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Lottery -----

The Perfect solution for gambling with Money

Okay lets do this.

This is a bigger update and will need you to modify your Lottery Plugin installation! So please read carefully.

What changed?

So, the main thing of this update is the GUI. It now has its own file (gui.yml) and is mostly high configurable. (Exception is the GlobalBoughtTickets Inventory, this is still the same for now).

First things first! IMPORTANT!!
I updated the plugin to the 1.13.2 API. That doesn't mean you can't use the plugin on older version anymore, those should still (as far as I could test) work fine.

On first bootup, the plugin will check if you are on 1.13+ or below and generate you a new gui.yml according to you Server version. This is needed because in 1.13 Material names changed etc..

Also on bootup, the plugin will generate a README-GUI.txt where EVERYTHING the GUI can do is explained, so please read that if you consider changing the GUI from default.

Also because this update is quiet a big one, bugs may occur (i couldnt find any for now). So please report them to me, if you find some.


I also added bStats Metrics, which you can of course disable in the config.yml.

It would be better to RECONFIGURE the whole plugin after this update, because many things in the config/messages.yml changed or got removed/renamed.

Otherwise, everything is listed on the main page (commands etc, which i actually added some).


If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
----------, Dec 18, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 58,065
First Release: Apr 21, 2016
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
84 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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