- Added despawn command (/lc despawn [chest]),
- fixed a bug with argument handling in commands,
- temporary "fix" for an error in chest creation, when the plugin sets chest position
A previously corrected typo prevented this option to work properly (I corrected the typo but didn't update the config for old installations )
Everything is in the title, this bug was added 2 or 3 updates ago during a big code rewrite
Plugin was crashing when another plugin was using metrics, because I badly implemented it. Now it's all good.
Paricles respawn tick is now set from 5 to 20 by default. Old configs will be forced to update automatically. It drastically reduces lags.
New features
- Added Configurable maximum height for randomspawn
- Added Minimum_Number_Of_Players_For_COMMAND_Spawning
- Fixed chest direction not being modified if block was a barrel: found a "new" code working on current and future versions (from 1.14)
- Fixed some typos in config/code/comments (well, only new installs will have corrected typos in config)
- Cleaned debug messages on old versions (sorry)
- Fixed an issue where an user could get items from the menu, and the menu would throw errors (only admin would do that but still)
- Maybe fixed a bug when destroying a chest would prevent it from respawning
- Fixed the option to prevent chest from spawning on water
The fall effect was sometimes leaving entities alive after the armorstand fell.
This is now fixed, because I learned how to use packets, that was really interesting.
The plugin now works in 1.20.3 and 4.
not tested, but should work. Only added a version for holograms
Take message was baddly colored and all color caracters where corrupt, showing it an horrible way
1.7 compat was broken since 3 versions I think, because of the new holo api
Added Ansi library inside the plugin and removed an unused thing in particle api
prevents creating double chests with a lootchest around only if chest has a protection time
removed unsupported particles from 1.20.6, now using the bukkit logger in particles warnings
More code cleaning, fixed /lc settime description
Some fixes about holograms and timers on holograms, it was completely broken
- Added 1.20.6 particles, added 1.21 compatibility
- removed protocollib dependency, now using a fork of decentHolograms
- Added despawnall command
- Added an API class, rewrote some code better to do so
- Maybe fixed chest spawning in protected zone, didn't test it
- chances menu was broken for new install of the plugin due to a percent sign added to the lore of items
- some people told me that they were still using java 8, so I turned back my compilation to java 8
- You can now do /lc respawnall [world]
- Fixed copy menu, it stopped working some version earlier
- fixed right click in chances menu, replaced tab+click with middle click for -50%
- reverted position of chests in /lc copy, help will be better in new install of the plugin (/lc copy <source> <destination>)
- added copy command to auto-completions (oops)
- A command to set the max number of slots to be filled in a specified chest
- a config line to set this number by default (0 is the default, for infinite)
- updated hologram api to 3.1.1, so that holograms are back in 1.19
- I now use a packet-based API for holograms:
It doesn't work in 1.8 but an old version of this does, so I use two different versions of the API, both included in the jar. The downside is it doesn't work in 1.19.
Since it is packet-based, there is no more bugged hologram, whatever appens. Hologram will be gone after a restart if they stay somewhere, which is something they shouldn't do anymore.
- Particles are loaded differently: of one fails to load, it doesn't crash anymore and just logs a message at startup. So the plugin is now compatible in 1.20.2.
- removed "removeallholo" command, it is now pointless
- Added protocollib dependency due to the hologram api. Protocollib 1.20.4 link is on my plugin page, this is a developement version but it works without any trouble (
- Switched to java 12. Why not more? Because spigot 1.13 cannot start above version 12, because either spigot or mojang is stupid (since we can launch 1.7 server with java 17 without any problem)
According to Bstats, most servers uses java17, and almost 10 percent still uses java8
Sorry, removed a check that was finally usefull^^ I put it back.
- In config, there is a string called SaveDataFileDuringReload, which is defaulted to true on existing install, to not change the behavior of the plugin , but is set to false on new install of the plugin. This allows to modify the data.yml file while server is on, then do a /lc reload. This can make some chests to respawn, because their last respawn time won't be up to date with the file.
- There is now a copy command, and copy menu is now sorted
- multiline respawn messages are now repaired
- respawn time is maybe repaired, for those who encountered the issue
- Colors aren't shown anymore in 1.7 consoles, but there is no line breaks anymore either in 1.7 consoles
- 1.20 particles were added to my homemade particle API
Sorry for the inconvenience, many people don't have the last java version on their server so I recompiled the plugin with java8. There's not any change in the code.
It is named like this because without the quite good donation of this guy, I would have been too much lazy to fix these bugs and add these features.
- Added config option to prevent chest from spawning on water (for randomspawn only, obviously)
- Added config option to set a protection time for a chest after its spawn
- Added /lc setprotection [chest] [time] to edit this protection time for each chest
- LootChest is now throwing a very simple LootChestSpawnEvent, containing the LootChest object (you can get anything from it) but only at the end of a chest spawning (it cannot be canceled)
- Rewritten spawning methods and some related methods, this may have added/solved some bugs
This also may have improved performances, but not that much I think.
- Fixed name of Type menu, wich was name of time menu
- Fixed 1.19 compatibility/console error on respawn
- Fixed copy menu: in some versions, we couldn't copy a chest from the second page of the menu
- Fixed items menu: in some versions, we couldn't remove items from it, or only by replacing them.
- Fixed armorstand issues with other plugins (incompatibilities only due to me)
- Fixed 1.7 compatibility: ended usage of "getonlineplayers" function, correctly blocked holograms/worldborder ----checks, disabled the new thread for particles only in 1.7,
- Fixed console colors
- Limited names of menus to 32 characters because it throwed an error in some versions, and because more than 32 characters was ugly anyway.
- Fixed completion showing all chests, even those that failed to load
- Changed a little the code/behavior of menus, fixed a bug in some versions when second page of a menu wouldn't be activated, and when you couldn't copy chest but simply take items from the menu
- Maybe fixed some weird characters ('Â') in messages in some versions/forks, because of file character encoding and compilation
Known bugs:
- changing type of the chest will drop its content on the ground, don't know why
- Performances issues and hologram bugs in unloaded chunks may not have been solved
- In 1.7 console, each messages is now making a new line (sorry)
The update made earlier didn't solve 1.15 compatibility. this is now fixed.
1.15 support was broken. Now supports 1.19.
It was throwing an error because disabled particles are null objects, and trying to get something from a null object obviously fails
When you have paper or a paper fork, you often disable armor stand ticks.
That's good but it removes gravity for armorstands so those I use for fall effect stays in the air. I fixed that in the past for paper, but not for paper forks! I was specifically detecting paper, so purpur of other forks still had the issue.
Also changed the default value of the falling block if armor stands aren't used
Removed a chest message
One material was incompatible with 1.13 and maybe other versions above
Fixed a bug in messages when a player was looting a chest
Replaced many stone items in Particle menu with other things (thanks Xiaoguard)
Replaced some default menu names (thaks again Xiaoguard)
The particle menu contains many stone, this is because I didn't kow what material to put for the given particle. If you have an idea to replace a stone by another material, TELL ME! <3
- 1.18 compatibility, and maybe 1.19 (Or I hope so,it would prevent users to wait for me to update it)
- Big particle rework: the menu can now have multiple pages, cause every version now has its own particles. In 1.7 you have like 30 particles or something, in 1.18 there's like 50 or 60 of it!
I changed the api used to spawn them:
and I developed my own enum class that list all of them and links them to a material (for the menu) and a version (the minecraft version of their creation
- Particles are now spawning async, maybe better performances on servers with many chests
- Reworked the way I look the server version in many functions. Could also improve performances, even if I'm not sure about it.
blablabla plugin dead blablabla NO, I HAVE HOLLYDAYS, GUYS, OK?
That being said, new version implies new bugs, so report it if you have any trouble!
Everything's in the title.
I didn't check if the player was clicking on a block before making actions on that block. The plugin spams errors for no reason, it doesn't prevent it from working, but it's stupidly spamming. Sorry.
- Are now handled a different way (not killed but only moved, on respawn, for example) But you shouldn't really see it, since the changes are mainly in the code. Instead of spawning an holo near the chest and finding it later to kill it, the holo is in a java object and the entity is now registered and managed correctly.
- Are killable if bugged with
/lc removeallholo
This command only removes lootchest holograms without chests under them. Holograms are bugged when server crashes or if its process is killed.
- Are now more configurable: Now you can edit how the timer is displayed on the hologram, if you chose to display it. There's a format for it in config, just like a chat format.
You can now define a radius so that if there's monsters around the player, he won't be able to open the chest. Default set to 0 (disabled)
Breaking chest:
I changed the chest breaking to naturally breaking when you loot it, but some guys told me it was really bad for their minigame. So there's now an option for it in config (Destroy_Naturally_Instead_Of_Removing_Chest)
If you set this to false, the chest will not be dropped, whatever the way it got destroyed.
Other things:
- Improved chest names completion for commands
- Added GriefPrevention compatibility for chest spawning.
- Chat messages can now have multiple lines with \n (both the messages in config.yml and lang.yml)
everything is in the title.
the function "WorldBorder.isInside(Location loc) doesn't exist in older versions, so I took a function on spigot forums that does the same thing.
- Repaired /lc locate command, broken due to a bad variable name, something stupid. Coloured chest names in this command.
- Added an option in config to force chests to spawn inside worldborder. The chest tries 50 random positions in its configured radius, and if all the 50 random positions are outside the border, it sends a message to logs.
Option: WorldBorder_Check_For_Spawn
True by default.
Fixed take-message showing only one time per chest and per reload/restart
Fixed /lc randomspawn doing shit with negative values
Chests will now break naturally when "remove chest after first opening" is true, so that items will drop on the ground of a player closes the inventory too quickly
Cleaned code to respect conventions, stopped doing shit with extended classes
lc setpos didn't change the direction of the chest correctly, it was pretty random.
Now it does.
Compatibility added with factionsX
You can now create LootChests again, sorry for that really big bug from just one line of code
- Lootchests can now be barrels or trapped chests! There's a menu in /lc edit to change their type, but you should be able to create lootchests from barrels or trapped chests directly.
I didn't manage to change barrels direction yet
- Worldguard compatibility fixed for 1.16
- Fixed some versions compatibility with randomspawn
- Fixed chests using player locations spawning near a player even if the player wasn't in the chest's world (maybe some people thought it was a feature, but it's not x) )
- Reworked chest directions, maybe with a faster way.
- /lc setpos now changes chest direction at the same time it moves the chest.
- chests directions aren't copied anymore when copying a chest.
- Maybe fixed other things, don't remember everything.
- Added some bugs, for sure, I'll let you report them so I can fix them.
Fixed an error in 1.8 that would appear without preventing anything to work, but this error would spam the console if many chests were configured
Fixed random locations chests using players locations
Fixed reloading config with "/lc reload" which was not reloading anything
Fixed update checker not being up to date (Now using spigot update api instead of spiget api, and updater is now running on separated thread to not slow server start)
Particles weren't working at all on 1.12, spamming console.
I was trying to use inventiveTalent particle api wich was working only until 1.11.
- Fixed spawn messages spamming console with errors and not sending at all
- Fixed chest loading a bit more, preventing console warnings
- Fixed timers on holograms, it wasn't working since I-Don't-Know
- Added a config option to protect chests from creepy creepers (and tnt)
- If chest is looted but not broken and timer on holograms is activated, then holo will not disappear
- Fixed config update with /lc reload, it didn't work with last update (didn't tested it but it should work now)
- Tested some things I didn't test last time
- Added an error message if u enabled bungee messages without having any bungee server (it won't send any spawn message if you do so
- At each plugin stop, (on server reload or stop) a backup of all chests is made, preventing data loses (FINALLY)
- If you delete your data file or if it is empty, the plugin will try to load an old backup
- Someone reported me that time menu did shit, and yes, when initializing, time menu wasn't putting the good number of days, minutes and hours, but if you used it and edited the time, it did work correctly. Only the initialisation was shit (big shit^^)
- I put the config options to variables rather than reading the file directly, wich could make the plugin better, but again, more you put chests with particles and fall effect, more it will lag, that's pure logic and I don't think I can really do something about that
- Fixed an error with chest directions in last minecraft versions
- Fixed an error with random locations of chests and chest loading (if a chest had a random location outside an existing world, it would still load to the plugin)
The plugin still had 2 lines of code that weren't compatible with 1.16, sorry guys, and thanks to the one that reported it
It was put on the plugin page, but in reality, it didn't work in 1.16^^
I only edited 4 lines of code, so no additional feature/bug
I don't think I'll improve it/add feature to it in the future, I'll just maintain it.
Maybe bungee broadcast don't work anymore in 1.16, or maybe it only works if the server is linked to a bungeecord, but for the moment, I'll disable it by default
well, everything is in the title
So now, you've got new config options:
- save_Chest_Locations_At_Every_Spawn, wich prevent bugged chests to stay on the map after a crash until you remove them manually
- use_players_locations_for_randomspawn, so that when you set a randomspawn for a chest, it will respawn around a random player instead of respawning around the location where the chest was created
- bungee_broadcast, under the "respawn-notify" section: it will send every respawn/take messages to all bungee servers, so that your players will run from your build server to your survival server to gather chests x)
Remember, new update can bring new bugs, if you find some, say me!
A 0-day bug that nobody reported before today

Corrected it
added /lc locate to /help
Added /lc locate, wich gives locations of all chests that haves the respawn-message enabled for natural respawn
Fixed copy menu not copying chest inventory
When the chest was broken, the take-message wasn't sent. Fixed.
I was adding 5 second to each chest respawn check to prevent bugs from functions that would take time to execute then prevent the chest from appearing. This 5s addition breaks timed event because, the chests respawns, for example, at 14h05:00, 15h05:05 16h05:10 etc. I removed this.
When the chest was placed under blocks, the falling block was stuck above these blocks, and wasn't removed. Fixed it.
Disabling hologram by setting name to "" or " " or "none" or "null" or "_" now works properly
Last version was using a function only avalable in paper 1.9+, so the plugin was crashing on paper 1.7-1.8. No problems for spigot
- When respawn time of a chest is disabled, the timer is no longer shown on hologram
- You can re-enable respawn time in the time menu by clicking again on the totem of undying
- When using paperspigot and disabling armor-stands-tick, armorstands won't have any gravity. That's sad because my plugin uses armor-stands for fall effect now^^
Well now, the plugin will detect if you have paper and if you have disabled armor-stands-tick. If you have, it will say it and switch to the old system. The old one doesn't support some blocks.
- the smoke particles and fireworks of fall effect where around the block instead of being at the top of it. It's fixed.
- When editing the command-respawn message in config with per-world message set to false, and doing /lc reload, the message wouldn't reload and was needing a complete /reload (or a restart if you don't like /reload) It is fixed.
- You can now show the chest timer on its hologram. This can be disabled, but it is enabled by default
- Fall effect was disabled by default for all new chests. It is fixed.
- When deleting a chest, you had to do a reload/restart to prevent the chest from spawning again, because the chest was still in memory.
- Added a config option to prevent chest spawning in worldguard, factions, towny, and residence protected place
BUT: this can lead to incompatibilities with some minecraft versions. If so, say it to me and set it to false until I correct it. I only tested it with worldguard, wich was the most shity.
- The chances description is REAAAALLY long, it was reported to me, and I saw it myself. We can now add new lines to this description. These that still use the old shity description will have an auto update of this description. To add new lines to this description lore, just put "||" Example: "line1 || line2"
- Some peoples still have problems with my plugin loading before their world, so now you can put a timer in the config before plugin starts
- There was a bug on some servers (could not reproduce it on mine) that spawned unlimited fireworks for fall effect in unloaded chunks
- Toggling buttons in main editing menu weren't working anymore, this is fixed
- The reload command now totally reload chests, so that if you've got an error due to worlds, just do a /lc reload, it will be fixed.
Reset time was not loaded properly from file, wich caused respawn of all chests each reload
Fall effect:
- has editable falling speed
- can now use any block (including chest)
- uses invisible armorstands, and has an option to stay on chest after falling
- has an option to disable fireworks
- are now coded as object
- are spawned asyncronously to prevent lag
Added /lc getname to get the name of targeted chest (github request)
Thanks to Lunatik93 to have found all the new bugs I made in the beta version (Or I hope so) You can check his (her? idk) server if u want: play.lunamc.fr
Thanks to Aless that always wants to make my code perfect and beautiful
I changed encoding of files and it broke color codes . It's fixed
1.14 support was broken in another update, I had written "1.4" in source code instead of 1.14, I fixed it!
When using explosive weapons with crackshot plugin, the chest was detected as deleted if it was in explosion range. But bazooka for example, doesn't destroy blocks: event is canceled, so that the chest is detected as deleted, but is not deleted. This is fixed, now the chest will stay the same, with holo and particles
I didn't say it, but the falling block in fall-effect is now editable.
I let debug messages in last update
Sometimes chest would spawn 2 times, that was weird^^
In the config, there's now a minimum number of players for spawning chests
(you can still use commands)
For 1.13, time menu wasn't working
Sometimes chests wouldn't spawn at all
1.12 compatibility was break in 1.9.14 I think. Someone reported it, it is fixed
when creating a chest, if you edit respawn time, you had to wait 10 minutes for first respawn before it start spawning at defined time. Fixed it by respawning chest after time edit.
When respawning a chest, the last respawn time wasn't saved correctly. That's done.
Removed com.google.gson library that was imported f for 1.7 compatibility. Now using static refereces. 6 lines of codes added, 100 files removed^^
Chests that hadn't random radius enabled where deleted as soon as they spawned. It's because of the fix from 1.9.14 that was deleting the chest.
Not blocks were appearing if a chest was spawned in unloaded chunk. If fact, the fall effect wasn't disabled in unloaded chunks, even if I thought it was. Now the note block bug should be totally fixed
When using /lc setpos, if the chest was destroyed by someone/something and didn't respawn yet, the command was throwing an error
When someone spawned one chest really fast two times, there was two chests and only the last spawned one was detected by the plugin: the first one was staying there with particles and hologram.
Fixed it by sheduling a task later for chest destruction (it is destroyed just after the last chest spawned).
The lines of /lc help are now registered as a string list in lang.yml. it means you can add lines to it or remove some, if you want.
- Added support to 1.7.10 HAHAHAHA, Particles are working but not holograms
- 1.8 now have particles support!!!
- You can enable/disable respawn-messages and chest-taking message for each chest directly in editing menu. Fall effect is here as well, even if there's already a command for it.
- In the chancing menu, you can shift-click and tab-click to edit chances faster
- I fucking love myself
- Help in console now works properly, create and edit command blocked in console
- 1.7.10 only version in zip file (without particules / hologram)
- You can now disable the message on chest taking
- You can now disable the random spawn by setting the radius to 0
- /lc togglefall comman didn't work properly
- There is now a message when a player takes a chest, it is located in lang.yml
- There is a per_world_message option in config.yml, in respawn_notify section. If true, messages on chest respawn / player taking chest will be sent only to the world the chest is in.
- The copy menu wasn't working if one of the chests was in an unloaded world
- When deleting a chest, if random location is enabled for that chest, it wasn't deleted
- When deleting a chest, the "fall" option was staying in data folder and corrupting it. this update should repair corrupted data files by correctly erasing deleted chests
- When changing the position of a chest, if it was in an unloaded world, there was an error.
2 lines were missing in config, so the plugin was adding them manually.
But when the plugin adds things manually, it removes comments in the config.
So this update only allows new users to still have the comments in the config
(they will lose the comments as soon as I add anything to it in a newer update)
If you updated the plugin before, you can copy the config provided on the lootChest plugin page to retrieve the comments, to know what the config things are doing
2 lines were missing in config, so the plugin was adding them manually.
But when the plugin adds things manually, it removes comments in the config.
So this update only allows new users to still have the comments in the config
(they will lose the comments as soon as I add anything to it in a newer update)
If you updated the plugin before, you can copy the config provided on the lootChest plugin page to retrieve the comments, to know what the config things are doing
fall effect message was wrong
- Fall effect is disabled in unloaded chunks to prevent lags
- Fall effect can be disabled separately for each chest (/lc togglefall <chest>)
- Fall effect height is editable, but for all chests
- Some permissions fixes (some commands where protected with the wrong perm)
- Fixed holograms not showing at all without fall effect (WHY NO ONE REPORTED THAT O_O)
LootChest was reloading a big amount of chests in some servers, and it was doing this every minute! Now, it is fixed.
- Chest respawning is sheduled as soon as it respawns and is no longer checked every minute
- Added /lc tp <chest>
- Fixed 1.15 random spawn that made holes in the map instead of making chests spawning correctly on the ground
- Discovered bugs about note blocks, not fixed
- Fixed /help not showing some commands
- Fixed auto-tab-completion not showing some commands
- Maybe added some bugs, I don't know x)
The chest looking towards north were registered as if they were to spawn towards another direction.
Maybe one day I'll remove 1.8 compatibility, IDK, there's not much more to add to my plugin, so I could just say peoples to use a specific version for 1.8
Changed a "if" condition to make if works on 1.15
Not any line of code added, I just removed the footstep particle from the particle menu for 1.15, as I did for 1.13 and 1.14. So I only added a word in a "if" condition. Too much easy, no fun. I hope you'll find some bugs x)
- Disable one hologram only by setting its name to " " or "null" or "_" is now working. It was broken some updates ago
Particles where broken due to a stupid modification, sorry
The copy menu can now have an infinite number of pages (I tested it with 3 pages) so that it doesn't throw errors.
An awesome fall effect was added, you can disable it in config
Removed redstone particle support, it didn't work well, sorry
There was a test message in the plugin from last update, I forgot it. It's fixed.
When you define a randomchest, when the random chest respawned naturally, the old position of the chest wasn't cleared, and then the old chest couldn't be removed correctly
- You could make the randomspawn command on an unexisting chest, and then create this chest and execute this command again, and the plugin would generate an hologram
- When there was 0 or 1 chest, the "all chests respawned" notification was spamming too much
Fixed bugs about respawn time: disabling it made the chest respaw instantly
- Added possibility to make a chest respawn randomly in a defined radius, with /lc randomspawn <name> <radius>
- The plugin checks every minute to see if chests have to respawn or not, depending of their respawn time. The check time can now be changed to anything else, it is in ticks
- New configurable message when all chests are respawned during the same check
- One spelling error corrected
- Error corrected when disabling respawn time
A bad "if" condition broke 1.8 holograms, it works now
When the config option PreventHopperPlacingUnderLootChest is set to true,
hoppers cannot:
- Be placed under lootchests
- Be pushed by pistons
This saddly doesn't protect from minecart with hopper
- Hologram damage event is now cancelled
- Particules and hologram are removed when chest is broken by explosion
Sorry, I written 1.13 instead of 1.11 in my compatibility module, so that broke 1.11 support
- Now putting the armorstand to a very little scale so it's harder to break
- It is also easyer to configure its height with that, and it's more compatible in multiple versions
- It appears that last update broke all the above versions, because I badly handed the material cross-version compatibility; It should work now
- Configuration and language files are no longer restored to their previous state after a reload, so that you can now configure my plugin correctly^^ sorry
- Fixed nullPointerException when clicking in an empty slot in chances inventory
- Fixed particles compatibility in 1.14, it could also have fixed many other things
I had to write many new lines to make it compatible in 1.14, but now it's done
- Fixed 1.8 compatibility
- Discovered that holograms doesn't works in 1.8, it needs more tests and I don't know from where it comes
- Added a config for hologram height
- Added some commands in the help that weren't visible
- console couldn't execute some commands
The give command asks for the remove permission if you don't have the give permission. fixed
- Added the command "/lc give <player> <chest>" so that you can create a kind of kits with chests, since essentials kits can't store nbt tags (my plugin does this)
The holograms are now unbreakable
The plugin now rengister chests direction
Last update wasn't working
Removed a bad return that led to not delete a chest after emptying it or after just open and close it
- A new option in config (config is updated automaticly as usual) allow you to remove chests after a player closes it even if it still contains items
- You can now change a chest's location with /lc setpos <chest>; this command has the permission lootchest.setpos or lootchest.admin, as said in the main plugin page.
lootchest commands now have tab completion
You can enable/disable/change the broadcast of each respawn type of chests in the config.
Semms like last update broke the respawn command. I just improved the code a little and it works fine now, (but this cast bug was still weird)
- You're now able to make a copy of another chest by creating a new chest then choose what chest you want to copy with the editing menu
- Little error handling for one particle
- Now using a little api for item compatibility
- Discovered a new bug due to empty chests
If you haven't the time to connect and there's a chest to respawn/remove, or if you want to do a /respawnAll at a defined time with another plugin, or I don't know what would you do with my plugin, you can know do commands via console (not creation or edit command, of course)
I changed some code to make it better and it broke 1.13 compatibility. That's fixed
Before this, as soon as you entered in the time menu, the time was set to 11 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, so that if you leaved the menu without changing anything, it would change the old time to that time. Now, the time menu is initialised by checking the current defined time, so that you can leave the time menu without risk of changing current time.
Fixed respawn/reloading command when chests are in an unknown world
Locations are now stored without spigot yaml api, no more bugs when loading them
Chests location update is automatic, you don't have to delete them or anything
You an now delete holograms by seting them to "" or " " or null.
When loading a chest in an unexisting world, lootchest printed an error in the console (that's normal) but the owner couldn't know what to do, and it prevented the plugin to work...
Now, it just deletes the chest that causes troubles.
Since a guy had a problem with an hologram that he couldn't remove...
Now, when the plugin checks if the chest should respawn, it also checks if there is still a chest here. If not, it removes particles and hologram (even if there's no particles of hologram).
It should solves the undying hologram problem within 30 seconds, since the plugin checks that every 30 seconds
Just fixed plugin.yml "version" line, to see the plugin version when you send me logs
Due to rewriting of chest respawning, respawn commands weren't working if the chest didn't met the required respawn time^^
The plugin is now compatible in 1.8, but without particles. The spigot particle api is only here since 1.9.
- If you edit an hologram, the only option for you to get the chest's name is to check the data file :O So let's make a list command^^
- The reload command also came
- The chest restoring was rewrited due to the reload command
- Remove chest when empty was not working properly in some cases (may still have bugs but don't think so)
- setholo command was forcing you to write a two words hologram, else the command just showed the help command.
As the last update, this one comes with an auto config updater, without data loss. (aw, just added config save on plugin disable, by writing this :/ sorry)
- The plugin is now compatible in 1.13!
- You can now disable particules/holograms
- You can now let empty chests just... empty, instead of removing them
Plugin was flooding console with errors that didn't prevent the plugin to work