Lottery icon

Lottery -----

The Perfect solution for gambling with Money

Rewritten Reminder | Config changes | GUI-Fixes | Performance changes
|- Rewritten Reminder

The reminder is very simple now. In the config are just two option:
"Reminder" (either true or false) - Enable/Disable reminder

"RemindIntervalSeconds" - Every "configured" seconds, a chat message will be send to every player on the server that has NOT disabled the reminder for himself. In the messages.yml you can edit the message and also use all variables available for the GUI (can be read in the README-GUI.txt file)

|- Config changes

You may update your config.

I had to remove the old Reminder stuff, so if you still have it, remove it. Don't worry it won't break if you dont remove it.

|- GUI-Fixes

Fixed a few errors with the new GUI and also a console error for the README file.

|- Performance

Improved some code and performance (for some it may change more, for some not at all)

Changed resource icon


I wanted to say thank you. The Plugin just reached 10k downloads and I am very happy that many players like the plugin.

Unfortunately there are not many Videos and or Servers listed on the plugins page, so if you have a Video/Server, just contact me :).



If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
----------, Dec 21, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 58,065
First Release: Apr 21, 2016
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
84 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings