OreRandomizer icon

OreRandomizer -----

OreRandomizer creates ores upon lava/water interaction instead of cobblestone/stone/obsidian.

Feature update and 1.17 support
With the exciting release of MC 1.17, I have decided to get ambitious with this release and have incorporated another restructure of the plugin's design (mostly build related) as well as incorporated MC 1.17-specific materials and a new sound!

Newly added randomization materials are amethyst blocks and copper ore and will only be available when using this plugin on SpigotMC 1.17.

A group of new materials introduced in MC 1.17 are the deepslate variants of existing ores. At the moment, these deepslate variants have complicated generation probabilities between Y locations of -4 through 16 based on the current count of deepslate variants for the given ore within a chunk. Rather than attempting to emulate those generation probabilities in this plugin, and with ease of access to new materials in mind, I have decided to make this plugin generate deepslate variants (if they exist) whenever randomization occurs for Y locations < 17.

Lastly, a new randomization sound was added: Maa.

I don't anticipate any issues with this release. But, per usual, let me know if you run into issues using this plugin!

----------, Jun 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,616
First Release: May 11, 2019
Last Update: Jun 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings