Added support for minecraft 1.21.
Added the following config options:
- NoWinClearsLastWinner
- If a "NoWin" (EnableChanceNoWin) is triggered, the "LastWinner" will be cleared
- NotEnoughSoldClearsLastWinner
- Same as "NoWinClearsLastWinner" but triggered if not enough tickets were sold
- ReminderCommands
- Commands that will trigger from console when the reminder is triggered. Commands can use PlaceholderAPI
- NoWinCommands
- If enabled, the commands here will be triggered when a "NoWin" is triggered. Commands can use PlaceholderAPI
WinCommands can now use PlaceholderAPI.
As to how I add config options, the new config options may appear at the bottom or top of any existing config file.
This Update was not testet thoroughly. Just tell me if there are errors.
This Update was an exception. This Plugin will still not receive any bigger features updates.
Added support for Minecraft Version 1.20 in advance so it is ready when it releases
Added support for Minecraft Version 1.19
Just made it (hopefully) work with 1.18.
This is just so the plugin works under 1.17.
The plugin is still discontinued and will not get any feature updates.
This version was now compiled under Java 16.
As you should know, 1.17 needs Java 16 or newer to run. So dont expect this Lottery version to run on older Java versions.
Fixed that Placeholders would not persist when using /papi reload
+ Added MC-Version 1.15 Support
If you generated your configs in versions below 1.13, please regenerate them, or edit them to fit the new Item Materials.
|- Removed debug messages
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Permission Issue
~ Fixed lottery.gui permission not working
Sorry for not doing any updates lately and not responding to some messages. I just really have no time and tbh no motivation.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Async commands fix
~ Fixed error message on timedraw when commands or balance was getting updated async.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Added Minecraft 1.14.1 Support
+ Added 1.14.1 Support
~ To note: Some item Names changed in 1.14, so please either regenerate your gui config or change the item names yourself accordingly.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- PlaceholderAPI
~ Updated PlaceholderAPI code to not use the deprecated ones.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Bug Fix
~ Fixed bug where versions below 1.13 would not work correctly anymore
~ All mentioned versions should now work again
Note: I dont know how long I will still support 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11 etc..
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Added Minecraft 1.14 Support
+ Added 1.14 Support
~ To note: Some item Names changed in 1.14, so please either regenerate your gui config or change the item names yourself accordingly.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Added PlaceholderAPI
You can now use some variables with PlaceholderAPI.
Please look them up on the main Plugin page.
This will NOT (yet) allow you to use Placeholders from OTHER plugins in my plugin.
|- Code Rework
Finally got time to rework the code style..
|- Fixes
Just a few spelling fixes
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- GlobalTickets-GUI
A new file will be created on startup called "globaltickets.yml".
In there, you can edit the Inventory and Items of the GlobalTickets GUI which shows all players who bought tickets.
It is NOT like the normal GUI-System!!!! You can not add Items nor remove ones. You can only edit Items that already exist.
You can now delete everything regarding the GUI from the messages.yml or let it regenerate if you want.
This update is not a necessary update, but sometimes you should update.
Also, I saw some Servers still using very old version of the plugin. I recommend to update because those old version are not performing very well. Also the new version has more features..
Also, there were a lot of updates now. I wil NOT update the plugin for longer now (Only bug fixes for now).
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Rewritten Reminder
The reminder is very simple now. In the config are just two option:
"Reminder" (either true or false) - Enable/Disable reminder
"RemindIntervalSeconds" - Every "configured" seconds, a chat message will be send to every player on the server that has NOT disabled the reminder for himself. In the messages.yml you can edit the message and also use all variables available for the GUI (can be read in the README-GUI.txt file)
|- Config changes
You may update your config.
I had to remove the old Reminder stuff, so if you still have it, remove it. Don't worry it won't break if you dont remove it.
|- GUI-Fixes
Fixed a few errors with the new GUI and also a console error for the README file.
|- Performance
Improved some code and performance (for some it may change more, for some not at all)
Changed resource icon
I wanted to say thank you. The Plugin just reached 10k downloads and I am very happy that many players like the plugin.
Unfortunately there are not many Videos and or Servers listed on the plugins page, so if you have a Video/Server, just contact me

If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
Okay lets do this.
This is a bigger update and will need you to modify your Lottery Plugin installation! So please read carefully.
What changed?
So, the main thing of this update is the GUI. It now has its own file (gui.yml) and is mostly high configurable. (Exception is the GlobalBoughtTickets Inventory, this is still the same for now).
First things first!
I updated the plugin to the 1.13.2 API. That doesn't mean you can't use the plugin on older version anymore, those should still (as far as I could test) work fine.
On first bootup, the plugin will check if you are on 1.13+ or below and generate you a new gui.yml according to you Server version. This is needed because in 1.13 Material names changed etc..
Also on bootup, the plugin will generate a README-GUI.txt where EVERYTHING the GUI can do is explained, so please read that if you consider changing the GUI from default.
Also because this update is quiet a big one, bugs may occur (i couldnt find any for now). So please report them to me, if you find some.
I also added bStats Metrics, which you can of course disable in the config.yml.
It would be better to RECONFIGURE the whole plugin after this update, because many things in the config/messages.yml changed or got removed/renamed.
Otherwise, everything is listed on the main page (commands etc, which i actually added some).
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Bug Fixes
~ Fixed Win-Commands executing async, leading to an error
|- Message Added
+ Added message "WaitingForDraw", which will show instead of the "TimeTillDrawFormat" message, if the current time draw is still waiting for the check.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Fixes
~ Just little typos in Code
Big Feature Update!
So some wished to have a feature to set exact times of a day to draw the Lottery (eg at 6 in the morning or so..), so I added this feature!
- This update was, at least relativ to everything else, quiet a big one, so please don't rage if it does not work 100% or has bugs.
- I did test the feature with many scenarios and it worked for me.
Okay, now to the feature.
- "UseDrawTime" - true/false - if enabled, this new feature will be enabled, and the default "DrawTime" value is irrelavant.
- "TimeDrawCheckIntervalSeconds" - Number - Interval in which the plugin checks if a time set is reached. So a draw could happen everywhere from the exact time set to at max the time configured here later.
Draw time is 15:00:00 and Interval is 60 seconds. The Interval checked last at 14:59:57 so the draw will happen at 15:00:57.
- "TimeDraws" - List - Here you can enter the times you wan't a draw to happen
NOTE!!!!!!!!!: You have to use the European 24 Hour format!
Midnight is: 00:00:00
Noon (12 O'clock): 12:00:00
So don't use anything with AM/PM.
- Yes.. Please re-edit your messages, because something has changed with the drawtime.
- "TimeTillDrawFormat" this format will from now on be used when the "till draw" time is shown, also if the normal draw methode is enabled.
Things you may need to know:
- The System is written with dates and calendars to work correctly.
- If a draw is made, lets say at 15:00:00, this time will be stored in the data.yml as "PassedTime". So this time will never be used again on the same day, meaning if you change your server time, please note that this may conflict.
- Everytime the DATE, not the time, changes, the System will clear all the "Passed Times" stored and will use all of them again.
- If you have times set, lets say 15:00:00 and 16:00:00 and you just enabled the feature and it's alredy past those two times, the plugin will call a draw for BOTH of them at once, so don't worry if you think it's a bug.
- The Reminder WONT work for this feature (I dont know yet if I will enable it for this)
- That should be all for now.
At the end:
So like I said, I did test this update quiet far and it did take me like 4 hours, which is very much in my situation right now, to finish it, so please be kind with me if there are errors.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Bug Fixes
~ Re-enabled the login message if a new Update is available
|- Login Win Message
Added new config options:
- LoginWinMessage
If a Player that is offline wins in the lottery, he will get a configured message on his next login to let him know that and how much he won. (With Tax support)
- LoginWinMessageDelayTicks
Delays the above enabled message for a few ticks. (May be useful if you have many join messages or want this one to be somewhere specific in time)
- messages.yml got the message "LoginWinMessage".
|- BackToPot "addon"
- Config option "ChanceNoWinIfLessTicketsSold" added
If enabled and "EnableChanceNoWin is also enabled and the "MinPlayers" amount is not reached, the BackToPot feature will also be toggled. WILL ONLY WORK IF AT LEAST ONE PLAYER BOUGHT (A) TICKET/S.
This was a fast made update! I checked and found no errors, but if there are, please report them and I will fix them asap!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Update checker
* The Update checker will now work again
|- New Feature
+ Please look at the config section on the main page for exact information
+ Config Options:
- EnableChanceNoWin
- ChanceNoWinPercent
- NoWinBackToPotPercent
So, if "EnableChanceNoWin" is enabled, there is a chance (configured) that nobody will win, and a certain percentage of the pot will be readded for the next round.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Lag fix
- Fixed issue for some servers where the opening/switching of the GUI Inventorys caused lag
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Added 1.13 Support
- I tested the plugin on 1.13 and everything worked 100% fine for me. Only thing fixed in this Update is, that skulls will now appear normal again.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|- Added some of the Lottery commands to the console
+ /Lottery reload
+ /Lottery draw
+ /Lottery addpot
+ /Lottery help (Will still show the configured help, so also commands that only work for Players)
+ /Lottery admin (same es Lottery help)
Those commands are now executable from the console.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-"Bug" fix
+~Added the "Back to main menu" block to the global tickets menu
~Just changed/improved some of the code, nothing big
It's not necessary to update to this version! I just advice to do so because of support.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Buy cooldown
+ Added cooldown for the buy methode.
+ New config option:
+ New message: "Cooldown"
+ New Permission: "Lottery.cooldown.bypass"
|-Multiple Pages
+ In the GUI where you see ALL players that have bought tickets, you now will have multiple pages.
Multiple pages will only occur if much players bought tickets.
+ New messages for the Back/Forward/Current page items.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Performance issue fixed
~Fixed issue where the Server would lag for some people if somebody opens the GUI where all players are listed
The bug above was not reproduceably for me, so i HOPE it is fixed now.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Bug fixes
~Fixed bug where the Pot ammount in the GUI was not correct
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Bug fixes
~Some small bug fixed
*Disabled the Update checker for now, because it does not work correctly for the moment
+Added the /lottery help and /lottery admin messages to the messages.yml
Also thank you for over 6000 downloads!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
~Improved plugin performance by rewritten the buy/draw methodes
*Changed the Ticket-Buy methode (it wont store much data in data.yml anymore)
*Changed the Draw methode (just more improved)
Please note that you should delete your old data.yml (it will still work without, but it would be better to delete it)
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
Removed Config options:
- MaxTickets
- MaxTicketsPremium
Added Config option:
Default: 3
You can add more by just typing it under Default, like:
Default: 3
Premium: 4
People with the permission Lottery.TicketLimit.Premium will then have this Limit.
Players with the Permission Lottery.TicketLimit.bypass still have no limit.
At the end:
I wan't to appell to you: There are no really good/updated Videos about this Plugin. After almost 5000 downloads, thats pretty sad
. If anyone could make a good Video about this plugin, I would be really happy!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed updater check issue
~Improved plugin performance
+Added two new Items to the GUI
1. If you click it, you toggle the "GlobalBuyMessage" for yourself (You wont see any GlobalBuyMessage anymore)
2. If you click it, you toggle the "ReminderMessage" for yourself (You wont see the Reminder messages anymore)
Also added the messages from chat and the Items to the messages.yml
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed bug where the UpdateChecker would lag the main thread
~Improved plugin performance
+Added config option to disable UpdateChecker
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed "bug" where the GUI would not work for Bukkit Servers
~Improved plugin performance
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*(Hopefully)Fixed that the Plugin would not find Vault sometimes even if its installed
+Added new Items (Watch, Diamond)
Watch: Shows time till draw
Diamond: Opens a new Inventory where you can buy Tickets
+Added new messages to messages.yml
~Changed Nametag: Change Message Path (Please Delete old one), Added Lore (Shows current money in Pot)
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed Error message if vault was not installed
+Added Lottery GUI (/Lottery GUI)
This will open a GUI (Inventory) with some information.
Please note that I will take suggestions to improve the GUI!
Little note between: Thank's to all of you! The Plugin almost hit !4000! downloads! I think my Lottery plugin is the most popular plugin now (may correct me if not) on Spigot! I will always give support as good as I can and update the plugin as well!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed async Player error (commands that handled players did not work) - should work good now
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed that Players could buy negative amounts of tickets
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
+Added Config option (MaxTicketsPremium)
Allows Players with the Permission Lottery.TicketLimit.Premium to buy the amount of Tickets configured for Premiums.
+Added new Permission (Lottery.TicketLimit.Bypass)
Allows Players with this Permission to buy unlimited* tickets.
*Please be carefull! If somebody buys thousands of tickets the plugin may lag or get corrupted! If so, please delete the data.yml file and restart the Server!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
*Fixed that the Reminder could not be disabled with the config option
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
Made Price values finer.
What exactly?
If somewhere in the Plugin a price is given, the Value will round itself up.
20.0 will be just 20
20.02463246436 (or how much ever) will also get roundet to 2 digits.
If its 20.01 it will still be 20.01 or 20.25 will still be 20.25.
Updating is not necessary, just if you want that.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Bug Fix
*Hopefully fixed an error message some people get if the reminder happens
+Added Config options:
- PerformCommandOnLotteryCMD: false/true
- CommandOnLotteryCMD: lottery status
If PerformCommandOnLotteryCMD is true and you just write /Lottery in chat, it wont show /Lottery help anymore, instead the Player will execute the command configured on CommandOnLotteryCMD.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Bug Fix
*Fixed that the Update notification would appear on join, even if there is no update.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
+Added Taxes
+Added Update notification
Please read the config explanation on the main page to get informed how to use the new features!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
|-Bug Fixes
*Fixed error message if no tickets were sold and draw was happening
+Added BlockedWorlds Function
Lottery will also give all Players that bought tickets a refund
+Added WinCommands Function
Lottery will execute these commands via console.
Please read the config explanation on the main page to get informed how to use the new features!
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!
Finally I found my time to recode the Plugin, so there it is.
Information about the Recode:
- The plugin does not have all Features in yet, and some got removed.
- The Plugin should now be compatible with 1.8-1.12
- Its only compatible with Java8
If you have some Ideas for further updates, please write them to me.
If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTIONS FOR REPORTING BUGS!