.11, 1.11.2, 1.12, 1.12.1, 1.12.2, 1.13, 1.13.1, 1.13.2, 1.14, and 1.14.1. If it does not please let me know!
I will also be adding support for 1.8.8 at some point.
After figuring out how to add support for 1.8.8, I plan on adding per-world restrictions and moving up to 1.1 at that point.
Change log:
- Added config.yml parsing and invalid data checking
- Added GetOreRatio for displaying specific ore ratio or all of them
- SetOreRatio for setting specific ore ratio
- Made ToggleCreeperSound save to config.yml on call
- PlayCreeperPrimingSound now affects the sound that plays for all water/lava creation events