~ Re-enabled the login message if a new Update is available
|- Login Win Message
Added new config options:
LoginWinMessage If a Player that is offline wins in the lottery, he will get a configured message on his next login to let him know that and how much he won. (With Tax support)
LoginWinMessageDelayTicks Delays the above enabled message for a few ticks. (May be useful if you have many join messages or want this one to be somewhere specific in time)
messages.yml got the message "LoginWinMessage".
|- BackToPot "addon"
Config option "ChanceNoWinIfLessTicketsSold" added If enabled and "EnableChanceNoWin is also enabled and the "MinPlayers" amount is not reached, the BackToPot feature will also be toggled. WILL ONLY WORK IF AT LEAST ONE PLAYER BOUGHT (A) TICKET/S.