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Lottery -----

The Perfect solution for gambling with Money

Time Feature added!
|- Fixes

~ Just little typos in Code


Big Feature Update!

So some wished to have a feature to set exact times of a day to draw the Lottery (eg at 6 in the morning or so..), so I added this feature!

  • This update was, at least relativ to everything else, quiet a big one, so please don't rage if it does not work 100% or has bugs.
  • I did test the feature with many scenarios and it worked for me.

Okay, now to the feature.


  • "UseDrawTime" - true/false - if enabled, this new feature will be enabled, and the default "DrawTime" value is irrelavant.
  • "TimeDrawCheckIntervalSeconds" - Number - Interval in which the plugin checks if a time set is reached. So a draw could happen everywhere from the exact time set to at max the time configured here later.

    Draw time is 15:00:00 and Interval is 60 seconds. The Interval checked last at 14:59:57 so the draw will happen at 15:00:57.
  • "TimeDraws" - List - Here you can enter the times you wan't a draw to happen
    NOTE!!!!!!!!!: You have to use the European 24 Hour format!
    Midnight is: 00:00:00
    Noon (12 O'clock): 12:00:00
    So don't use anything with AM/PM.
  • Yes.. Please re-edit your messages, because something has changed with the drawtime.
  • "TimeTillDrawFormat" this format will from now on be used when the "till draw" time is shown, also if the normal draw methode is enabled.

Things you may need to know:

  • The System is written with dates and calendars to work correctly.
  • If a draw is made, lets say at 15:00:00, this time will be stored in the data.yml as "PassedTime". So this time will never be used again on the same day, meaning if you change your server time, please note that this may conflict.
  • Everytime the DATE, not the time, changes, the System will clear all the "Passed Times" stored and will use all of them again.
  • If you have times set, lets say 15:00:00 and 16:00:00 and you just enabled the feature and it's alredy past those two times, the plugin will call a draw for BOTH of them at once, so don't worry if you think it's a bug.
  • The Reminder WONT work for this feature (I dont know yet if I will enable it for this)
  • That should be all for now.

At the end:

So like I said, I did test this update quiet far and it did take me like 4 hours, which is very much in my situation right now, to finish it, so please be kind with me if there are errors.


If you find any bugs, please report them in the Discussions forum. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE REVIEW SECTION FOR REPORTING BUGS!
----------, Oct 23, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 58,065
First Release: Apr 21, 2016
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
84 ratings
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