The particle menu contains many stone, this is because I didn't kow what material to put for the given particle. If you have an idea to replace a stone by another material, TELL ME! <3
- 1.18 compatibility, and maybe 1.19 (Or I hope so,it would prevent users to wait for me to update it)
- Big particle rework: the menu can now have multiple pages, cause every version now has its own particles. In 1.7 you have like 30 particles or something, in 1.18 there's like 50 or 60 of it!
I changed the api used to spawn them:
and I developed my own enum class that list all of them and links them to a material (for the menu) and a version (the minecraft version of their creation
- Particles are now spawning async, maybe better performances on servers with many chests
- Reworked the way I look the server version in many functions. Could also improve performances, even if I'm not sure about it.